Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Psalm 111:1 (Message)  "Hallelujah!  I give thanks to God with everything I've got...Wherever good people gather, and in the congregation."

Class Action, must people would assume, would be about a law suit in which a large group of people collectively bring a claim to court.  But I want to draw your attention to another way this might be used.  As I saw it...

I want to bring about a class action worship to our Lord.  I want to stir up the people of God into a frenzy, a great excitement if you will, a complete idolic worship to God, our Father, just for the personage He is - Redeemer, Provider, Healer, Master, the Wonderful Great I Am!  I don't want to leave anyone out.  Everyone can be included...there are only a few special requirements.

All participants must have only one thing on their minds - to worship the Lord together, corporately with the other children of God.  There will be no first and no last; all will come together as one body of worshipers.  No head, no tail, one collective heart.

This heart must be void of unforgiveness, unbelief.  The heart must be pure in the Lord's eyes, thoroughly cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.  A heart that is full of love for our precious Lord.

The souls of all must have a passionate longing inside - desiring nothing more than to worship God with all their whole being.

The body must be spiritually fit, having been strengthened by the Lord, ready for battle, armed with the sword of the Word.  There is always a battle raging in the spiritual world when people come together to worship God.

And they must be willing - they must be willing to continue worship to our God until His presence is surrounding the entire group of class action participants.  We want to draw His attention with our worship until He has to stop everything and come down to us...to walk among us; touching, loving, healing, meeting every need; allowing us to bask in His beautiful presence until we can do nothing but fall at His feet in pure worship - pure adoration.

There is no need to say that you will not be able to leave before we are done as no one will able to move under the heaviness of His presence, nor will anyone want to go.  No one will want to leave His beautiful, lovely presence.  There will be such worship, our God will not want to leave us; mouths full of new heartfelt songs floating in the air, giving out such a beautiful incense; the Lord will breathe it in and release soft breaths of fragrant blessings flowing to each heart - to each soul.  Such peace that has never been known.

Then He will leave.  The Lord will slowly leave, but not before giving to each class action participant a gentle kiss, and leaving each one with a hunger to keep worshiping, to keep drawing His presence to themselves, even alone, on a daily basis.

I am spent my Lord.  I cannot tell You how I long for this to be a reality as my spirit has just returned from this moment in time, in the future, that You have allowed me to envision, when so many of Your children join in a class action, a spiritual class action to draw You into our presence wanting nothing more than to love You and worship You.  My heart feels so restored, I have been touched by my God.  I have been in the presence of my Lord.  I have been under Your annointing at Your feet where I beheld Your beauty and tender love.  My soul has soared to heights of joy and wonder as our worship went up to the heavens to draw You down and gently softened to encapture You in our love.  Holding You close, refusing to let You go for what seemed so long, but not long enough.

Thank you Lord for showing me what it can be, what it should always be like...the glory of  Your presence.

This 29th day of March, 2011, I am spiritually still at Your feet, not wanting to leave as I am humbled,  by Your presence.

1 comment:

  1. Never disappointed in your Pen, Pat. I know, this is getting old? I'll try to do better, but that comes with "fan" territory...autographs and all that stuff. Maybe you could hire me as your agent? Yea, that's the ticket!
