Thursday, March 31, 2011


Romans 1:20  "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

From creation's time, precious Father, when You made the heavens and the earth, all the sky, all the stars, sun and moon, it's immensity has confounded men.  I look into the sky during the day or during the night and can see no end to it.  Pictures have been sent back from space and there is no end, it goes on forever.  Galaxies and stars that would take light years to go to, but yet, shine that perfect light, that light that can be seen by human eye millions of miles away.  To those that look.  Like the Light shining from my Savior, Jesus Christ, He is there for all that would look for Him.  It is in the looking.  It is hurtful, Father, to know so many don't look, can't see the beauty of Your universe, of Your precious Son.

Planets, stars, the moons, the sun, all so dynamic in structure, solid, rocky, waters on most, dry on some, but all so majestic in time.  Then there is the delicate leaf, opening up from the limb of a tree or bush, so tiny and then growing, such a delicate pattern, enlarging as time passes from something so tiny to one like a oak leaf.  Delicate, different from all others.  Snowflakes, none alike, so fragile, easily broken, but sent down as a rain drop, through layers of cold to form this amazing flake.

A baby.  My friend is going to be a grandmother for the firsts time and went with her daughter to see the first sonogram.  She could not believe what she saw.  This tiny, tiny creature with arms and legs moving, little hands already formed, little feet.  Delicate structure but with such a strong heart beat.  I see You in all this my God.  Your strong heart beating in this child until it can hold it's own.  Your delicate nature there giving growth, giving life.  And it came from a seed planted.

I got to thinking about this seed, Father.  And how tiny seeds are planted, whether it be this child or seed to a tree, how You bring it from this stage to growth.  And how carefully tended, becomes full grown, from delicate to something so strong, so fertile, if properly nutured, with the right amount of rain (tears), sunshine (laughter), and pruning (love).  Just the right amount of the basic, necessary elements for growth. 

How You give to us, Lord, all the elements for our growth.  You give us strength to help us through life, You supply all our needs, some abundantly, some just enough, knowing to whom what should be given to compliment their growth; knowing some will need to work harder than others to realize what is important in life, that they would not be able to have abundance which might make them lazy and not complete the tasks for their growth in You.  You have such wisdom, Lord, if we could all yield to that wisdom, how joyous our lives would be.  You give forgiveness, my God, such forgiveness and grace, offered to all; there is no lack of this for anyone, no shorting one over the other, but all are offered equal forgiveness and grace.  All are extended the same from the precious sacrifice of Jesus, dying for our salvation and forgiveness of sins; no one is excluded from this.  Only needing to ask, it is given freely.  But it is in the asking, so many fall the heartfelt repentance, a true desire to cast off the old man to be born again, become washed in the blood of the Lamb.  Then, Lord, there is Your unconditional love, mercy and grace, that gives life even to the most undeserving child, that we all are, undeserving of any of this, and yet, it is given, given so we might have everlasting life in You.  And if that was not enough, you place the most delicate Person of the Trinity within us, the Holy Spirit, to live and dwell amongst us, guiding us, drawing us to You, comforting us, showing us the way to Your heart.
From a seed....

From the universe, so immense, to a seed, so delicate, You created all.  You formed massive galaxies and all that went into them, so huge in size we cannot comprehend them.  And then You delicately formed the seed that begins life for just about everything on this earth.  There is nothing You did not see to.  I am in awe, my Lord, at the immensity of what You have done, and the delicate way it was done.  There is no end to the mysteries of my God, and You have just begun to show them to me in ways I can understand, and try to write about them.

I am overwhelmed in what You show me, Father, in what You are doing to me and in me.  I love the time You spend showing me the thing of Your heart, of Your world that we are priviledged to be a small part of.  Priviledged to be called children of God.  Children that You love so much; there is nothing You will not accomplish on our behalf if we come to You and ask, ask with love and reverence acknowledging that You, our Most High God, are the Creator of All, and know that there is no end to the attributes of our Holy God.

This night, Father, the last day of this month, the 31st day of March, 2011, I stand in awe, full of love and adoration, for the delicate, immensity of my God.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Luke 24:32  "They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the  Scriptures to us?"

Have you ever shared a conversation you had with the Lord to someone who just looked at you strange, well, like they loved you so they would just go along with you even though they had their doubts?  Makes you wonder, doesn't it.  Not about your conversations with God, just the fact that they just don't get it!  I know the Father wonders about this also.  How long will it be before people realize that He will come when invited and hang out with you, sharing thoughts, pouring His heart into yours, taking in your love and worship, not making it seem like He had some other place He wanted to be other than with you. Can you tell here, that the Lord has been around a lot today.  I am so full of emotion, it seems like I will burst if I don't put it down here.  I know there are some of you that will understand exactly what I am talking about.  Not a doubt about it, you will know from your own experiences with the Lord's presence.

Today, I was listening to worship music, I know that is nothing unusual, but I was listening and reading the Word.  I had been praying for some needs of friends and needing some encouragement from the Lord.  When this happens I always open His Word, for therein lies all the answers to whatever we need.  I was reading about the crucifixion, and the resurrection.  Then I was reading about the ones that the Lord appeared to afterwards.  The first ones, the women, ran to tell the eleven, but they had a hard time believing.  Even though Jesus had spent so much time explaining to them what was going to happen, they were unbelieving.  Reminds me of myself when the enemy decides (and does a lot) to play with my mind.  So often he uses others to do it for him, and they are so unaware of it.  I know the Lord is moving me, He has told me so many times, confirmed it through others and yet some of the people so close to me, look at me like I could surely not have understood right. They don't want me to go, so I must not know what I am doing.  It hits for a moment, then I am reminded of how many times I have been told by the Lord I am to do this, and how many ways he has reassured me with His peace, the peace that is radiating throughout my spirit.  Then I will get the nudge from the enemy, about things like work and housing, but once again, that peace comes back.  I have been told, I will remember the words. Seems like I hit another rabbit trail, I will get back to what I began...

Not until the Lord appears to the disciples and shows them His body, His precious hands and feet, do they truly believe that He truly is alive.  They watched as He ascended into heaven.  Then they did as told and waited for the power to come and cloth them.  They spent the time waiting, praising the Lord.  I don't really know why I am telling you this story from the scripture as it doesn't seem to make much sense to me right now.  I guess it is the believing thing.

When I write my blogs, they are my heartfelt expressions to the Lord.  They are things that He has shown me, dreams, visions, spiritual feelings.  It matters not if anyone feels them other than me, or believes that they are true.  It is sad if they do not, but that is really not a concern of mine.  That would be the Lord's business, not mine.  He has me post them purely sometimes I believe for that one person that needed some touch in that area that day.  I don't think a lot of people read them, but again, not my concern. My only concern is my obedience to do what the Lord tells me to do.  He has His reasons and I just trust Him.  What people think about me is only important as I am human, and I would always want them to feel I am a good person that loves the Lord.  But what is most important is what the Lord thinks about me. I am here to please Him, to make His heart glow with pleasure when I worship Him, when I love on Him, just His good pleasure, all I am interested in.

My blogs are what I feel.  The Lord supplies the subject, He leaves me to find a scripture that I feel would fit the subject and then He takes it and turns it, so often not anything I had imagined it would be.  He draws out of me hurt, confusion and love as He makes my hands flow across the keyboard.  So often it takes me hours to write just a short bit, sometimes not so much, as there is worship taking place, understanding given from the Lord, forgiveness, comfort, so much.  He ministers to me as I write and so often cry at what He is drawing from me.  His presence in my room is overwhelming at times and I cry just from the sheer joy of His presence.  But they get written. At times when I reread them to check for spelling, I cry again as I see things I did not even know were written. The Lord is so faithful.  He sees to every word being what is needed by someone.

I guess what this is trying to say is, that if you don't understand how someone can carry on about the love and presence of the Lord; well, then you have not experienced it.  If you don't understand how someone can write and write night after night about God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, then perhaps you are not yet ready to be reading them.  If you cannot lose yourself in worship to the Father, abandoning all else around you, to yield yourself to only Him in total love and adoration, then you need to look deep within yourself.  When I speak of worshiping day and night, and you think it is not possible, or a waste of time, you need to bring yourself to the foot of the cross and beg forgiveness of the Lord. He died for you, giving you access to the Father through His redemptive love and grace.  All for that moment in time when you would look up with love in your eyes and worship Him.

Wow!  Where has all this come from?  Well, I know, and it is not me.  I am just an obedient child of the Father.  It surprises me, these words that pour out of me so fast at times it is hard to keep up.  But, people, friends, my expressions from the heart, the Lord's presence transcending time and space, spending time with me that I share with you; to give you a picture of the wonder of His kingdom, the majesty of His presence.  He can take whatever state you are in and surround you with Himself, literally putting His arms around you and holding you close, comforting you.  I am only praying you will realize that He is there, with you, that you called Him down with your cry of lonliness, your tears.  His heart felt yours and He came.

Thank You my Lord for this day.  I hate it almost being over and there is still a couple of hours, not many though. I love Your presence, I love the way You give me truth from Your Word as we study together.  I cannot think of another I would want to study with.  You know what it all is about and share that with me, those things I am ready for.  You are my dearest friend, the one friend I can count on no matter what is going on, as I know You will never leave me.  You love me totally and I feel that love, that beautiful love.

