Thursday, October 27, 2011


2 Corinthians 13:5  "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you...unless, of course, you fail the test."

Today I had the first big audit since being in the new office. There are so many differences from one place to another; always a learning experience and these audits should be taken as such. To prepare one for the big audit, the internal audit.

As I was thinking about internal audits, I was wondering if our Lord God performed an internal audit on His children, what would He find.  Would He find that we are conducting our lives in the procedures that He has set forth in His Word, our Manual for living the Christian life?  Would He find that we have been utilizing the guidelines and goals that are attainable through the sacrifice already made for us?  How would be measure up to an internal audit of God?

To be honest with you, I would rather undergo the type of audit I had today and fail than to fail a Heavenly audit by the Lord.  When I look inside of me, I see so many scars where failure had been, sometimes the nicks of sin are still healing with the cleansing blood of Jesus.  I question myself each day, looking inside to see just what I have done, remembering each conversation, each encounter to see if I performed up to par, up to the standard set forth by my precious Lord Jesus.  I have such a long way to go, it seems to me, in reaching the goal of being in Jesus's likeness.  I know I am never to stop seeking to achieve this goal, this Likeness that is so precious, so sweet.  Thank You, Holy Spirit, that You never stop teaching me, convicting me and correcting me.   You draw me closer each day to the place that I desire to attain in You, living the Word and becoming the likeness of my Lord.  Still, so far to go.  I wonder some days if I will make it.  I thank You, Lord, that You never give up on me, that Your unconditional love is there, pouring into me; grace and mercy, new each day.  Your peace gives me a calmness at the end of each day as I rest in You, You restore me to Yourself.  Forgiveness for my human nature, refreshing to my spirit that is continually drawn to Your Spirit Lord.  You are forever wooing me to Yourself, holding me so close that I cannot ever want to be anywhere but in Your Presence.

Search me, O Lord, and find any unclean thing in me and cast it out.  Cut it out of my being so I may be healed and cleansed in Your Name, and found righteous before God, my Father.  My righteousness is in You, Lord.  Let me be found pure and without malice; let no wickedness be found in my heart, only love and grace; let no unclean thoughts be found in my mind, let my mind be the mind of Christ; surround me with Your hedge of protection so that I might be safe and free to follow You alone.

This 27th day of October, 2011; Lord, let an internal examination of my heart be shown to contain the love of Jesus, the sweet love of Jesus that I share with all I see; let the examination of my soul show that from it's depths contain such an adoration of You, so much love for You alone; and Lord, let the audit of my spirit show a healthy spirit that worships and praises You from morning to night, a spirit filled with  joy and peace that only comes from that intimate relationship with You.  Let this audit find me so in love with my God that there is no room for any emotion within but love, peace and joy.

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