Sunday, March 6, 2011


Genesis 2:2  "By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work.  And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done."

Six days, Lord.  Day after day, You labored and created the earth and all that is in it.  You created the heavenly bodies of the sky, and You created Heaven, Your home.  I can imagine how tired You must have been.  Of course, there is no word on what You did before the creation but I can imagine that You had labored endlessly thinking and planning how all this would work, just the order in which to do things, how things would look.  Yes, before all was put into place, You knew just how it would be, how things would turn out.  I don't believe You leave anything undone, and I am sure the details of creation were thought out with the end result just like You planned. 

You are a wondrous God, a God that knows each detail of our lives, from before birth to the end of our days here on earth.  Nothing left out, nothing deleted, everything known by You.  Each life here, all life is planned also by You, in the way You planned creation.  You planned my life, Lord before I was born. I am wondering, knowing Your plan was perfect, like so many others, what went through Your mind when I stepped out of the plan.  When my choice was not the one I should have made.  When things that happened in my youth, as a small child, changed the direction I was going. Or was that in the plan?  Was that part of the shaping of who I am today?  Did I just think I, by not following You as I should have, changed the road I was to travel.  I know You know everything in my life that will happen before it happens.  I am seeing, just now, this minute, that it was all in the plan.  Those things that happened to me, some I cannot remember details of, just having glimpses into the past for it, and those things I can remember. You knew this would be.  This day, I cannot say I am upset over it, as I can see now why those things happened.  I can see those things being used now by You to minister to others.  I can see how strong a person You have made me in You, strength I would not have had, had I not walked the path I did.  Wow.  What a revelation, Father.  Each detail, carefully planned, to give me love for others, the compassion I feel for those in situations I was once in, the words to encourage them, to comfort them. I can see why You have never revealed this to me before.  I would have probably thougth You did not love me to let me go through those things.  But I see how much You loved me, so loved me. 

You let me go through things, bringing me through them, allowing me to see You hand at work in my life, each time. Always showing me, always telling me, "Here I am, I am here with you. Give me your hand, I will lead you", and gently leading me out of each problem, each hurt, each heartache.  Never leaving me. Never not loving me, always loving me.  You held me each time I made mistakes, each time I thought I was not with You, each time I felt alone, You were there.  Holding me when I did not even know I was being held.  Never letting me fall to the point where I could not get up with Your hand reaching to me. Always wooing me, drawing me back to You, stronger and wiser, thankful and loving You so much. 

This Lord, is so not going where I had envisioned it.  Rest.  I thought we would be talking about Your rest after creation, instead You are showing me where I have rested all my life.  I have rested in You, always in You.  You have been drawing me onto Your lap as I would recover from each pitfall of my life, the pitfalls You knew would be there from the beginning of my life, because You had a plan.  A plan that was orchestrated just for my life.  A life once played through for so many years that would bring me to just this point in my life.....totally Yours...totally commited to You, totally in love with You.

I don't know what to say, my God.  I have known one day You would show me more, but this is not what I thought it would be.  All I know is that I am glad that You know what the rest of my life will be, and I am glad I am totally in You for this part of it.  I also know some of what my life will be now, for even I can see some of it.  I can see that I will always be totally in love with You, I know I will worship You for the rest of my days with my whole heart, my will, always, will be given over to You, to Your will for the rest of my life.  I commit myself over to You, my Lord, no reservations, no second thoughts, no regrets, only joy.  I want to walk in Your Light, only Your Light, all the rest of my days.  I want Your presence more than breath, for in Your presence is where I find true rest.

True rest that is only found in Your presence.  I love knowing that You delight in me, Your child.  I love that You share rest with me, that perfect, quiet rest.  The rest that You gave Yourself, on that Holy Seventh Day.  It was made holy because You rested.  And You share that holy day of rest with me, Your beloved.

Lord, the creation took six days and was finished.  Your creation in me, I don't feel You are finished yet.  I feel there is a little more shaping and molding till You have me just like You want me to be.  I yield myself, Father, to Your loving hands to do with me as You will.  I love You my God. I worship You, and will worship You continually. I will shout Your name and Your love from the top of my voice so that there is no doubt ever that I am totally Yours.  Always Yours, always loving You. 

This 6th day of March, 2011, I have found perfect rest in my Father who has planned this life of mine to His glory.  All to His glory and I rejoice in Him.

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