Psalm 12:6 (Message) "God's words are pure words, Pure silver words refined seven times. In the fires of his word kiln, pure of earth as well as in heaven."
Father, Your Word is true. There is not a word in Your Holy Bible that is left for doubt. And yet, there are people trying to explain what You must have meant. For surely You did not mean so many of the things written there. How foolish men are. The most ignorant of men they are Father, as they lead so many astray, so many from knowing Your Word, knowing You. Keeping them from salvation, eternity with You.
Your precious Word, as pure as silver, refined through fire, given down through the ages from the prophets, from the disciples, from Your inspiration to them, to us. Needing for us to understand the depths of Your love, You gave instruction for our lives. You gave the necessary words that would guide us through the valleys, worship and praise You on Your holy mountain. Words that would shield us from harm, perfect solutions to keep us from sin, from falling into the snares of the enemy. You described how the enemy would tempt us, attack us, wishing that we would fall into the depths of darkness, lost from You forever; words that were to redeem us, give us a means of escape, of return to you in restoration. The precious words of our Savior, the perfect example of a sinless life, Your Son. Your Son, that You sent down to teach, love and then die for us, taking our sin, becoming the last sacrifice needed to bring salvation to Your children. Perfect, refined, beautiful Word of God.
And some declare it to be just a good book; some want to explain it away. But it is impossible. It is still the most read book in the world, the most beloved book in the world. People have died because they had the Book in their possession, others are not allowed to have it and have, perhaps a few pages, or maybe one page of the Bible that they treasure, as it is Your words, Your precious words.
How many have dust gathering on this beautiful Book. How many only pick it up to read it if they are in a waiting room somewhere, or perhaps a hotel room, and there is nothing on TV. This is a good thing, Lord, if they just pick it up and read some, even out of boredom, as Your Word does not return void. It will sink into their spirits, unbeknown to them. These very words that may come back to them in a life and death situation, when they will know then on whom to call.
Father, I love Your Word. It is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. It is a guide for my days. It is comfort for my nights. It is love to my heart and peace to my soul. There is no other book that I care to read. I use to read a lot of books gotten from the library, but I don't even bother anymore as the last ones I got months ago, sat around not read until it was time to return them. They don't hold any interest for me as there is no depth, no meaning, no love contained in them. Your Word holds all my attention, You light up passages that delight my heart, give me so much joy seeing how much You love me. Thank You, Lord, for loving me so much that You would make sure I had a guide, Your Holy Word, to lead me as I read, to share Your love with me when lonely, and to give me sheer joy. Thank You, Father.
Tonight, my God, as I read Your Word, my room becomes full of Your presence. I love Your presence, I love to be near You, I love to feel Your touch on me, Your love pouring into me, filling me with Your warmth. I am overcome with joy, with happiness. This 11th day of March, 2011, I worship You with my voice, my heart, my all.
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