Precious Lord, You are everything to me.  I love You more than my life, more each day.  I give You all the praise and worship that is due; no, Lord I do not.  Truth is, I don't think I have the means to give you all the praise and honor You are due.  I feel so inadequate, Lord. Yes, I feel You telling me, all I am is all You expect and it pleases You. Thank You Father, but I want to do so much more, and I will, as You lead me.  I love You. There I said it again, this 30th day of March, 2011, I love You.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Psalm 111:1 (Message)  "Hallelujah!  I give thanks to God with everything I've got...Wherever good people gather, and in the congregation."

Class Action, must people would assume, would be about a law suit in which a large group of people collectively bring a claim to court.  But I want to draw your attention to another way this might be used.  As I saw it...

I want to bring about a class action worship to our Lord.  I want to stir up the people of God into a frenzy, a great excitement if you will, a complete idolic worship to God, our Father, just for the personage He is - Redeemer, Provider, Healer, Master, the Wonderful Great I Am!  I don't want to leave anyone out.  Everyone can be included...there are only a few special requirements.

All participants must have only one thing on their minds - to worship the Lord together, corporately with the other children of God.  There will be no first and no last; all will come together as one body of worshipers.  No head, no tail, one collective heart.

This heart must be void of unforgiveness, unbelief.  The heart must be pure in the Lord's eyes, thoroughly cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.  A heart that is full of love for our precious Lord.

The souls of all must have a passionate longing inside - desiring nothing more than to worship God with all their whole being.

The body must be spiritually fit, having been strengthened by the Lord, ready for battle, armed with the sword of the Word.  There is always a battle raging in the spiritual world when people come together to worship God.

And they must be willing - they must be willing to continue worship to our God until His presence is surrounding the entire group of class action participants.  We want to draw His attention with our worship until He has to stop everything and come down to walk among us; touching, loving, healing, meeting every need; allowing us to bask in His beautiful presence until we can do nothing but fall at His feet in pure worship - pure adoration.

There is no need to say that you will not be able to leave before we are done as no one will able to move under the heaviness of His presence, nor will anyone want to go.  No one will want to leave His beautiful, lovely presence.  There will be such worship, our God will not want to leave us; mouths full of new heartfelt songs floating in the air, giving out such a beautiful incense; the Lord will breathe it in and release soft breaths of fragrant blessings flowing to each heart - to each soul.  Such peace that has never been known.

Then He will leave.  The Lord will slowly leave, but not before giving to each class action participant a gentle kiss, and leaving each one with a hunger to keep worshiping, to keep drawing His presence to themselves, even alone, on a daily basis.

I am spent my Lord.  I cannot tell You how I long for this to be a reality as my spirit has just returned from this moment in time, in the future, that You have allowed me to envision, when so many of Your children join in a class action, a spiritual class action to draw You into our presence wanting nothing more than to love You and worship You.  My heart feels so restored, I have been touched by my God.  I have been in the presence of my Lord.  I have been under Your annointing at Your feet where I beheld Your beauty and tender love.  My soul has soared to heights of joy and wonder as our worship went up to the heavens to draw You down and gently softened to encapture You in our love.  Holding You close, refusing to let You go for what seemed so long, but not long enough.

Thank you Lord for showing me what it can be, what it should always be like...the glory of  Your presence.

This 29th day of March, 2011, I am spiritually still at Your feet, not wanting to leave as I am humbled,  by Your presence.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Revelation 19:9 "Then the angel said to me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!'  And he added,  'These are the true words of God'"

Have you received your invitation to the most wonderful function of the season?  It will be the season of the Lord, the season that is coming, coming soon.  All the signs foretold are beginning to appear.  There is a lot of concern, a lot of worrry, and I feel in my spirit there is a lot of fear.  I believe the concern is for those who have loved ones not saved, or ones that still have one foot in the world, not having given their whole heart to the Lord.  There are those that are worried.  I feel they are worried about their worldly goods.  You may say, surely not, they couldn't be...but yes, they are thinking of what about their business, what about all they have worked for, worried they will not be able to enjoy it.  There is no fear of this as if this is what is in their hearts, they will definitely be around.  I just don't think they will be enjoying it.  Those that fear, those are the ones who think they don't need the Lord.  They have reason to fear.  Silly, isn't it, fearing the very one that could take away their fear.  But of course, they will not admit to being afraid, as that would surely let everyone know that they know, even though they are living life to the fullest - their thoughts, they are afraid of the outcome of their life.  But not afraid enough to change their ways and come to the Lord's open arms.  He is extending to them the same invitation as to all.  He is no respector of persons.  All are invited, now.

One day soon, a day will come when the RSVPs will not longer be accepted.  It will be too late.  The day and time will come and from the throne of Heaven, the Bridegroom will come for His Bride.  He will come for the Bride that did not hesitate to accept the invitation as soon as it was delivered to them.  The Bride that will have prepared herself for the most beautiful wedding ever known to this world or to the heavens.  A wedding that will have all royalty attending, the Most High God will be in attendance.  He will perform the wedding ceremony that He has planned from the beginning of time.  The Great I Am will be smiling at His Son and the beautiful Bride, His children that have given all to follow Him and have been waiting anxiously for this day.  As Almighty God joins the Son and His Bride, the throngs of heavenly hosts and angels will be singing Hallelujahs that resound throughout the heavens and earth, throughout the entire universe to the ends of God's creation.  All will hear music that has never been played before, the music that will be so sweet, you will not be able to hear it without weeping for the sheer joy of it.  It will be the music of God's heart.  It will be the music that God has waited to have played for eternity, and this music will never cease to play.  It will be the background for every song ever sung afterwards.  I am trying, but I cannot hear this music.....Father says it won't be heard yet, not until the wedding....I have to wait.

The wedding feast will go on for days as there will be dancing, singing, and continuous worship to the Lamb.  The Bride will not be able to cease her worship to the Lamb, wishing to sing and dance before Him, giving Him all the adoration that has been saved for just this moment.  I know I love the Lord so much, but even I, even I wish to save something special to give Him at the feast, after the wedding, a song of such adoration, that finally will come from my heart, something that here I have so much trouble telling Him; not being able to find the words to express my love; there at the feast those words will flow out of me, I know they will.

So, now, the invitations have been sent out.  I know you all have received them.  There is time, still, to prepare for the wedding.  Still time to be washed, cleansed by the Lamb's blood, shed for you and for me.  You have been given a little time to prepare your worship and praise songs.  I would suggest you begin to practice them now, as the Lord is listening to the hearts of the children to see which ones are truly so in love with Him.  No fooling the Lord, so don't try.  True heartfelt worship, total commitment to Him, hearts so full of love for Him that they almost seem to burst at times in sheer adoration for Him.  This is the Bride that He will be coming for.  Get yourself ready; do not wait.  No one but the Father knows when He will be coming.

My precious Bridegroom, I am waiting.  I love You more than my life.  I worship You with my whole heart.  I have prepared myself for the wedding day, saving a wedding gift for you, a special song of love.  Words of expressed love and adoration.  Saved for that special day.

I love You, my Lord.  You are my dream come true and I am waiting, waiting for You to come for Your Bride, this 28th day of March, 2011.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Philippians 2: 9-10 "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth."

The sweet name of Jesus.  Do you say it often. Have you sang His Name, just His beautiful Name; Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  There is a gentle, soft melody, a sweetness unlike any other name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  How that beautiful Name flows out of your mouth, making its own melody without any music except the sound of His Name. 

This morning during praise and worship, as we were there singing, I began to sing the name of Jesus, over and over again.  I could not seem to stop.  The more I sang His wonderful Name, the sweeter, more melodious it became.  Just His Name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  Finally I believe some others were singing that wonderful Name, but it was hard to tell, I was singing so loud; I was so caught up in the melody of His Name.  And then He came.  His presence flooded all around me. He wanted to know who was drawing the sweetness out of His name.  And because His presence was so real, the next song we sang, had the chorus "His Name is Jesus" and I have never heard worship in that sanctuary like that.  All God's people were worshiping the sweet name of Jesus.  I feel they heard the music in His name, heard the melody coming forth each time they said His beautiful name.  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...there is something about that Name; kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but there is something about that name. 

That melodious Name, even when whispered, will bring peace to a weary soul.  That wonderful Name, the precious Name of Jesus, will bring  salvation to the lost, to those who are searching for a Savior.  His Name is so sweet, His love  pours out upon all those that say that beautiful name with love in their hearts, with thanks on their lips, with peace in their soul.  Where can you go that you cannot call down His presence when you whisper His name in reverence, in love, in worship.

Jesus loves music.  I believe the very name of Jesus carries notes to heaven with it.  I can see in my spirit when I say the name of Jesus that music notes go up with His Name to heaven.  Musical notes that just dance along, all around the letters of His Name.  Close your eyes, can't you see the melody His Name carries.  No other name is so sweet, no other name has such melody.  His Name inspires even the tiredest of God's children to lift their voices in worship and song to His Name.  Singing from their hearts new songs to Jesus, our wonderful Savior.  New songs inspired by that sweet, sweet Name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

I love You so Jesus.  I love everything about You.  I weep when I see so many take Your name in vain.  If they only knew what they were doing.  I ask Your mercy Father.  I pray they will come to know my Jesus as their Savior and then, only then, will they realize how they mis-said that beautiful Name. 

