Philippians 2: 9-10 "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth."
The sweet name of Jesus. Do you say it often. Have you sang His Name, just His beautiful Name; Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. There is a gentle, soft melody, a sweetness unlike any other name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. How that beautiful Name flows out of your mouth, making its own melody without any music except the sound of His Name.
This morning during praise and worship, as we were there singing, I began to sing the name of Jesus, over and over again. I could not seem to stop. The more I sang His wonderful Name, the sweeter, more melodious it became. Just His Name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Finally I believe some others were singing that wonderful Name, but it was hard to tell, I was singing so loud; I was so caught up in the melody of His Name. And then He came. His presence flooded all around me. He wanted to know who was drawing the sweetness out of His name. And because His presence was so real, the next song we sang, had the chorus "His Name is Jesus" and I have never heard worship in that sanctuary like that. All God's people were worshiping the sweet name of Jesus. I feel they heard the music in His name, heard the melody coming forth each time they said His beautiful name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...there is something about that Name; kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but there is something about that name.
That melodious Name, even when whispered, will bring peace to a weary soul. That wonderful Name, the precious Name of Jesus, will bring salvation to the lost, to those who are searching for a Savior. His Name is so sweet, His love pours out upon all those that say that beautiful name with love in their hearts, with thanks on their lips, with peace in their soul. Where can you go that you cannot call down His presence when you whisper His name in reverence, in love, in worship.
Jesus loves music. I believe the very name of Jesus carries notes to heaven with it. I can see in my spirit when I say the name of Jesus that music notes go up with His Name to heaven. Musical notes that just dance along, all around the letters of His Name. Close your eyes, can't you see the melody His Name carries. No other name is so sweet, no other name has such melody. His Name inspires even the tiredest of God's children to lift their voices in worship and song to His Name. Singing from their hearts new songs to Jesus, our wonderful Savior. New songs inspired by that sweet, sweet Name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
I love You so Jesus. I love everything about You. I weep when I see so many take Your name in vain. If they only knew what they were doing. I ask Your mercy Father. I pray they will come to know my Jesus as their Savior and then, only then, will they realize how they mis-said that beautiful Name.
I will worship You, Jesus, with everything that is in me. I will let that wonderful melody of the name of Jesus come from me in new songs made just for You from my heart. There is no other Name so revered in my heart, only the precious name of Jesus. The melody coming from Your Name, brings joy and peace to my soul. That sweet melody. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.....
This 27th day of March, 2011, I am singing the most precious melody on earth, the Name of Jesus, the Name I love more than any other, the Lord I worship with all of my mind, heart, soul; the name I worship always, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Pat, I don't know if you got my earlier comment or not because I tried AGAIN to upload a photo, but to no avail! Love you!...and your pen, Pat!