Isaiah 66:22 "As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me, declares the Lord, so will your name and descendants endure."
The Lord loves to show me revelation in His Word and when that special revealing of the scripture comes, it floods over me like a waterfall of glory. As I was reading the Word and I read this verse, I stopped, went back and began to read it again and again, slower each time. My name will endure. I will endure. Not just that I will live long life or that my name will live on, but each day, each step of the walk I have in Jesus, I will endure.
I will endure what ever the day brings, whether it be blessings or the curses of the enemy and his companions. Whether people dislike me and want to persecute me for being a child of the King, or if I am lifted high to the heavens to dance with my Lord for a moment. No matter what the day brings, I will endure it as I have the strength of my God poured into me; I have the helmet of salvation hovering over me; I have the breastplate of righteousness defending me and I have the shield of faith flowing out of me, knowing that the Lord is more than able to keep me on the path He has put in front of me. I will endure all things each day, each moment.
The fact that I can endure, that the Lord has promised me that as sure as the new heavens and new earth will endure, so will I. My God does not say things He does not mean and that He does not do. His Word proclaims He is a God that cannot lie, so no matter what the enemy tells me when things look bad, God has said I will endure all things, just like the new heaven and new earth will endure. This earth as we know it might pass away, but I will endure. I might come to a day when I can not buy or sell, as you can be certain I will not be letting any one put the mark on me; still, I will endure. I have complete faith that my Lord will take care of my needs. And should I be persecuted for my faith, for my love of my God, still I will endure, my name will endure. My God shall never leave me or forsake me.
Enduring, sometimes people think that enduring is putting up with things the way they are.....but I know enduring is having the forces and power of Almighty God behind you and in you and with you at all times. That is the beauty of the walk I have with my Lord. I know that I am going to endure everything in His name and that His blessings will never cease to flow to me from His throne. I know that He will flood me with His presence as I worship Him with love and adoration that will never cease. I know that my Lord will come one day soon and this particular walk will be over. How pleased I pray my Lord will be with the manner in which I have endured the walk. I know He is pleased with my love, with my worship, and my yielding everything to Him.
I love You my Lord, my King. You have given me beauty in my walk with You and I know with You, because of You, I will endure.
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