Monday, November 14, 2011


Romans 3:3 "What if some did not have faith?  Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness?"

Do you ever wonder if people will ever get the beauty of our God?  I think so often that they just read enough of the Word to get an idea of what God is and never study long enough to see Who He is.  These are the same people that will want to argue the Word and not want to truly learn what the Lord has to say to us.  It is sad, I feel, as they will never really know the "whole" truth.  The truth that the Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

God does not change.  His faithfulness is the same if one has a great faith or just maintaining enough trust to say that they trust God and have faith in Him.  These people have great fear.  Fear and faith do not go in the same sentence, it does not work that way.  The faithfulness of God does not change.  Our faith does not determine His faithfulness to us.  It is the same as His love.  His love is unconditional and is not based on our love for Him.  So is His faithfulness.  He is faithful to keep His Word, His promises are true for each of us.  The gulf between His faithfulness and our faith comes as if we have not faith, then we do not believe the truth of His promises.  It is our lack that keeps us from seeing His faithfulness.  It is there, all the promises of His Word, available to each of us, according to our faith. 

Think on how the Lord has supplied a need in the past when you did not know what would happen, think about how He healed you, how when you were afraid, remember how His peace came to you?  How you were healed, perhaps not in your time frame, but in His perfect timing.  There are reasons we may never know as to the timing of the Lord, but He is faithful to produce everything in His perfect time.  One day when we get to Glory, we will understand immediately what was going on in our lives.  Today, just know that all things will be done to to give the Lord glory, to honor Him alone.

Your love, O Lord, Your faithfulness; never ending; never changing; never lacking.  I am complete in Your love, my God.  I know of Your faithfulness to me, and I praise You for always showing me that I can trust You with all my heart.  You have never let me down and I know You will always be with me, to protect me, to love me, to bless me.    I love You so much, my Lord.  I will worship You for Your beautiful love and faithfulness.  I will worship You for Who You are, my Beloved Lord and Savior.


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