Genesis 1:24, 26 "And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the sea, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
This amazes me, Lord. When You speak, it is so. You spoke living creatures and it was so. The Word said that You said, "let the land produce living creatures" and the livestock, wild animals, creatures that moved on the ground were so. I can picture you forming each kind of animal, tame and wild, snakes, all forms of ground animals. I was trying to figure out how much time this must have taken to all have been accomplished in one day, but Your days are not as You made ours. I believe Your day began when You said it did and ended the same way. I believe it is still that way today. The organized days and nights we are subject under, and then Your days and nights. You have stopped time before and I feel as You were placing all the animals and creatures You made, the day was as long as it took to finish them. I can feel You wanting to complete them all before You took Your rest. Finish the job at hand. Giving instruction to us to complete the work that You set before us. To finish what we start; when You give us an assignment in the kingdom, You want us to go to the very completed stage of it before rest. There may be delays as we have to wait for more instruction, or forbid it Father, that we get ahead of You, but You will make sure if You tell us to do something, it will be completed. It may take several days, and we will sleep at night, but to finish before we rest, before our spirits rest in You for a job well done with Your strength, Your power.
Then, my God, when the animals, creatures were finished, You looked around and saw that it was good. But there was more. You saw the plants and trees reproducing, the animals needing tending and knew You would need someone You could trust to care for all these things. Such wonders You had created, You wanted to share them with a trusted man, who would care for Your creations as You did. So You took dust from the ground, formed a man, gave Him life with Your very breath. Then You placed man in the very garden You had planted in the east. The beautiful garden You had fashioned to walk in the cool evenings. Your garden, You would share with this man You created. You commanded the man that he could eat of every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for as he would eat of it, he would surely die. Then Father, You saw it was not good for man to live alone, so You created woman from man's rib and gave her to the man. You married them, making them as one flesh. They were not clothed and were unashamed.
My Lord, what a busy day. I know You were so pleased with all You did on the sixth day. All the animals, man and his woman. To share the beauty of the garden You had designed, that You had planned from the beginning of creation. Creation now finished. And a man that drew his first breath from You. That very breath that You breathed into me when I was born again in You, my God. Your breath, sweet, wonderful breath that caused new life into a heart that had been hardened by sin, by hurt, disappointment, lost dreams. New life into the very soul of me giving me hope, new dreams. A new beginning in You, Father, as You would give me new life, restoring my spirit in Yours. Filling me with Your Holy Spirit to show me Your ways, show me the new creation I was becoming in You. Again, as You took me in Your hands and began to form and mold me into the creation that You always wanted me to be, only this time, sealing off any chance for the enemy to invade what was Yours. Making me long only for Your company, listen for only Your voice, yielding only to Your will. I was now and forever more just Yours. As You taught me how You wanted to be worshiped You gave me new songs to sing to You each day. Filling Your heart with delight in Your child while filling my heart with overflowing love for only You, my God.
Trust, my Lord, You have me saying just a little about it. I know You were so disappointed by this man, this woman; and I know Lord, I have disappointed You time after time. But You love me, Lord, and each time You would draw me back, and draw me back, until this time, I gained that trust back. You know I will never leave You, my God, never go from Your side, from worshiping at Your feet. I adore You, my Lord, and live my life only for You. You are my hiding place, my shield, my strength, my power, my substance, my breath and my very life is in You. I will spend my days loving and adoring You, thanking You for once again giving me Your trust, instilling that precious love and spirit in me. I need Your annointing Lord, Your presence, I cannot live without You.
How I love You, Lord, with all my heart. I live to worship You, long to be in Your presence, always being kept in Your love. This sixth day, creation completed, glory and honor due to You alone my God, You alone deserving all my worship. From Day One when I sat amazed at this wonderful earth, Your creation, You have led me through the days, showing me little moments of Your joy, excitement as each day unfolded with Your plan for eternity. The very beginning; for we have not seen the end. That, no one knows but You. That part of Your plan, no one knows....
You saw all that You had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning - the Sixth Day.
On this 5th day of March, 2011, I love you Lord, I await Your return, when You fulfill the rest of Your plan.
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