John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
I am wondering Lord, why people seem to make the message so difficult. The way I understand it, You don't put so many rules on us and a lot of difficulties to learning the truth. The truth in Your Word is revealed to those that long for You and desire to follow You above all else. To these You expose the truth of Your Word. You have shown me so much in the Word that I never saw before. I understand the whys now, it was because my heart was not solely Yours. And now, now that I love You more than my life, You are showing me the secrets hidden inbetween the passages. And that, that truth is available to all. It is not meant just for me, but for all that seek You in truth and spirit.
You have made it easy for Your children to come to You. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. That is basically it. Jesus, my precious Savior, gave His life to open the door to Your heart for Your children. A straight, forward path of redemption for sinners to come to Your throne room, to have a relationship with You. Opening the doors to Your children, Jesus left the Comforter, the Holy Spirit behind when He left earth. He knew we would need to have the closeness of You with us, to guide us, to show us the way to Your heart. The precious Holy Spirit, knowing what pleases You, teaches, guides, and draws out of us the sweetest praise to offer up to You, our wonderful Lord. Sweet offerings of worship meant only for Your ears, just to let You know how much You are loved.
Why is it so many out there "preaching" the word want to make it sound like it is so hard to come to You. A simple, heartfelt, honest, "Father, forgive me". A knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus, our Savior. That's it. Salvation that will bring about a change in the life of the sinner, giving him the mercy and grace You extend to all Your children that love You and live their lives for you.
Lord, I am not sure about this word. I began to erase it all and begin again, but I am feeling like if I do, it will play into the enemy's hands. I am certain he does not want people to know how easy You have made the access to Your throne room, to Your forgiveness. You want Your children to come to You, not in doubt, not is question as to its reality, but in simple faith that You love them unconditionally, Jesus, Your Son, died to redeem them from their sins and they can be washed as white as snow if only, simply put, only believe in Him. So we are doing this, it will be put out there. I feel there will be someone that needs a very simple message from You, my Father. A little message that will not take education to understand, but only a repentive heart that is seeking true love, the love that can come from only You. No questions, no reprimands, no beating down, just "I forgive you and I love you". Your message to the world. A message that has to get out, simple and pure, from Your heart to them.
Well, once again, Lord, this started in one way and has ended just the way You wanted it to. You are showing me between the lines again in Your Word that we are to keep Your message of love and redemption simple, for all to understand from the youngest to the oldest. The message that will change lives and return them to the Father that has been waiting for them, loving and kind. I will deliver Your message, my Lord, I will do Your bidding. Your simple message so sweet and loving, from a Father that has the desire that none of His children perish, that all come to You.
Precious Jesus, how I love You. Your love has set me free, free to be one with the Father. Your presence makes me complete. It makes me whole, nothing lacking, filled with Your love. I look for the day when You return for Your Bride, I am waiting Lord. And while I wait, I will spread Your message. This 26th day of March, 2011, I am waiting, loving You only, worshiping You with my whole heart.
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