Sunday, March 20, 2011


John 6:45  (Message) "This is what the prophets meant when they wrote, "And then they will be personally taught by God.  Anyone who has spent any time at all listening to the Father, really listening and therefore learning, comes to me to be taught see it with his own eyes, hear it with his own ears, from me, since I have it firsthand from the Father."
The Lord told me that reading His Word is as feasting at the stream of living waters.  It is life to our soul, ointment to the body and contentment to the heart.  The living water of His Word, our Holy Bible, where He has placed all the necessary ingredients for a rich, spirit filled life in Him.  There are the laws, without such we could never see the Kingdom of Heaven, as we could never fully understand God's perfect love for us.  There is Psalms, beautiful, poetry filled words of deliverance and encouragement.  The Psalms, teachings on the way to worship the Lord with all your heart, with everything within you, without reservation, freely worshiping.  The beautiful Psalms.  The Old Testament Prophets, sharing warnings and deliverance from the Lord.  Then our beautiful lessons on the birth of our Savior, His life, death, and victory over the grave.  The years here on earth as He taught the lessons so needed for our life, for our walk with the Lord.

A wonderful foundation, necessary and important for our life.  After my wonderful God taught me to worship Him, He than began to show me more of Himself, more of what He wanted to do with me, what He wanted me to do for Him.  I want to tell you these are exciting nights for me, as I love the presence of the Lord.  He has gotten where He speaks to me so much; you see, He knows I am listening constantly for His voice, for His words.  I want so to hear from him that I always listen for Him.  This morning in church is where He spoke to me of His teaching me, of His sharing with me those precious thoughts of His, His plans for me.  A sort of Cliff note, perhaps, of His Word.  Straight teaching from Him, causing His Word to come alive with understanding.

Father, You are so holy, so worthy of all glory and honor.  Everything I do, I do to honor You.  Jesus told us, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me".  He also said that anyone who speaks on his own does so to honor himself, but he who works for the honor of the One who sent him is a man of truth.   (From John 7:17-18)  Everything taught me is for the glory of my Father in Heaven.  My God, to whom all praise is due, all worship is His alone. 

I have been taught that to speak in the Name of my Lord, honoring Him above all others, is far more desirable than anything done for myself.  I am nothing without my Lord. I have been taught how to listen to others, taking in the truth behind what they say, and then listen to the Lord for the right words to address the real problem, not what seems to be just surface talk.  He gives me insight into things of His spirit through the Holy Spirit within me.  He teaches me so much at a time, not wanting to overwhelm, but it is speeding up now; I feel time is growing short, so much to accomplish for Him.

My Lord is a wonderful teacher.  Never rushes You, makes sure You have the lesson right before going on.  He gives instruction how to listen, how to apply, everything needed to process the teachings.  I am so blessed by my Teacher.  What a mighty God I serve.  Loving, patient, kind.  School was never like this.  He doesn't allow me to fall behind, but helps me to keep up with what He tells me.  Makes sure I understand fully what He is telling me.

Today, my Father, You have taught me again, what trust I can put in You.  You handle all circumstances involving me, from the slightest to the most difficult.  You see to it that I have just the right words, You check my attitude to make sure I walk humbly, not proud, but meekly in Your ways.  I don't mean meekly in the sense of being scared or timid, but meekly as to putting others before myself, lifting up the name of my Lord so all will see Him living in me, so they may see His Light shining from me.  This is the way of my God.

Precious Lord, I love You so much. You never fail me, You will never leave me.  I will love you forever, with all my heart, all my soul.  I will worship You day and night, as it is what I do.  I am so in love with You.  I will follow You Lord to my new working grounds when You finish preparing it for me.  You prepare a home for me in the midst of my enemies; then as You bring me to it, You make the enemy hearts turn toward me in friendship.  You are indeed an awesome God.

Take from me Father, this love I hold for You, this love that I give freely to the King of Kings, Lord of Glory, my Lord and Savior, my best friend.  This 20th day of March, 2011, I am loving You and thanking You for being my teacher, my magnificent teacher.

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