Thursday, October 20, 2011


Isaiah 48:17  "This is what the Lord says...your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go."

When you watch a movie, one of the first things you see on the screen is the title of the movie and the directors name.  Often before you see the actors names, you see the directors, the one responsible for the movie, beginning to finish.  My life has a Director; so does yours. 

The movie, each part is put together in segments.  When something goes wrong with a segment, it is repeated until it is gotten right.  Ever feel like you have done this.  We Christians call it going around the mountain again.  Each time the Lord leads us, directs our way and we decide to do our own thing, this has to be repeated.  There is a lesson the Lord is giving us when it is done in His will, when we miss the lesson, I have learned this will be repeated.  I have asked the Holy Spirit to lead me in the Lord's will so I do not have to do this so often.  There are times that it still happens, but thank You, Lord, not near as often as before.

I have learned that the Lord knows what is best for me.  He knows what tomorrow holds.  There was a position I was wanting with my company and I found out yesterday that I would not get it.  At first there was disappointment, but then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and reminded me that I had asked the Lord for His perfect will, not mine, concerning this job.  When I realized this was exactly what I had done, I felt a peace about it.  I am fine with it, for if it is not the perfect will of my Father, I do not want it. Had it been, the position would have been mine.  The Lord knows what is in my tomorrows and He knows which direction I should go in.  Thank You, Father, for Your taking care of me; I know that there was something there that you did not want for me.  If there is anything that will take me from what the Lord had planned for me, what I am to do to glorify Him, then I don't want any part of it.  I am in my Lord and He is in me.  I am truly blessed to have my life in the Father's hands.

When your life is directed by the Creator of the Universe, the Author and Finisher of our lives, your days are so sweet.  Gently leading, never overpowering, as the Lord wants us to desire Him above all else; He leads us in the path of righteousness, looking over each detail that concerns us, protecting us with His mercy, His grace.

My Lord, how I love You.  I am so content.  Never have I felt so perfectly loved; so blessed, so free.  I live to glorify You, my King.  This 20th day of October, 2011, I am blissfully aware of being in the arms of my Father, my God, who I adore.  Thank You, my Lord, for leading me in Your perfect will.

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