Mark 13:13 "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved."
It is so hard to realize that there are people that do not like me. Yes, my Lord, I agree, it is prideful. And I don't mean to care but it does hurt. Yes, Lord, I know. You love me. And Your love, Lord, is all I need, all I will ever want. More of the pride that I think I have gotten rid of only to see something like this hit me and realize that it is sort of a prideful thing, but human also. All of us want to be liked by everyone and I have run up against those whose spirits just hate the spirit in me. I cannot be sure that this is the case here, but it is definitely a spirit of some sort.
The closer I get to You, Father, the more the world seems to distance from me. That is blessing, I know, but it can hurt when you see people that at one time seemed to like you, began to pull away. I guess you could call them rainy day friends. As Your spirit rains down on me, they go away. I'd rather have Jesus, than silver or gold. I'd rather have You, Lord, than riches untold. You are the One Constant in my life, the Friend that will always be by my side.
I know Lord, as You are reminding me, I have so many people that love me, so many friends. I truly am blessed by the friends you have given me, so blessed. It is just that one, I guess the one that can't be reached. I know it is a spiritual battle, and because it is such, I will release it into Your hands, Lord. I put it in Your hands knowing that You will work it all out. This morning as I was going to work, dreading going; even that, something unusual for me as I am usually joyful in the mornings, as I ride to work, worshiping and praising You, having our time, just You and me; but today, my spirit was so heavy and You knew then how I was feeling. I could feel Your arms around me, drawing me close, just letting me have that time of sadness, of weariness, as the day went on, You could show me Your strength, Your power; making sure I recogized Your magnificient power and strength as You lifted me from this frame of mind, as You refreshed my spirit and restored my mind. You are so wonderful, my God. Father, how can I thank can I thank You? I love You so much.
Oh, how I love You Lord. You are my Strength, my Shield, my Shepherd, my All. You are the Lover of my soul. You restore me, each day You restore me back to You with Your mercy, Your grace, Your love. You remind me of Whose I am, You tell me over and over Who loves me, Who will never leave me. So instead of worrying about being hated, this last day of October, 2011, the 31st, I am looking instead to Whose beloved child I am. I am Your's, my God. I am Your's.
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