I will worship You, Jesus, with everything that is in me.  I will let that wonderful melody of the name of Jesus come from me in new songs made just for You from my heart.  There is no other Name so revered in my heart, only the precious name of Jesus.  The melody coming from Your Name, brings joy and peace to my soul.  That sweet melody.  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.....

This 27th day of March, 2011, I am singing the most precious melody on earth, the Name of Jesus, the Name I love more than any other, the Lord I worship with all of my mind, heart, soul; the name I worship always, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


John 3:16  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

I am wondering Lord, why people seem to make the message so difficult.  The way I understand it, You don't put so many rules on us and a lot of difficulties to learning the truth.  The truth in Your Word is revealed to those that long for You and desire to follow You above all else.  To these You expose the truth of Your Word.  You have shown me so much in the Word that I never saw before.  I understand the whys now, it was because my heart was not solely Yours.  And now, now that I love You more than my life, You are showing me the secrets hidden inbetween the passages.  And that, that truth is available to all.  It is not meant just for me, but for all that seek You in truth and spirit. 

You have made it easy for Your children to come to You.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.  That is basically it.  Jesus, my precious Savior, gave His life to open the door to Your heart for Your children.  A straight, forward path of redemption for sinners to come to Your throne room, to have a relationship with You.  Opening the doors to Your children, Jesus left the Comforter, the Holy Spirit behind when He left earth.  He knew we would need to have the closeness of You with us, to guide us, to show us the way to Your heart.  The precious Holy Spirit, knowing what pleases You, teaches, guides, and draws out of us the sweetest praise to offer up to You, our wonderful Lord.  Sweet offerings of worship meant only for Your ears, just to let You know how much You are loved.

Why is it so many out there "preaching" the word want to make it sound like it is so hard to come to You.  A simple, heartfelt, honest, "Father, forgive me".  A knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus, our Savior.  That's it.  Salvation that will bring about a change in the life of the sinner, giving him the mercy and grace You extend to all Your children that love You and live their lives for you.

Lord, I am not sure about this word.  I began to erase it all and begin again, but I am feeling like if I do, it will play into the enemy's hands.  I am certain he does not want people to know how easy You have made the access to Your throne room, to Your forgiveness.  You want Your children to come to You, not in doubt, not is question as to its reality, but in simple faith that You love them unconditionally, Jesus, Your Son, died to redeem them from their sins and they can be washed as white as snow if only, simply put, only believe in Him.  So we are doing this, it will be put out there.  I feel there will be someone that needs a very simple message from You, my Father.  A little message that will not take education to understand, but only a repentive heart that is seeking true love, the love that can come from only You.  No questions, no reprimands, no beating down, just "I forgive you and I love you".  Your message to the world.  A message that has to get out, simple and pure, from Your heart to them.

Well, once again, Lord, this started in one way and has ended just the way You wanted it to.  You are showing me between the lines again in Your Word that we are to keep Your message of love and redemption simple, for all to understand from the youngest to the oldest.  The message that will change lives and return them to the Father that has been waiting for them, loving and kind.  I will deliver Your message, my Lord, I will do Your bidding.  Your simple message so sweet and loving, from a Father that has the desire that none of His children perish, that all come to You.

Precious Jesus, how I love You.  Your love has set me free, free to be one with the Father.  Your presence makes me complete.  It makes me whole, nothing lacking, filled with Your love.  I look for the day when You return for Your Bride, I am waiting Lord.  And while I wait, I will spread Your message.  This 26th day of March, 2011, I am waiting, loving You only, worshiping You with my whole heart.

Friday, March 25, 2011


1 Corinthians 15:10 (Message) "But because God was so gracious, so very generous, here I am.  And I'm not about to let His grace go to waste. Haven't I worked hard trying to do more than any of the others?  Even then, my work didn't amount to all that much.  It was God giving me the work to do, God giving me the energy to do it."

Your grace, O Lord, it still amazes me.  Still every day no matter what is going on, what I am doing, what I feel like, it's Your grace that sustains me, that keeps me going.  The enemy has really been working me over since yesterday, probably from the day before, truth be told.  Just one little jab after another.  And today, I can not believe I fell into a trap and told a lie.  It didn't even have to do with me, it was to help someone else.  I don't do this, yet out of my mouth here it came.  I had to call the person back and confess to the lie, I had to. I couldn't let this stand. But still it was all over me, the curse of the enemy, the laughter, the condemnation.  My countenance fell so low.  When I returned from lunch, my assistant looked at me and told me I must have had a bad lunch. I just told her no, not bad.  Then a customer came in and asked me what was wrong, was I sick?  I said no, and they told me something was wrong, I did not have the usual joy about me.  Was I so transparent, Lord. I guess I really am.  People have no trouble recognizing I am Your child from the joy that radiates for me, normally.  Except today.  I suppose I could say I am still tired, or weary today; but I can find no excuse for allowing satan to trip me up.  Yes, my Father, I know You expect that at times I will fall, and You will be there to catch me but I am so sorry. 

I know Your forgiveness has already been extended to me, Your Word promises that if we are repentant, it is done.  I ask Father, that You lift this weight of defeat off me  Thank you Lord, I hear it.  I am writing while beautiful piano music is playing and I am now hearing the beautiful sounds of Grace, Grace, God's Grace.  How good You are to me Father, to give that to me just at this moment.  I can feel the weight begin to lift as You fill my room with Your presence to hold me once again as I cry, so repentant and regretful, so wanting to wish I could go back, but cannot.  Yes, Lord, I know, tomorrow is another day and Your grace extends to cover me now, yesterday and tomorrow.  You remove all stain from sin and wash me once again in the precious blood of my Savior, Jesus. 

You have had me lay myself open again before all, Lord.  It is difficult to do so, but I go where You lead, I cannot do this if I am not going to follow You through the pain and through the joy, so I am sure You have a reason for me telling everyone about this.  I know I am to be a light to all, but surely this is not light.  Yes, I see, it is to explain Your beautiful grace that extends to Your children, no matter what trap they fall into, You are there to pick them up, clean them up and restore them again with Your grace, Your love.  I will never be perfect my Father, I know that, all I can do is try each day to reflect Jesus. 

You showed me the sun this morning, and told me it was like Your Son, the Light of the world, and I, I was like the moon, the moon that gets its light reflecting off the Sun, I got my light to share with others  reflecting off Your Son.  I am to be a reflection of Jesus, so people can see the Light source from Him shining in me.  You even use my sin, my failure, Lord, to show His Light.  His everlasting Light that can shine through even the dimmest reflection when I failed.  Oh, my Lord, thank You.  You, who loves me anyway, holding me now, and just letting me cry, tears of joy now, knowing I am forgiven, knowing that I am safe in You.  Knowing that tomorrow we will once again, together, give the enemy no room for advancement in this child's life.  The enemy once again dead to me, dead to my life, having no place where he is welcome, no place he can wedge in his plans of entrapment for me.  Your grace, your wonderful grace, surrounding me like a shield, protecting me. 

It is not the work of my hands ever, Lord, but Your hands working through me, Your strength giving me the power to go forth, knowing You have forgotten already what has happened, knowing to You I am Your beloved daughter, Your chosen vessel to use as You will.  My God, how I love You, how I long to only worship You, and I do Father.  Even through all that was going on, the oppression from the enemy, the entrapment, I was worshiping You, my Lord.  I was telling him no matter what he did, I would be worshiping You.  Always I will be worshiping You.

This 25th day of March, 2011, I am Your restored child, restored back into the arms of my God where I never want to leave, cleansed, redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus, and loving only You, having been once again showered by Your grace.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Isaiah 25:8  "The Sovereign lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth.  The Lord has spoken."

I have yet to begin and I can feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes, as I know what my spirit is getting for this night.  Father, You are so wonderful to me, to all Your children.  I don't know how to express my love for You, other than the ways I have, and they seem so inadequate for what You have done for me.

Just Your forgiveness for the things I have done; my life being so filthy in areas I wish I could forget, wish I could wipe off my memory.  But now You, in Your Word, are telling me that You will remove all the disgrace I have felt from all the earth.  I am feeling that all the earth also means my is part of the earth.  Is it possible Father, that you can remove it all from my memory the things that tend to bring me so low, the remembrance of them which causes me to hang my head.  Is it possible?  I know You remember them not, as one night when I was asking forgiveness, once again, You said to me "I don't know what you are talking about".  You don't remember our disgraces as You have put them as far from You as far can be.  But they remain with me, but now I am feeling you will remove them from me.  I know You have done many miracles in my life and I do not doubt you can and will do this. You are so kind and merciful to me. 

Father, You have told me to walk with my head held high as I am Your beloved.  You have chosen me to represent You, my God, wherever I am.  I am Your child, You love me and You have set me aside from the world to show Your love and kindness to others.  To be a walking example of Your love.  You chose me and I can think of nothing else I want to do than live my life for You.  I want to do whatever You have for me to do.  I will walk in Your Light, I will show that Light to all You bring my way. 

