Psalm 46:4 "There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells."
I can close my eyes, Lord, and see You standing on the other side of the river. I can see the activity behind You. People worshiping, singing, hands raised, voices strong. And I know that is the Home You have made for Your Bride. The Home someday You will bring me to. But there is the river....
I need to cross the river, Lord. I can see the bridge You are building, a few feet at a time as I learn to trust You, as I learn to follow the path....the beautiful path You have made for me. It is a bridge for just me. I do understand, that everyone has their own bridge to Home. A special bridge that gaps the present to eternity. With each victory in You, one more portion to the bridge is added. With each day that I draw closer to You, that I yearn deeper and deeper for the things of You, the bridge gets shorter, closer to Home.
So long now, Lord, I have known that this earth is not my Home, that my Home is in Your Presence always. Yes, Lord, I see. I will be here on earth until You call me, until You come for me, but I can be Home here with You. The deeper I go in You, the nearer that bridge brings me to Home; Home in You. I want to learn Your ways Lord. I want to know and understand Your Word. I need to know the hidden jewels You have for me in Your Word. Life to me, those Words are. Pure life to me.
I love You so much dear Lord. You are so wonderful to me. Your goodness showers over me daily, giving me so much joy. I worship You, my King, my sweet Jesus. I bless Your Holy Name, Jesus. Your Name is so precious to me. When I just mention Your Name to myself, I feel so warm inside; I feel so loved by You. Jesus....
What do I know of Home.....I know it is the place where You will always be waiting for me; I know it is the sweet place of peace; it is the joy in the morning and the calm at night. I know it is my desire; the place I desire to be with You. This 1st day of November, 2011, I know Home is where the heart is and when my heart knows nothing in it but You, when this world no longer can distract me with its daily grind, with its oppression, when I can only see You and nothing else, then and only then I will be Home. Home with You....just across the river. The river of peace, joy; the river of eternal life.
Hallelujah!!! I LOVED and was so blessed reading this, Pat! The desire to know and understand His Word...His ways...the warmness inside when just saying His name (I do this to fall asleep many times and it's a wonderful way to drift off!). This was a BLESSING and I thank you dear friend! AGAIN!