Friday, March 18, 2011


Isaiah 26:8-9  (Message)  "We're in no hurry, God.  We're content to linger in the path sign-posted with Your decisions.  Who You are and what You've done are all we'll every want.  Through the night my soul longs for You.  Deep from within me my spirit reaches out to You."

I am so weary, Father, but it is a wonderful weary. Thank You, my Lord, for blessing me today with good sales, and tomorrow is another day to sale.  You, once again, have blessed me abundantly. The weather was perfect...You do everything right Lord.  There is never any doubt for me where You are concerned.

You decide the path for me and there is nothing on that path but blessings.  Everything You touch concerning me puts more joy inside me that I can explain.  Such joy, only coming from You, is like none other.  Thank You for sending the help this morning, Father.  You do see to everything. And You sent dinner tonight. You are so awesome.  I just want to spend this night worshiping and thanking You for Your goodness, Your love.  Never could I have imagined my walk with You would be so wonderful, so blessed, so beautiful.  What You have done in me, with me, is amazing.  Well, it is to me.  I know You do the same for Your other children that love You so much.  I believe their are conditions to blessings.  I know Your love is unconditional, but I feel that the blessings flow greater when Your children give back to You that love, when You are loved and worshiped. I feel You want to shower Your blessings abundantly upon the children that hold You in such love, such wonder.

Today, my God, this day, as You blessed me, You lifted me out of myself.  I played worship music until it needed charging.  I cannot live without worshiping You. Then I worshiped in spirit, loving every moment of giving to You.  Giving to You is what I want to do, loving on You, worshiping You;  You deserve all this and more, my Lord.  So much more.

What will tomorrow hold.  I have learned that when You are put first in my life, it holds all the promises of Your Word.  There is no holding back with You, You just put everything out there for me.  Every good and perfect thing, You have them waiting for me.  I find beauty in every day, from sun up, or cloudy, to the end of the day, as I know You have made it special for me.  I use to not notice everything like I do now.  I see joy is each childs face, there is beauty in the song of the birds, there is softness of the breeze, fresh, cooling breeze.  I love the way the clouds wisp across the sky, some shapes, some not, but I see You blowing them with Your breath to move them to and fro.  Everywhere I look, my God, I see You.  I see You in it all. 

Your presence, being with me; I cannot live without Your presence, it is life to me, my very breath.  I love to be in Your presence.  I was telling my friend, You know her well also, how You and I just talk.  It is not like prayer all the time, but more like, well, just talking.  I tell You everything and You hold on to my words and pour them back to me giving me guidance, direction, tender words that let me know how much You love me.  I love visiting with You, yes, I know, I do it all day long. But You have to admit, You love it when I visit with You constantly.  Giving You my worship, declaring my love for You, letting You know how important You are to me.  And You know  my heart, You know this is true.

This night, the 18th day of March, wonderfully weary I am.  So tired, but so blessed.  So thankful to You, so ever in love with You.

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