So I will walk in Your Spirit, from day to night, letting You guide me, showing me Your ways, loving each moment spent in Your presence.  How I love Your presence Lord, such sweet moments I spend there.  I only want to stay in Your presence.  You are so Holy, my God.  I love You so.  I come before You with all my worship, with my heart open to You.  Seek out all the places in my heart, Lord, and if there is anything there You find not worthy of me, not worthy of Your dwelling place, please show me so it can be gone.  I want nothing of the old filthy ragmuffin I use to be in there.   I want a spotless, beautiful heart for You to dwell in, my Lord.  You alone, Your Word, Your Spirit, all I want in my heart. 

And so You have wiped the slate clean.  You have restored me to beauty and righteousness in Yourself.  You are drawing from the well of  Your joy and Your glory and pouring it all over me from head to foot, giving me new life in You each day, refreshing me each morning with Your presence as You give me encouragement, Your strength, knowing I will need it for what You already know lays ahead of me.  You hold me to Your heart and kiss my brow and gently push me forward, telling me to "Lift up your head, You are my beloved and I am proud of you".

This 24th day of March, 2011, I am living proof of Your redemption, forgiveness and grace.  I love You, my Father, I will worship You all my life.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Mark 13:32  "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  Be on guard!  Be alert!  You do not know when that time will come."

Once again, some man has predicted the day of the Lord.  The very day that my Bridegroom will come back.  Of course, this same man has made predictions before and as I am wondering, Lord, what did he say when You did not come?  I don't keep up with these things, or let them sway me, as I believe first and last...Your Word.  Your Word says no one knows, not Jesus, not angels, just You, Father.  So, here they are, this man and his followers, getting all set for what they think will happen in about 2 months.  I can remember when the year 2000 came, so many thought this was it.

Unbelievable how many will believe these things.  But miracle after miracle, Your saving people in all kinds of situations, healing their bodies, coming through with finances for them, being there time after time, and they will believe some earthly man instead of taking Your Word for truth and preparing for the real return of our King Jesus.

I do believe we are in the last days, in the end time; how could you not if you know the Bible and see what is going on in the earth now.  But our days are not your days, Lord.  Our time is not Your time.  But the signs are here, there, all over the earth now.  I can gather hope in my heart, praying that it is the time, and my Savior will return for His Bride.  It is a hope I cling to, as this earth gets more depraved by the day, wrong becoming right, and making right wrong.  Deplorable things happening among the people, governments being taken over by the world instead of yielding to You, Father.  So many things...but You see all this.  I feel in my spirit almost daily the mixture of sadness and anger from You Lord.  Angry at the lies being told, Your Word not being taught as You wrote it, but watered down, made to fit "society", can't have anyones feelings hurt being called a sinner; and sadness that so many are buying into it. 

What can I do Father, show me what You want me to do.  I will follow whatever You want me to do.  I will stand up and tell of Your redemption, Your unconditional love; implore the people to turn their backs on their sin and cling to You, Lord, asking for Your forgiveness and mercy.  I will show them that You are the only true way, the one way to eternal life,  through Jesus, Your Son.  I will tell them of the joys of Your presence, and I will let them see the joy in my life, the wonderful peace that comes only from You. 

My Lord, my Master, I would give anything if the whole earth would worship You.  You are so deserving of all the worship and praise from all peoples.  I can only worship You, make my life an example to others; let them see how You have blessed me so, let them see Your love shining through me, let them see how much I adore You, my God.  My Jesus, sweet, beautiful Savior, I can only tell them of your sacrifice so they might be given entrance to the Father, to His blessings.  And tell them I will, at every chance I will tell all who will listen.  And knowing me, if they don't want to listen, I'm going to tell them anyway.  I do not fear man, my love for my Lord overcomes all fear.  You alone are my desire.

Tonight, Father, as people all over the world comtemplate the happenings here now, trying to determine if this is indeed the day and the hour, I will be rejoicing in the fact that whenever that day comes I will be ready.  You have made sure I am ready giving me such precious training into what pleases You.  I will never forget what I have been taught, I know what pleases You and I will be spending all my time making sure I do everything I can to let You know how much I love You, how much I thank You for the life You have given me and worshiping You for just who You are.  My wonderful Lord and Savior, my gentle Holy Spirit, my Heavenly Father.  I adore You, You are my life.

This 23rd day of March, 2011, I am content in the knowledge that You know when the appointed time will be and all I need do is "Just trust God".

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


John 15:14-15 (Message) "You are my friends when you do the things I command you.  I'm no longer calling you servants because servants don't understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I've named you friends because I've let you in on everything I've heard from the Father."

From the very beginning of creation, the Lord wanted to have someone He could friend with.  Everyone needs someone to communicate with, someone to share love with, and the Lord wanted to share all His creation, all He had made with someone that would appreciate it and appreciate and love Him.  It did not work out right away like He wanted.  You notice, I did not say not like He planned, as I don't believe any of God's plans were not perfected when He made man.  The Lord can see from the beginning to the very end so, yes, His plans were just what happened throughout history.  When He gave free will to man, He knew exactly what would happen, what temptations would occur and how each man on earth would regard them.  Some folks have been able to walk through life, tempted very little.  Some others, myself included, have been drawn off course of what we would have chosen to walk (hind sight), but because of the grace and love of God, have been restored and returned to the walk of the righteous. But again, here I am off track.

The Father wanted friends.  He sent His Son to earth to bring redemption to His children, so they could be restored to Himself, be as one with Him.  Jesus made wonderful friends on earth.  Can you imagine what it must have been like to walk with Jesus.  To stand beside Him in wonder and awe when He healed the sick, raised the dead?  Can you imagine it?  All I can think is what an amazing life the disciples lived, do you think they felt it?  Have you ever been friends with someone that you thought was the best thing since sliced bread?  I know, but those are the words I grew up with.  But a friend that you could count on all the time, no matter what was happening, just pick up the phone and they were there.  There is a country song that says "You find out who your friends are, they will drop everything to get to where you are" or something like that.  But the gist of it is that no matter what, no matter what they are doing, they drop it to come to you aid.  I remember, my sister-in-law and I were going to a concert downtown and we walked out of the house and I had locked my keys inside the house. My purse was locked inside the car and we were stuck. She had my close friend's phone number on her cell, and we called them. They had supper cooking, but turned it off and drove about 15 miles from their house to mine to come and unlock my door. That is the kind of friend I am speaking of.  Real friends.  And were happy to do it for us.

Because I am a redeemed child of God, washed in the blood of the Lamb, I am a friend of God.  I have been returned to Him, gathered in His arms like a long lost friend (that I was) and cradled in that glow of love of the Father, and called "My friend" by the Most-High God. He wants to do thing for me all the time, He is happy to do them. He loves me so much.  My God shares His creation with me, He visits with me and shares His thoughts, He has shared dreams with me, and thank You Lord, shared His plans for my future with me.  I have my precious earthly friends, but I have Friends in high places.  I have my adored Father in Heaven, I have my blessing, the Holy Spirit, who dwells within me and never leaves me, and I have another friend, His name is Jesus.  I know He is my friend, not only is it written in His Word, but HE is written on my heart.  With Friends as these, in spirit and truth, I will never be alone, I will never have lack, I will never have doubt, I will never fail.  As long as I keep my Lord's commands, follow after Him alone, keep my eyes on Jesus, yield to the Holy Spirit's teaching and guidance and listen intently to every word spoken by my Father, I will not fail. There is a place for me to be seated one day in high places with my Friends, who at that time will be my Mighty God and my Bridegroom.  I can be content in my present because I know without a doubt of my future.

On this 22nd day of March, 2011, ever so in love am I with my God, my wonderful Lord.  I sing praises to Your Name, O Lord, praises to Your name as I am so blessed; I have Friends in High Places.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Romans 12:1-2 (Message)  "So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life...your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life...and place it before God as an offering.  Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.  Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.  Instead, fix your attention on God.  You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you and quickly respond to it.  Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."

My everyday life, when I think of those days when I let the world around me dictate what I was, who I was....ashamed I was then, not proud of who I was, not liking myself very much.  You see, I was living for myself, doing my best to keep my head on straight, trying to get through each day without doing too much damage to myself or others, trying to maintain job, home, taking care of my sick husband.  Going in circles like I was on a carrousel that the attendant had abandoned and there was no one to stop it.  Have you ever been like that? I was so controlling then, and the worse of it, I did not even recognize that I was. I just thought I did the things like I did so they would get done.  I struggled so much, never realizing that there was such a better way. 

You that have been reading these blogs know that this changed, none too soon, truth be told.  I, left alone in the world, so immature in the real ways of the Lord; listening to teaching and preaching and so much of it going over my head as I sat there making mental notes of what needed to be done that week; amazing it was, recalling it all.  But then God.  My wonderful Lord.  My goodness, what a change He has made in me.  Never once did He tell me "I told you so" or "You should have listened".  Instead all I heard were these gentle proddings.  When I would be so tormented by the things going on, I would hear those soft words "Read My Word".  I don't even want to tell you for how long I did not pay attention to this beautiful voice speaking to me.

