Psalm 118:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."
Our talk, our words should be a constant flow of thanksgiving to the Lord. There is never a day that goes by that the air around you should not be seasoned with beautiful thanks and praise to our Lord. Even on worse days, days that you wished you had stayed in bed....I wished this today for several hours until I realized that my thoughts were not lining up to what my Lord expects from me, what our relationship demands of me.
When you come into the realm of intimate relationship with the Lord, where you depend on Him alone, where you draw your strength, where you find your peace, and where the pure joy of living comes from, expectations rise when the Lord looks upon us. I know that I have come to a point where more is expected of me and where I expect to give more to my Lord. I don't want to revert back to the person I once was, moaning about the things that were happening to me, or around me. I don't want to go back to the constant worrier that I was. Being that complainer when things did not go my way, no, won't do that again. So I expect a certain bahavior of myself I know the Lord expects more of me also. I want Him to. If my God expects more of me than he did several years ago, then it means I have grown in wisdom and knowledge of my Lord. It means that I have been invited into this beautiful intimate relationship with Him. It means that my Lord trusts me.
If the Lord trusts me, it means He will give me more....more direction, revealing more of His Word to me; He will give me more to do for His kingdom; He will give me more of Himself.
Each day, each moment, no matter what is happening, songs of praise and thanksgiving should rise up to the Lord. The Lord is so good to us all; His blessings flow whether we are aware of it or not. I have something inside of me that hates to see the enemy gloried and I try so hard not to speak of feeling bad or thinking I am going to get sick. I try not to think that things will be bad for me, or to worry about tomorrow. I know who holds tomorrow; the same wonderful Lord that holds me in His hands. So that adds up to blessings for me. Worshiping the Lord should be the sounds coming from us. The dialect of thanksgiving is songs of love and praise, honor and glory coming from us. We were indeed made to worship the Lord. He can do all things; but He made us to worship Him alone. This is what we can do to thank Him for all He has done; He has saved us from the pits of hell; He has given us love where there was no reason to love us, unconditional love meaning He will love us no matter what we do. The Lord has blessed us so much. I know He blesses me each day. From the moment I see the beautiful sunny sky to the days when He showers us with rain to refresh the earth. The food we eat, the clothes we wear; our rest in Him at night. He takes care of our every need. And I will worship Him as long as I live.
I do not speak a foreign language. I use to think that was so important, but now I see that the important language, the most beautiful dialect I can speak is praise; it is worship to my King. I worship You, my Lord God, with all that is within me. I praise Your Holy Name. This 28th day of October, 2011, I am singing songs of love to You, I am thanking You with all my heart, I am giving You my all. Thank You, my Lord.
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