Sunday, October 9, 2011


Romans 8:23  "Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies."

As I was reading the Word this morning, preparing for my day, for my worship to my Savior, the Lord began to show me the harshness of sin.  What I do not will to do is a constant battle with the flesh that wills to do it.  But my mind, if given to the control of the Spirit, overcomes what the flesh wills and conforms to the will of the Spirit.  Then I read the words "firstfruits of the Spirit".  This is a familiar passage to me, but I don't believe I ever saw those words in this light.  The "firstfruits of the Spirit"; when I have not the words to pray, when prayer fails to come, only the soulful need to pray, to speak to the Lord, the Spirit prays for me.  He lifts those groans from my deepest needs to the Lord in His tongue, His prayer to the Father, sending that urgency need of help to the Most High.  We, having the firstfruits of the Spirit, we, not knowing what to pray, how to pray, have that intercessor there for us. 

Then I read on, but only to have the Lord return me to the words, "firstfruits of the Spirit".  The firstfruits of the Holy Spirit was only a sampling of what was to come; the firstfruits, the best offered; You gave us Your best to help us.  Not just a portion of what You had left but from the top, Your Mind and Your Heart.  The very best to help us, to guide us when we felt we could not go on, when we could not understand.  The firstfruits of the Holy Spirit take us higher, and it is ony the beginning of the glory yet to be established in us through Your Precious Spirit.

I saw the relation of our firstfruits, our tithe, to be given unto You, my Lord, before anything else is considered, our firstfruits to You.  I never considered that You, were giving us firstfruits also, Your best, a part of You, to always be here, living in us.  How is it that I never saw this before, as this passage so familiar leading into verse 28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".  But never did the words light up like they did this morning.  That is another gift of the Holy Spirit, lighting up the Word as You wish to make a new revelation to us.  I stand amazed, once again, at Your love for me.  At the desire You have for me to understand Your Word, to understand where I fit into this beautiful plan You have designed for me; my part, my place in Your heart.

I don't know Father, if I have been able to articulate all You gave me, but I know it was meant to be shared.  I delight in Your Word, Lord, and know there is so much more that the Holy Spirit will enlighten to me in Your timing, as You will.  This 9th day of October, I am simply Your child, a woman yearning to see Your face, a woman that has been so blessed by You, so loved by You.  Thank You, my Lord, thank You.

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