 "Read My Word".  My Lord speaking to me, gently telling me there was a place that held the key to turn off the carrousel, to stop the turning around and around that was slowly taking my life from me, from Him.  But then, alone, no husband, no Chere' BeBe, just me and the Word.  I read.  I can't tell you what I read, I only know that God was sitting beside me and held me close as I read those words that held life in them.  New breath beginning to flow inside of me as I read of His forgiveness, of His unconditional love.  Words I had heard all my life, the same words as then, but now restoring my soul.  My God held me as I cried out of desperation, out of relief, out of thankfulness. 

He began to change me; first teaching me to worship Him.  No one knows how God wants to be worshiped better than Himself, and He showed me just how to give of myself to Him, to make my songs from me to only Him; not to please man, but to please Him.  Then He began to use me in my work as He never had before.  I am sure He would have liked to but, the vessel has to be willing and open.  Well, now He had a vessel that He could shape and pour into as He desired.  He could use me to transform an ordinary "How are you doing" into "Let me tell you about Someone who wants to give you peace".  The Lord gave me a boldness I would not have dreamed possible, a boldness in Him, for Him, for His use.  No longer was I drug down by earthly bothers, or by the enemy's lies and snares.  I was changed from within, and it wasn't long before it began to shine all over me, the infusion of God could actually be seen on me.  I cannot tell you how wonderful it feels to have someone look at you and say that they see Jesus in your eyes.  It is a high that nothing else can give you.  I am still floating on that.  Jesus, my precious Lord, can be seen in my eyes.  I would not have taken diamonds in place of that beautiful compliment.  You see, that is all I want, my Lord to be seen in me. 

I believe I have become deeper, more trustworthy, wiser, and I know content.  The Lord has given me insight into His Word, and He spends time with me, oh, yes, He spends time with me.  I love my life now.  What a life, my Lord, My God, spends time with me, He guides me, He loves me so much.  As I worship Him, He fills my heart and soul with His wonderful peace, His joy.  His blessings flow into a solid stream from His storehouses to me.  I cannot out bless my Lord.  I love Him so.

The best in me, what you see now, that best in me, is my Lord.  He is the best in me and He has infused Himself into me, so as I think, they are His thoughts, as I speak, they are His words, and as I love, it is with His unconditional, unjudging love.  I have not much in monetary means, but what I have, I give freely, the love and knowledge of my Lord, my Savior, Jesus Christ.  Given freely to all that I meet.  I don't even have to always talk now, as the Spirit of the Lord that surrounds me touches them with His peace, His love.  Thank you Father for making me into a vessel You could use.

This 21st day of March, I love and worship my Father in Heaven, as He loves me and daily He is bringing out the best in me.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


John 6:45  (Message) "This is what the prophets meant when they wrote, "And then they will be personally taught by God.  Anyone who has spent any time at all listening to the Father, really listening and therefore learning, comes to me to be taught see it with his own eyes, hear it with his own ears, from me, since I have it firsthand from the Father."
The Lord told me that reading His Word is as feasting at the stream of living waters.  It is life to our soul, ointment to the body and contentment to the heart.  The living water of His Word, our Holy Bible, where He has placed all the necessary ingredients for a rich, spirit filled life in Him.  There are the laws, without such we could never see the Kingdom of Heaven, as we could never fully understand God's perfect love for us.  There is Psalms, beautiful, poetry filled words of deliverance and encouragement.  The Psalms, teachings on the way to worship the Lord with all your heart, with everything within you, without reservation, freely worshiping.  The beautiful Psalms.  The Old Testament Prophets, sharing warnings and deliverance from the Lord.  Then our beautiful lessons on the birth of our Savior, His life, death, and victory over the grave.  The years here on earth as He taught the lessons so needed for our life, for our walk with the Lord.

A wonderful foundation, necessary and important for our life.  After my wonderful God taught me to worship Him, He than began to show me more of Himself, more of what He wanted to do with me, what He wanted me to do for Him.  I want to tell you these are exciting nights for me, as I love the presence of the Lord.  He has gotten where He speaks to me so much; you see, He knows I am listening constantly for His voice, for His words.  I want so to hear from him that I always listen for Him.  This morning in church is where He spoke to me of His teaching me, of His sharing with me those precious thoughts of His, His plans for me.  A sort of Cliff note, perhaps, of His Word.  Straight teaching from Him, causing His Word to come alive with understanding.

Father, You are so holy, so worthy of all glory and honor.  Everything I do, I do to honor You.  Jesus told us, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me".  He also said that anyone who speaks on his own does so to honor himself, but he who works for the honor of the One who sent him is a man of truth.   (From John 7:17-18)  Everything taught me is for the glory of my Father in Heaven.  My God, to whom all praise is due, all worship is His alone. 

I have been taught that to speak in the Name of my Lord, honoring Him above all others, is far more desirable than anything done for myself.  I am nothing without my Lord. I have been taught how to listen to others, taking in the truth behind what they say, and then listen to the Lord for the right words to address the real problem, not what seems to be just surface talk.  He gives me insight into things of His spirit through the Holy Spirit within me.  He teaches me so much at a time, not wanting to overwhelm, but it is speeding up now; I feel time is growing short, so much to accomplish for Him.

My Lord is a wonderful teacher.  Never rushes You, makes sure You have the lesson right before going on.  He gives instruction how to listen, how to apply, everything needed to process the teachings.  I am so blessed by my Teacher.  What a mighty God I serve.  Loving, patient, kind.  School was never like this.  He doesn't allow me to fall behind, but helps me to keep up with what He tells me.  Makes sure I understand fully what He is telling me.

Today, my Father, You have taught me again, what trust I can put in You.  You handle all circumstances involving me, from the slightest to the most difficult.  You see to it that I have just the right words, You check my attitude to make sure I walk humbly, not proud, but meekly in Your ways.  I don't mean meekly in the sense of being scared or timid, but meekly as to putting others before myself, lifting up the name of my Lord so all will see Him living in me, so they may see His Light shining from me.  This is the way of my God.

Precious Lord, I love You so much. You never fail me, You will never leave me.  I will love you forever, with all my heart, all my soul.  I will worship You day and night, as it is what I do.  I am so in love with You.  I will follow You Lord to my new working grounds when You finish preparing it for me.  You prepare a home for me in the midst of my enemies; then as You bring me to it, You make the enemy hearts turn toward me in friendship.  You are indeed an awesome God.

Take from me Father, this love I hold for You, this love that I give freely to the King of Kings, Lord of Glory, my Lord and Savior, my best friend.  This 20th day of March, 2011, I am loving You and thanking You for being my teacher, my magnificent teacher.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Philippians 4:13  (Message) "Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am."

My God, I am so amazed at what we have accomplished this week.  Your marvelous strength sustaining us to the finish.  How you must shake Your head, I think You're smiling also, at our trying to sell all this stuff we have accumulated.  Most of it purchased without a thought as to what You would have us do.  And then, here I am, finally in Your will, finally where You have wanted me to be, sitting at Your feet, worshiping You with my whole heart, and realizing I have a house full of stuff that is so not needed.  So we have these sales.  Yes, You are indeed smiling at me tonight.  Because of Your great love for me, You provided all that was needed this week.  My dear friend flying in to help me, strength beyond our abilities to get everything ready, and then yesterday and today, people who were interested in this stuff to purchase it.  Knowing the need for funds to follow You.  You provided it all. I am humbled at Your goodness and love for me, Lord.

I am who I am because of You.  You have worked so long on me to shape me into the woman I now am.  You have used circumstances, people, feelings to refine my heart, my thoughts, my soul.  Refining me until I could know without a doubt that I was Your beloved, know that You had a plan for my life, know that You were leading me into a new season in my only for You, in You.  And now, You help prepare the way for my following You.  My God, how awesome You are.  You never lead us to do anything that You do not prepare the way for it to be accomplished.  You have given me so much, Father, and now You plan to give more - more of You in my life.  That is the only way I feel my life will be complete is in You.  I will be complete in You.

Lord, tomorrow, I want to be at church early. I am so anxious to worship You in spirit and truth; so anxious to help lead Your children to worship You.  To give You the praise and adoration that You are due.  I want to flow into Your presence Lord, know You are with us in the church, know our songs of worship are pleasing to You.  Draw us into You, Lord, draw me into You.  Come to us, pour Your glory down upon us Lord, draw us to You.  It is my plea, my God, that we flow in Your love tomorrow.  Let your presence fall on Your children. I do want them to feel Your presence, and get that sense of You that many do not know.  I want so badly for them to know You as I do.  It is such a desire for me, Lord, for my church family to know You intimately.  It is such a joy and I want them to have that joy also.

This night, my God, I am tired again, but I know You, and I know You will rise me up in the morning on eagles' wings with strength in my body, rejoicing in my heart, and pure peace in my soul.  This 19th day of March, 2011, I am singing a new song to You my Lord, a new song of love, enthroned in Your love I am Your beloved child.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Isaiah 26:8-9  (Message)  "We're in no hurry, God.  We're content to linger in the path sign-posted with Your decisions.  Who You are and what You've done are all we'll every want.  Through the night my soul longs for You.  Deep from within me my spirit reaches out to You."

