Isaiah 25:8 "The Sovereign lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth. The Lord has spoken."
I have yet to begin and I can feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes, as I know what my spirit is getting for this night. Father, You are so wonderful to me, to all Your children. I don't know how to express my love for You, other than the ways I have, and they seem so inadequate for what You have done for me.
Just Your forgiveness for the things I have done; my life being so filthy in areas I wish I could forget, wish I could wipe off my memory. But now You, in Your Word, are telling me that You will remove all the disgrace I have felt from all the earth. I am feeling that all the earth also means my is part of the earth. Is it possible Father, that you can remove it all from my memory the things that tend to bring me so low, the remembrance of them which causes me to hang my head. Is it possible? I know You remember them not, as one night when I was asking forgiveness, once again, You said to me "I don't know what you are talking about". You don't remember our disgraces as You have put them as far from You as far can be. But they remain with me, but now I am feeling you will remove them from me. I know You have done many miracles in my life and I do not doubt you can and will do this. You are so kind and merciful to me.
Father, You have told me to walk with my head held high as I am Your beloved. You have chosen me to represent You, my God, wherever I am. I am Your child, You love me and You have set me aside from the world to show Your love and kindness to others. To be a walking example of Your love. You chose me and I can think of nothing else I want to do than live my life for You. I want to do whatever You have for me to do. I will walk in Your Light, I will show that Light to all You bring my way.
So I will walk in Your Spirit, from day to night, letting You guide me, showing me Your ways, loving each moment spent in Your presence. How I love Your presence Lord, such sweet moments I spend there. I only want to stay in Your presence. You are so Holy, my God. I love You so. I come before You with all my worship, with my heart open to You. Seek out all the places in my heart, Lord, and if there is anything there You find not worthy of me, not worthy of Your dwelling place, please show me so it can be gone. I want nothing of the old filthy ragmuffin I use to be in there. I want a spotless, beautiful heart for You to dwell in, my Lord. You alone, Your Word, Your Spirit, all I want in my heart.
And so You have wiped the slate clean. You have restored me to beauty and righteousness in Yourself. You are drawing from the well of Your joy and Your glory and pouring it all over me from head to foot, giving me new life in You each day, refreshing me each morning with Your presence as You give me encouragement, Your strength, knowing I will need it for what You already know lays ahead of me. You hold me to Your heart and kiss my brow and gently push me forward, telling me to "Lift up your head, You are my beloved and I am proud of you".
This 24th day of March, 2011, I am living proof of Your redemption, forgiveness and grace. I love You, my Father, I will worship You all my life.
This was difficult to a good way, not know what I am typing! Keep it up my friend as you help others, because that and helping yourself grow closer and closer to the Father, Son... and continually to be guided by the Holy Spirit is what it is all about. May God bless you and reveal His love for you now and always. Beck