Thursday, March 31, 2011


Romans 1:20  "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

From creation's time, precious Father, when You made the heavens and the earth, all the sky, all the stars, sun and moon, it's immensity has confounded men.  I look into the sky during the day or during the night and can see no end to it.  Pictures have been sent back from space and there is no end, it goes on forever.  Galaxies and stars that would take light years to go to, but yet, shine that perfect light, that light that can be seen by human eye millions of miles away.  To those that look.  Like the Light shining from my Savior, Jesus Christ, He is there for all that would look for Him.  It is in the looking.  It is hurtful, Father, to know so many don't look, can't see the beauty of Your universe, of Your precious Son.

Planets, stars, the moons, the sun, all so dynamic in structure, solid, rocky, waters on most, dry on some, but all so majestic in time.  Then there is the delicate leaf, opening up from the limb of a tree or bush, so tiny and then growing, such a delicate pattern, enlarging as time passes from something so tiny to one like a oak leaf.  Delicate, different from all others.  Snowflakes, none alike, so fragile, easily broken, but sent down as a rain drop, through layers of cold to form this amazing flake.

A baby.  My friend is going to be a grandmother for the firsts time and went with her daughter to see the first sonogram.  She could not believe what she saw.  This tiny, tiny creature with arms and legs moving, little hands already formed, little feet.  Delicate structure but with such a strong heart beat.  I see You in all this my God.  Your strong heart beating in this child until it can hold it's own.  Your delicate nature there giving growth, giving life.  And it came from a seed planted.

I got to thinking about this seed, Father.  And how tiny seeds are planted, whether it be this child or seed to a tree, how You bring it from this stage to growth.  And how carefully tended, becomes full grown, from delicate to something so strong, so fertile, if properly nutured, with the right amount of rain (tears), sunshine (laughter), and pruning (love).  Just the right amount of the basic, necessary elements for growth. 

How You give to us, Lord, all the elements for our growth.  You give us strength to help us through life, You supply all our needs, some abundantly, some just enough, knowing to whom what should be given to compliment their growth; knowing some will need to work harder than others to realize what is important in life, that they would not be able to have abundance which might make them lazy and not complete the tasks for their growth in You.  You have such wisdom, Lord, if we could all yield to that wisdom, how joyous our lives would be.  You give forgiveness, my God, such forgiveness and grace, offered to all; there is no lack of this for anyone, no shorting one over the other, but all are offered equal forgiveness and grace.  All are extended the same from the precious sacrifice of Jesus, dying for our salvation and forgiveness of sins; no one is excluded from this.  Only needing to ask, it is given freely.  But it is in the asking, so many fall the heartfelt repentance, a true desire to cast off the old man to be born again, become washed in the blood of the Lamb.  Then, Lord, there is Your unconditional love, mercy and grace, that gives life even to the most undeserving child, that we all are, undeserving of any of this, and yet, it is given, given so we might have everlasting life in You.  And if that was not enough, you place the most delicate Person of the Trinity within us, the Holy Spirit, to live and dwell amongst us, guiding us, drawing us to You, comforting us, showing us the way to Your heart.
From a seed....

From the universe, so immense, to a seed, so delicate, You created all.  You formed massive galaxies and all that went into them, so huge in size we cannot comprehend them.  And then You delicately formed the seed that begins life for just about everything on this earth.  There is nothing You did not see to.  I am in awe, my Lord, at the immensity of what You have done, and the delicate way it was done.  There is no end to the mysteries of my God, and You have just begun to show them to me in ways I can understand, and try to write about them.

I am overwhelmed in what You show me, Father, in what You are doing to me and in me.  I love the time You spend showing me the thing of Your heart, of Your world that we are priviledged to be a small part of.  Priviledged to be called children of God.  Children that You love so much; there is nothing You will not accomplish on our behalf if we come to You and ask, ask with love and reverence acknowledging that You, our Most High God, are the Creator of All, and know that there is no end to the attributes of our Holy God.

This night, Father, the last day of this month, the 31st day of March, 2011, I stand in awe, full of love and adoration, for the delicate, immensity of my God.

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