I am so weary, Father, but it is a wonderful weary. Thank You, my Lord, for blessing me today with good sales, and tomorrow is another day to sale.  You, once again, have blessed me abundantly. The weather was perfect...You do everything right Lord.  There is never any doubt for me where You are concerned.

You decide the path for me and there is nothing on that path but blessings.  Everything You touch concerning me puts more joy inside me that I can explain.  Such joy, only coming from You, is like none other.  Thank You for sending the help this morning, Father.  You do see to everything. And You sent dinner tonight. You are so awesome.  I just want to spend this night worshiping and thanking You for Your goodness, Your love.  Never could I have imagined my walk with You would be so wonderful, so blessed, so beautiful.  What You have done in me, with me, is amazing.  Well, it is to me.  I know You do the same for Your other children that love You so much.  I believe their are conditions to blessings.  I know Your love is unconditional, but I feel that the blessings flow greater when Your children give back to You that love, when You are loved and worshiped. I feel You want to shower Your blessings abundantly upon the children that hold You in such love, such wonder.

Today, my God, this day, as You blessed me, You lifted me out of myself.  I played worship music until it needed charging.  I cannot live without worshiping You. Then I worshiped in spirit, loving every moment of giving to You.  Giving to You is what I want to do, loving on You, worshiping You;  You deserve all this and more, my Lord.  So much more.

What will tomorrow hold.  I have learned that when You are put first in my life, it holds all the promises of Your Word.  There is no holding back with You, You just put everything out there for me.  Every good and perfect thing, You have them waiting for me.  I find beauty in every day, from sun up, or cloudy, to the end of the day, as I know You have made it special for me.  I use to not notice everything like I do now.  I see joy is each childs face, there is beauty in the song of the birds, there is softness of the breeze, fresh, cooling breeze.  I love the way the clouds wisp across the sky, some shapes, some not, but I see You blowing them with Your breath to move them to and fro.  Everywhere I look, my God, I see You.  I see You in it all. 

Your presence, being with me; I cannot live without Your presence, it is life to me, my very breath.  I love to be in Your presence.  I was telling my friend, You know her well also, how You and I just talk.  It is not like prayer all the time, but more like, well, just talking.  I tell You everything and You hold on to my words and pour them back to me giving me guidance, direction, tender words that let me know how much You love me.  I love visiting with You, yes, I know, I do it all day long. But You have to admit, You love it when I visit with You constantly.  Giving You my worship, declaring my love for You, letting You know how important You are to me.  And You know  my heart, You know this is true.

This night, the 18th day of March, wonderfully weary I am.  So tired, but so blessed.  So thankful to You, so ever in love with You.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Jeremiah 1:9-10  "Then the Lord reached out His hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth.  See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."

Today, Lord, you surprised me again.  You just put words in my mouth and out they came.  One last hurdle that I was hesitant to make, dreading that it would cause unhappiness, not wanting to hurt anyone; loving them so much and not wanting to sever that long loving tie, the one that so binds.  But YOU, You wanted me not to be concerned about any part of Your plans for me.  So You provided the opening, You had the question posed to me, and then You put the words in my mouth and they came spilling out. I was so surprised, I almost fell over.  I could not believe what I was saying.  That is what it means to be so into You, my God, that my words are always Yours.  I only want to be saying what You would have me say.   And I did. 

Now, Father, I know You will make these loved ones understand, let them see You will for me and be happy that I want to be where You want me to be.  All my trust is in You, Lord, and You have never let me down, ever.  I am still overwhelmed by Your words Father.  So astonished.  And then You let me know for sure it was You, Your doing as I sat down at my desk, looked at my open Bible and saw the scripture for tonight. Jeremiah 1:9, where  You tell me that You have put Your words in my mouth.  Confirmation that it was You, Your timing.  You don't want anything to hinder what You are doing with me, I can see that; You want me so at peace and I have been except to tell them I was moving, moving in Your will for me.  Beautiful Lord, I love you so much.

You have made me to understand You have work for me to do; seeds to water, seeds to plant. People to assist in Your work, folks to encourage, and things You have not even shown me yet.  I feel You want me to just take it one day at a time, knowing that You will reveal more as You are ready.  You just want my obedience, my desire to only follow You.  You know, Lord, that is my desire.  I want to follow You, do the work You give me to do, give love to Your children.  I am so willing Father, so willing.  My heart wants only to please You, to give You all the glory for what You are doing in my life, all the glory belongs to You.

Peace I have tonight Father, special peace, now that there is nothing hindering me.  Now there is no dread of telling anyone else.  I know this was Your plan. You never want Your children to be concerned over anything, especially where Your will for them is involved.  You are so faithful, Lord, so true and faithful.  Our relationship is so special Father. I just walk and talk to You, for I know You are right here with me.  I love talking to You, and I love Your presence.  Your presence is so strong in my home, in my heart.  So strong.

My God, how I love You.  I worship You with my whole heart, I sing to You in my waking hour and in my last minutes before bed. I praise and worship you all the day long. You are my first thought when I awaken, my last thought at night, and if I awake, I know You are here. You never leave me, I will never leave You.  I like to think I am a match for You made in heaven. You declared it in Your heavenly home and made it possible in my earthly home.  Spirit to spirit, heart to heart, Lover of my soul, my everything.  You are my wonderful God. I simply cannot find the words to tell You, Lord, how very much You mean to me, how much I love You.  Look into my heart, You will only find love for You there, pure adoration just for You.

This 17th day of March, 2011, my Lord, I am every more in love with You, my ever present Lord.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Jeremiah 1:17 (Message)  "But you...up on your feet and get dressed for work!  Stand up and say your piece.  Say exactly what I tell you to say.  Don't pull any punches or I'll pull you out of the lineup." 

Even have those scriptures you have read before but just read them, nothing special about them?  They did not seem to pertain to you?  Well, this is one verse that has not pulled me into it until tonight.  Sort of tells it like God wants it told. 

I was not called just to sit around and say I am a Christian, I go to church, I sing on the Praise and Worship team, I am doing what I should.  No, I am called far beyond that.  And so are you.  There is work to be done.  There are people that need to be told of the Lord's love and forgiveness, and they need to be told by example.  There are words that are being said daily by so many that are not necessary the Lord's words.  Shame.  And Father, I ask forgiveness if I have said words that were not what You wanted me to say.  Not the words I was told to say.  I understand that there are reasons You give me certain things to say.  I am not to question that they seem out of place, or that they make no sense to me or to the other person.  That is not my place. My place is to tell it like You said to, nothing less, nothing more, and let You be the One who puts the understanding.  I can see that now. 

Father, I know I have a work for You to do.  You called me to worship, You have called me to encourage others with Your love, Your words.  You have called me to pass Your words on to others who might not be able to hear from You due to their circumstances.  Circumstances do have a way of stopping the flow from the Father to us at times and some have such a hard time hearing the Father's voice as they are weary and beat down by the enemy.  Yes, Lord, work for You to be done.

As I write this, my Lord, I realized how fragile our job can be.  Time is short and if I do not do my work for You, You will have to pass it to someone else.  I do not want to let my work go to another.  I want to do everything You tell me to do, Lord. I need to know I am in Your will at all times doing what is required for me to do, what will please You.  I want to be what You designed me to be at this time of my life, what You have prepared me to do.  Dressed for work.  I know that does not mean the clothes I put on my body.  I know dressed means in Your righteousness, covered by the blood of the Lamb, carrying Your word as my sword, to use when confronted by the enemy.  Dressed in the whole armor You have made to protect me, to support me as I follow You.

The world is not ready still, not prepared, so many people not knowing or caring to know what will be happening.  I do not think for one minute that You want Your children to be fearful of what the next days hold.  I believe You want them to be prepared for the return of our King; that is the preparation needed for Your children.  You will provide everything, protect every child of Yours from everything else.  Unless all eyes are on You in the days to come, there will be  many falling away from lack of faith, lack of knowing truly You are exactly who You have always told them.  El Shadday, God Almighty.  The Beginning and The Last. You know each moment of our day, You know what we need before we do and You will take care of those children who do not fall away.  It is so important not to be taken by surprise when our King returns.  Can you not see there is nothing more important to be prepared for than the return of our Lord, our Savior.  The Bridegroom coming for His Bride.  I know, Father, You so want all Your children to come home. 

So I am telling them, my God, just like You have told me.  Put their priorities straight.  Number one, the Return of the King.  There is nothing before or after that.  You don't need to be stockpiling supplies.  What is needed is stockpiling the Word in the hearts of all God's children; fueling the hearts of others with God's love, God's message of salvation.  The work, the necessary work we are called to. 

Our God will lift us from this world, from all that is going on here, He will take care of us like we never expected, if we will just do as we are told, love Him above all others, worship Him with a pure heart, love others as the Lord tells us to.  We have nothing to fear.  We need to walk in His peace as an example to those who do not understand the grace and mercy of God; be a witness of His wonderful love.  His joy, His peace.

My Lord, I love You so much; You are my Glory, my Shield, my Portion.  You give me everything I need, everything I could possibly want.  You are my everything.  Your presence is beautiful and I abide in Your precious love and Light.  Thank You my Lord.  This 16th day of March, 2011, I am doing as I am told.  I am dressed for work.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


John 15:11  "I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete."

