Friday, March 4, 2011


Genesis 1:20-23  "And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.  And God saw that it was good.  God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth."  And there was evening, and there was morning - the fifth day."

Living creatures in the water, birds across the sky.  What joy that must have given you, Lord, to make life, to fill the water with large and small beings, swimming. Great creatures, like whales, sharks, large and small fish, every living creature that lives in water.  And the birds, all kinds, to fly and fill the skies.  And it was good.  You saw it was good and You were pleased with Your creations, Lord.

Be fruitful.  Those words even back at the beginning of creation held such importance to life.  Be fruitful, make every moment count.  Do not waste time on things that are not going to glorify the Lord.  What makes your life meaningful if you are not fruitful.  Every moments breath should be breathed in an effort to live life to its fullest, the fullest that the Lord has planned for you.  Your words should be producing fruit coming from your spirit to others.  Blessing others, encouraging others, fruitful messages to lift one's spirit and worship God.  There is no time to be spent on the discouraging ways of man; giving way to depression and oppression.  If you are around people that are constantly badgering you with negativity, cease your time with them.  You can pray for them, but find friends that are fruitful in the spirit, that bring life to those around them, always praising God and lifting others up to the Lord.  People that are cheerful and full of God, that spend their time encouraging and loving their friends.  Ask the Lord, He will lead you to them.

Increase in number.  As you walk with the Lord, becoming more fruitful each day as you read His Word, gain wisdom from Him and revelation, use these things to increase the number of the Lord's kingdom.  Increase means sharing the Lord with others, so they also may find their life in God.  So they might come to know the Savior, Jesus, and be brought to salvation through Him, through His love.  Increasing the kingdom with children that have returned to the Lord by the fruit you bear. 

Father, I ask my increase to be in You.  Lord, I ask that you increase my wisdom, my knowledge of Your Word, Your ways.  I want to know more of You, Father.  I want to increase my worship to You, loving You with all that I am.  I want to be fruitful, leaning on You, Lord, to learn from Your heart the things that You would have me do for You.  I want to be Your willing vessel to pour into so that You may pour out of me to others.  Yours alone, my God.  I want Your words flowing from my mouth, Your love coming from my heart and I want pure worship coming from my soul back to You.  Use me Lord, make me fruitful and let me increase; only for You, only for Your kingdom.

My God, how I love You.  You have shown me creation in such a different manner.  My heart overflows with joy at the words You have given me about Your beautiful creation.  I worship You my Lord, this night, I give you all my love.  You are so worthy Lord of all praise, all honor, all glory.  On this 4th night of March, 2011, Lord, let me increase, make me fruitful, make me totally Yours.

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