Genesis 1:14-19 "And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so. God made two great lights - the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning - the fourth day."
I can see you forming the sun and the moon. Onc large, formed with Your hands. I can see You lifting it up in Your hands, looking at it, seeing that it was the right size, then blowing a breath of fire into it to make it so hot that it's warmth would reach everywhere that it's light would go; and then You let it go, floating out into the expanse of sky in its own track to travel around the earth You made. Then You took and fashioned another ball-like shape, smaller than before, and blowing a cool wind across it to give it a cooling effect so that when it would reflect the sun it would not absorb it's heat. You let it go across the expanse also to travel around the earth. Sun and moon, set in time according to Your plan.
Then I can see Your eyes twinkle as you made small shapes, all different is size and shape, and as You gave them a twinkle from Your eyes, You set them into the expansion of the sky, just in the right places to gather light from the sun so they would light up the sky. They were so beautiful, You fashioned more and sent them out to join the others until the sky was full of beautiful twinkling lights, glowing above the earth. I know You were so pleased with the effect, and I know You are pleased now when You see how we enjoy the beauty of Your sky at night. The wonder of it, so magic it is, little lights twinkling at us. As children we would say "Star light, star bright, let the wish I make come true tonight". And we would wish for such silly things as children. Never giving thought to the wondrous creation of it all, how You fashioned each one by hand and put them there to give light, beauty, enjoyment.
Light. There is that wonderful word again, my Lord. And that word, separate. Two words that would reign victorious down through from the beginning of creation to my present day. You representing light, the Light You sent in Your Son, to bring us to You, to show us Your ways, Father. And then placing that Light inside us, Your Holy Spirit, to make us the Light to show others the way to You. Standing before You, separate, that other beautiful word, separate from the world, from worldly ways. We cannot be of You and of the world, we can only be of one. No double mindness, we must be singularly in You, only You to be a true Light to the world. A fire, like the one You blew into the sun to produce a warming effect, You put this fire into our spirits, our souls. A fire that would burn inside us with love for You, my God. A fire that would not extinguish when the enemy would try to douse our spirits with his contempteous nature, but a fire that would burn even deeper. So deep to cause us to want to spread Your precious love and redemption message to those around us, causing them to see Your creation that is in them, Your creation plan for their life. To set their hearts on fire for You also.
My God, how beautiful Your giving to me of the creation is, so beautiful when I realize that every detail of the creation thus far has given me insight to more than just what it appears to the eye. It always from the beginning, had a spiritual meaning to every detail, each step You took in the formation of creation. You are beautiful my Lord, so beautiful to me.
You, my Lord, are the Light of my life; the separating of the world from me causing me to be Yours alone, to worship only You, to give You all of my love. I love You so much, my God. Your love lights up my heart, my soul, my life. From Day Four, You gave light, You gave warmth, You gave night, day. It was evening, it was morning, it was Day Four......light reflecting my love to You, El Olam, this third day of March, 2011.
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