So often I have heard, Father, the scriptures of Your joy but did not fully understand.  One scripture, "the joy of the Lord is your strength" is used so much.  I have used it so often. But never really got the true meaning of it.  Your Joy.  The joy is Yours.  Which means Your heart filled with the same joy that You give us.  That same joy that floods my heart to overflowing, causes me to cry with happiness in You, is the joy that You feel also.  Yes, I can see You smiling now, see you nodding Your head that Your child has got this right.  I agree, sometimes it takes me a while to understand, but You have been so faithful to teach me Your word, to open the scriptures to me. 

Your Joy.  Your joy comes at the birth of a new baby, when it crys out its first cry from the mother's womb.  The estatic laughter of children playing, pure laughter from the heart of them, causes You to smile, filling You with joy; Your children falling in love with each other and making plans for marriage, this causes You joy.  So happy to see the moving of Your plans for Your earthly children. So much joy.

But I feel great joy comes when one of Your children comes back to You after straying away.  I can sense Your smile so big, so wonderful, lighting up Your face when You hear them call on the Name of Jesus, when they call out to You for help.  When that wayward child cries out to You, "Father, forgive me", and You pick them up out of that pit they were in and hold them to You, I can feel Your joy.  So much happiness fills Your heart at this time.  What joy.

Joy comes pouring out of You, I know this, Lord I have felt Your heart touch mine; yes, joy came flowing from You when I learned how to worship You, when You showed me how to worship You; the morning I rose out of bed with worship pouring out of me, I felt you smiling at me.  You smiled at me and You poured Your joy from Your heart into mine.  I was so wonderfully happy.  It was so natural then and continues to be second nature to breathing to me to worship You.  I love to worship You, my God.  How could I not worship a God that has been everything to me.  You have shared Your heart with me, spent time with me; oh, Lord, how I love Your presence.  You have stamped Your joy on my heart. 

I understand, it is all Your joy.  The only reason we can have the joy of the Lord is that it originated with You.  It is Your joy.  You are sharing Your joy with us, with Your children.  It is one of the most heartfelt gifts You give us.  Your joy.  Live sustaining joy.  Where would we be without this precious joy in our lives. 

One day, everyone will be worshiping You, my Lord.  They will be lifting up Your Name is unashamed praise, glorious worship, singing Holy, Holy, Holy are Your Lord.  And I know that there will be an outpouring of Your joy, Your greatest joy, on that day over the entire land.  People are always talking about revival. I do not think this is such a hard thing to accomplish.  If they would just turn from their sin, ask forgiveness, and begin to worship You with all their hearts, Your joy would pour out over them all, and love would flood their being.  Love would be given from You to them, and from them to each other, and with the love going forth to everyone, revival would indeed spread across this earth.  When all Your children finally understand Your love, and Your joy; understand You, then You will descend from Your throne room and fall on us.  Joy would fill the earth, Your joy.  You would never stop smiling as this would fulfill Your plan.

I love it when You smile on me, Your beloved child.  I know exactly who I am and am not going to give up my place beside You.  I will not give up the joy You have in me and that You give to me.  I love making You smile, it is one of my deepest joys, knowing I put a smile on Your face.  The smile grows and shows through Your eyes. I can feel this my Lord.

I can feel Your smiling now as I am finishing this writing.  Thank You Father for once again filling me with Your thoughts, Your words.  I am filled with joy, actually bubbling over with it.  I love You so much, my Lord.  This 15th day of March, 2011, I am full of the joy of my Lord, Your joy.

Monday, March 14, 2011


2 Corinthians 5:5 "Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come".

The Message Bible interprets this scripture "The Spirit of God whets our appetite by giving us a taste of what's ahead.  He puts a little of heaven in our hearts so that we'll never settle for less".  I was ready the scriptures as I thought the Lord was going to have me talk about time.  I had heard two wonderful lessons concerning time just since last night.  Both having to do with what time is it in our lives.  What does God have planned for us now, at this season of our lives.  And now that I am actually putting my hands to the keyboard, the Lord is leading me, actually to time and to what He shows us.  I don't know why I am so surprised when You do this Father.  So often we begin one way, deviate, and go back. You do it I believe to show me, actually show me Who is really doing this work.  Thank You, my God, that it is You leading this work, that is the only way I want this. Yes, Father, back to work.

This scripture comes from an area where the Word is telling about our Heavenly dwelling and what longing is in our hearts for this.  To go home now, wanting so badly to be with the Father.  But yet, it is not our time, not His time for us to come home.  God has so many things He wants accomplished in each of us while we are here on earth.  To many, there is a need to become that worshiper He so desires each of us to be.  Practice, practice, practice....practice until it is our hearts desire to do nothing more important each day that worship our Lord.  Until it is second nature to breathing, worshiping the Lord.  You see, that will be the main focus when we go to be with the Father.  It is not how well you sing, or play an instrument or not, it is the heart, the desire to want to do nothing but worship the Lord. That will be what we do there, in the home God has prepared for us, we will worship.

For now, worshiping glorifies our Lord.  Our worship gives Him joy, gladness and delights Him like nothing else can.  There is a time, now, that the Lord is wanting us to fulfil what He called us to do.  I know He has called me to move, and is setting things in motion for me.  I need to do my part, to be ready when He says, "Now, let's go".  I have such a peace about this.  He sees to all details whenever He has a plan for our lives.  You must listen for His voice to tell you about it.  He will give you several messages and when you have it in your heart, He will begin to show you His intentions.  He gives you glimpses of His plan, stirs your heart with a longing to follow Him, to do whatever He wants you to do.  Even not knowing all of what He has for me, I have been given small ideas, inklings if you will, and it has excited me so much.  I have always longed to work in ministry and I believe if I just follow Him to the destination He is showing me, He will work me into that plan of His.  He has stirred it up so strong in my heart that there is no doubt His intentions, in His time.

Have you had a glimpse of what heaven will be like?  So often during worshiping my Lord, He has filled me with His presence, an overwhelming feeling, and I feel in my spirit what it will be like to be with Him all the time one day.  The presence is so precious, so glorious that I cannot want for anything else, nothing else but His presence.  It is His plan to make us desire Him more than life itself.  He has definitely achieved that plan in me.  As He occupies my thoughts all day long.  Remember being a teenager and that first love, it was so important, you could not think of anyone else, could hardly get through the day, the longing to be with them was so important.  Well, this is how it is with me, how I feel about my God, my precious Lord.  He made me to love Him and worship Him, and has placed in me such a desire, that nothing else has any importance to my life but Him.  My Lord, my King. Hallelujah, I am someday going to be with my true love, my God.  His timing.  He alone knows when, but He is planning on it.

Time, God's time, for my life.  Time to proceed in His plan for me, it is almost time. He is showing me that. Time for my heavenly home, not yet.  But soon, He tells me, the return will be soon.  Can't you feel it in your spirit, that it is almost time.  Almost time for the Lord's return for His Bride.  Are you ready?  It is time to get ready, there will not be any room for being late for this. You will get one chance to go immediately, caught up with Him in the clouds.  Don't look back. There is nothing more important than our Lord. Put Him first.  It is time to get your priorities straight.  First, our Lord.  Time.  It is my time to be in God's glory, in His place for me; I rejoice in His time.

I will worship You forever, my God.  I give You my life to fit into Your timing.  I am ready to follow You wherever You want to put me.  I love You, all my love belongs to You.  This 14th day of March, 2011, I pray for Your time.  I pray for Your presence.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Psalm 92:1-4  (Message)  "What a beautiful thing, God, to give thanks, to sing an anthem to you, the High God!  To announce your love each daybreak, sing your faithful presence all through the night, accompanied by dulcimer and harp, the full-bodied music of strings.  You make me so happy, God. I saw your work and I shouted for joy."

Father, I have been thinking about the practice of Lent.  The time of year, my Catholic brothers and sisters in the Lord give up something, a practice of sacrificing something, giving up something they enjoy so much, in a manner of worship to You.  In a manner to give You glory by not having this, using this, for 40 days.  The time from Ash Wednesday until  Easter, celebrating Your resurrection.  As I am not Catholic I don't fully understand all the elements of it, but I do know it is done in a heartfelt effort to draw near to you.  Sort of like a fast would be.  As I was thinking about this, talking to You about it, I feel You have shown me a few things in my life that could stand giving up.

Well for months now, I don't drink cokes, which I use to drink a lot of, nor do I eat chocolate.  I don't smoke, don't drink, don't swear, so there are not the usual things to give up.  I can remember when I was young, I would hear teenagers say they would give up watermelon, which was not in season, or foolish things, they also not truly understanding the true sacrifice that it is to be.  But You, once again, my God, have shown me Your love and faithfulness by coming to me with Your thoughts of what I can give up.

You have shown me that there is still some giving up for me to do in You.  I still seem, no matter how hard I try not to, to try to handle some things on my own.  Just when I think I have given all to You, I realize there is something I am trying to do on my own.  So I will be giving up that speck of pride, thinking I don't need to bother You for these things.  I know You want me to come to You for everything.  I will be giving up the time I spend on foolish things when I could be spending it in Your Word.  I will let them go as they are not what is important to the walk You want me to have.  I need to spend time in Your Word to truly understand You as You wish me to.  I will be giving up trying to fight spiritual wars.  I know only You can do that for me.   I cannot do any spiritual warfare without You.  Through prayer and fasting, Your guiding me, only then can these battles be won.  I need Your help with all my battles Lord, especially this kind of spiritual battle.  These battles are not mine, as I know the enemy is trying to fight You through me.

