Wednesday, March 2, 2011


-Genesis 1:9-13 (Message)  "God spoke: "Separate! Water-beneath-Heaven, gather in one place; Land, appear!"  And there it was. God named the land Earth.  He named the pooled water Ocean. God saw that it was good.  God spoke: "Earth, green up! Grow all varieties of seed-bearing plants, Every sort of fruit-bearing tree." And there it was.  Earth produced green seed-bearing plants, all varieties, and fruit-bearing trees of all sorts.  God saw that it was good.  It was evening, it was morning --Day Three."

My Lord, what a day this was.  So much took place on this day.  Land appearing out of the water.  I can see you pressing Your hand in the dry land to make it strong, and as Your hand pushed into the surface, it caused the earth to push up in places, causing hills and mountains to form; high land and low land, peaks and valleys.

Peaks and valleys similiar to the lives we would live.  Highs and lows.  You, my God, waiting patiently for us to see Your plan, that we should trust You, not fear, not worry, but to stay high on the mountain with You.  But You would hold us even closer as we would walk through the valleys of disappointment, heartaches, and grief that would seize our hearts, burden our souls.  You were showing us no matter how strong, how weak we were, You would never leave us, You would lend Your strength to shore us up in bad, hard times. Pouring Your love over us to give us hope, encouraging us through setbacks.  You have been waiting for the day that completed faith in You would overtake our hearts, our minds, our souls when we would never doubt you again. 

Plants - trees, You made life on the earth.  Breathing, living plants, soaking up Your breath as You spoke them into being.  Seed bearing plants, fruit producing trees.  Sturdy plants, strong trees that You would liken to Your faithful one day.  As You would plant seeds of faith, seeds of knowledge and wisdom into hearts and souls, our faith growing, producing fruit that would reflect Your attributes, Your nature; Your love - Your kindness, mercy.  Seeds of faith and fruit producing works to further Your kingdom plans.  All working for our good in You, Lord.

Another day, Earth, Ocean, Plants, Trees.  A place for us to develop in You, my God, seed bearing, spreading Your Word, Your love; fruit producing, as You developed the fruit of the Spirit in us, growing us in You, and solid ground on which to stand in You, our Creator of Day Three.

Thank You my Lord, for sharing Creation Day Three with me.  I love Your creations Lord, everything Your hands have made cause my heart to sing with joy unto thee.  You are my God, my beautiful Father.  I love You, I love You, I love You.  Singing worship and praise to You from my heart. I celebrate Your creation of Day Three, this 2nd day of March, 2011.

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