Monday, October 17, 2011


Luke 14:33  "In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple."

I freely give.  It has to be freely given as the Lord will not force you to do anything.  So as I have already freely given my all, just so there is no confusion on the part of the enemy where I stand, I publicly announce it again.

I freely give all my love to my Savior, Jesus, the One who died for me, the One who loved me so much that He went to a hill called Calvary and died for me to redeem me from my sin.  I freely give all my love to you, Jesus, for ever.

I freely give all my worship to You, Lord.  You are so worthy to be praised, so worthy of all my worship.  You have given me such wonder in each day, peace that I will never understand, joy that my heart cannot contain all of so it pours out on everyone around me.  All my worship, to You, I freely give my Lord; new songs from my heart to You, love songs for only You.

I freely give up my will and accept Your will for my life, Lord.  Your will over my life, I choose to do what You plan for me, what You want me to do.  I give all those things that would distract me from my walk with You to You to put aside as they do not take anything away from the relationship I so desire to have with You, knowing this is Your perfect will for intimate relationship with You.

I freely give my time to You, Lord.  My time is Yours to dictate; Yours to appoint and to direct.  My time will be spent in showing Your love and mercy to all those You send to me, those that need a word of encouragement and tenderness sent from Your throne room through me.  My time is in Your hands alone.

And because of Your great love for me, my Lord, You allow me to also freely give....

.... you all my burdens, as You have told me to lay them at the foot of the cross and You will take care of them for me. 

I freely give you all the pain and heartache of my past as in You is the forgiveness I need to release those that contributed to that pain and heartache that forgiveness, the same forgiveness You gave me. Forgiving them means a peaceful life with You, a life that allows nothing from the enemy to come between our relationship.

I freely give you all the stress and strain of my daily toil as in You I gain new strength each day, mercies are new for me each morning and in You I am more than a conqueror of all that comes my way.

I freely give you all the temptations that the enemy would put in front of me.  My flesh is weak but Your precious Holy Spirit, that You gave me to be my Guide, my Comforter, my Counselor and  Best Friend, is always with me and helps me overcome and resist any temptation.

I thank You, my Beloved Lord, for the Love You have given me, the Peace and Joy that is always mine and daily in me.  I thank You for the Holy Spirit, whom I love deeply, as He never lets me forget Your passionate love for me.

This 17th day of October, 2011, I freely give You all of me, all that I have I give freely to You, my Lord God.  I will love you all my days, I will worship You with every breath that is in me, for ever.  You are my everything.

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