I love You so much my Father.  You have given up so much for me.  You gave up Your Son to be a sacrifice for me so I would be redeemed to You, so I would be covered by the blood of Jesus, my sins forgiven, my sickness and disease covered by the stripes upon His back.  Jesus gave up His home in Glory to come to earth to do this for me, undeserving me.  Giving up is a pattern set from the very beginning of life.  You set the pattern Father, gave the  instructions for giving up.  For sacrifice.

I do have some other things I joyfully will be giving up, my Lord.  I will be giving up, lifting up praise to Your Holy Name.  I will be giving up prayer to You Father, for those You send to me that need a touch from You.  Giving up sounds of worship from my lips, words coming from my heart and soul to You in adoration and love.  A sacrifice of praise will be coming from my deepest being to You, my God, for You are so worthy of all praise, all glory, all honor.  These things I will be giving up to You as my heart longs for, needs Your presence.  I know through giving up to You, giving up all of myself, all of my thoughts, honoring You, loving You, will Your presence be found.  I need Your presence my God.  I would give up everything to abide in Your presence continually.

I give up my will totally into Yours, Father.  I give up any rights the flesh might think I have, just to sit at Your feet and worship You.  I give up any selfish desires to fulfill the great desire in my heart, to be always known as Your beloved.  I give to You my Lord, everything.  Everything I am, everything I may want to be. I only want to be in Your Will.  I want to be where You want me to be, doing what You have planned for me to do, Your design for my life.  I give up anything else necessary to be in that design, that holy design for my life inYou.

You are so holy, my Lord.  You alone are worthy of all glory, all honor.  I sacrifice everything worldly to abide in You spiritually, to walk in the spirit with You, to live in the spirit with You.  This season of Lent, although I am not of that faith, I am still Your child along with those spirit filled brothers and sisters, who like me want to offer a sacrifice of praise to You.  To the God of all, the King of Kings, the precious Lord of Lords.  I love You so much.

This 13th day of March, 2011, Lord, I am giving up all of myself to have more of You.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Psalm 95:1-2  "Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song."

We were created to worship the Lord.  We were made to give Him the highest praise and adore Him.  Just for who He is, Lord of Lords.  Almighty God.  The Rock of our Salvation.  The Beginning and The End.

We do not gain anything if we reserve our thanks and worship for when we want something of the Lord.  Yes, He responds to this praise but it does not thrill His heart, it does not draw us into His presence.  The true entrance into the Throne Room of God comes with a heart that is completely, without reservation, worshiping the Lord out of sheer love and adoration of Him.  Just for Him, who He is. 

I think some people will just never truly understand. This is why we were created.  God does not need anything we own, He does not need anything we may have, He owns everything already.  It is His.  The entire earth is His, His creation.  He created us to worship Him.  It is our highest calling.  He does not need people to stand in church and sing songs.  He probably doesn't like all the songs we sing.  But when we sing songs that exalt His Name, songs that call to His heart from our hearts, songs that tell of our love for Him, calling Him down to be with He loves those songs.  They can be 3 words, 50 words, it doesn't matter.  What matters are the attitudes of our hearts....the expression of our souls, the longing, desperate song of a people that want the Lord's presence more than anything on earth. 

Joy, that is what our hearts should be filled with when we worship the Lord.  Our God is looking for those who love to worship Him. Whose pure joy is found when they are expressing their love to Him in song.  People who cannot wait to get with their Christian brothers and sisters and corporately sing out praises and worship to our God.  Just thanking Him for all He is, for His love and blessings that He pours out abundantly upon them.

There are those that would argue that this is important.  But I feel these people are just going through the motions for effect, or to impress.  God is not impressed.  He sees the hearts of those before Him, and He knows.  There are others that are concerned how they will look to their neighbors, how they sound when they sing, and raise their hands in praise and worship to God, well, we can't do that.  I know there are folks that long to be free to raise their hands up to the Lord, but because of religous background have invisible chains on them.  It just wasn't done.  Father, grant them freedom before you to worship as You would have them worship You.  Their hearts are longing Father, it's their minds that keep telling them it is not proper.  David danced before the Lord, and the Lord was so pleased.  Pure, unashamed worship to God.  It is always the proper thing to do, when your heart is pure before Him, any expression of worship is pleasing to God.

My Lord, I love to worship You.  You have shown me it is the most important thing we can do for You.  It is what You desire the most from Your children.  Worship.  Adoration.  Your Word is full of instruction for Your children to worship You, to praise You, to adore You.  You tell us to worship You when things are going wrong, when the enemy attacks us, we are to worship and praise You.  There are reasons for this.  You respond to pure heartfelt worship.  Immediately.  There is no wait when You hear the beautiful songs of Your beloved singing to You.  You go down right away to be with us.  You want to be with those that love You so.

I worship You always, constantly during the day, when I am awaken at night, and if I dream, I am most probably worshiping You in my dreams.  It is all I want to do.  I don't want for anything Lord, just for Your presence.  Your presence is the single most important thing in my life.  As my worship is number one for You, Your presence is top of all desires for me.  I love You, my Lord.  I worship Your Holy Name.  You are so wonderful to me; You have never let me down, and I know You have never left me alone.  Your love reaches down to me and calms my spirit, thrills my heart, gives peace to my soul.  My mind is full of Your attributes, Your ways, Your leading me.  I place my life entirely in Your Hands.  I will never leave the calling You have given me.  You taught me to worship You.  I know it is of upmost importance to You to be worshiped.  I will worship You the rest of my life.  There is nothing that can take me from You.

This wonderful, gentle feeling You give me when I worship You, surounding me with Your presence, lifting anything from me that is not of You.  When I worship You, all concerns leave me as I know You are lifting them off me as I sing and worship.  You deserve all the glory, all the honor, all my worship.  My Holy God, worship, my highest calling, is what I will give to You always.  There is no one like You, Father, Your blessings pour down upon me as I worship You. 

On this 12th day of March, 2011, I am worshiping my God, I am fulfilling my highest calling.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Psalm 12:6  (Message) "God's words are pure words, Pure silver words refined seven times. In the fires of his word kiln, pure of earth as well as in heaven."

Father, Your Word is true.  There is not a word in Your Holy Bible that is left for doubt.  And yet, there are people trying to explain what You must have meant.  For surely You did not mean so many of the things written there.  How foolish men are.  The most ignorant of men they are Father, as they lead so many astray, so many from knowing Your Word, knowing You.  Keeping them from salvation, eternity with You.

Your precious Word, as pure as silver, refined through fire, given down through the ages from the prophets, from the disciples, from Your inspiration to them, to us.  Needing for us to understand the depths of Your love, You gave instruction for our lives.  You gave the necessary words that would guide us through the valleys, worship and praise You on Your holy mountain.  Words that would shield us from harm, perfect solutions to keep us from sin, from falling into the snares of the enemy.  You described how the enemy would tempt us, attack us, wishing that we would fall into the depths of darkness, lost from You forever; words that were to redeem us, give us a means of escape, of return to you in restoration.  The precious words of our Savior, the perfect example of a sinless life, Your Son.  Your Son, that You sent down to teach, love and then die for us, taking our sin, becoming the last sacrifice needed to bring salvation to Your children.  Perfect, refined, beautiful Word of God.

And some declare it to be just a good book; some want to explain it away.  But it is impossible.  It is still the most read book in the world, the most beloved book in the world.  People have died because they had the Book in their possession, others are not allowed to have it and have, perhaps a few pages, or maybe one page of the Bible that they treasure, as it is Your words, Your precious words.

How many have dust gathering on this beautiful Book.  How many only pick it up to read it if they are in a waiting room somewhere, or perhaps a hotel room, and there is nothing on TV.  This is a good thing, Lord, if they just pick it up and read some, even out of boredom, as Your Word does not return void.  It will sink into their spirits, unbeknown to them.  These very words that may come back to them in a life and death situation, when they will know then on whom to call.

Father, I love Your Word.  It is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.  It is a guide for my days.  It is comfort for my nights.  It is love to my heart and peace to my soul.  There is no other book that I care to read.  I use to read a lot of books gotten from the library, but I don't even bother anymore as the last ones I got months ago, sat around not read until it was time to return them.  They don't hold any interest for me as there is no depth, no meaning, no love contained in them.  Your Word holds all my attention, You light up passages that delight my heart, give me so much joy seeing how much You love me.  Thank You, Lord, for loving me so much that You would make sure I had a guide, Your Holy Word, to lead me as I read, to share Your love with me when lonely, and to give me sheer joy.  Thank You, Father.

Tonight, my God, as I read Your Word, my room becomes full of Your presence.  I love Your presence, I love to be near You, I love to feel Your touch on me, Your love pouring into me, filling me with Your warmth.  I am overcome with joy, with happiness.  This 11th day of March, 2011, I worship You with my voice, my heart, my all.