Isaiah 6:3 "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!"
My heart is stirred within me, my spirit is melting in total surrender; my soul cries out to my God, "Holy, Holy are You Lord." So holy is my God. Today I have thought so often of my Lord, my mind staying on Him while I was working and tonight I am overwhelmed by His Beauty, His Holiness. I can hardly write for His Glory and Presence tonight. Message after message lately about The Cross has come to me and as I have thought and considered the Cross where my Lord hung, taking on all my sins, all my disease, all my afflictions, His Holiness becomes more and more evident. Only God would give all, only my Lord would suffer all, only my God would love so much that He would sacrifice what was the Holiest of Holies for me, for you, to be redeemed. O my God, how can I ever love You as much as I think You deserve to be loved? What can I do to truly tell You and show You how much I thank You for my redemption.
When I think of Your going through the trials and the pain. I know You suffered such pain as those whips and hands beat You. It hurts me so to think of what You endured. I know the Cross was necessary because of my sin, Lord God, and I can only promise You these things:
I will never take the sacrifice You made for me lightly. You have forgiven me for past neglect and brought me back to the foot of the Cross and made everything new with me, new mercies, new life, a new relationship between You and me that nothing can break, nothing can interrupt. You have given me such love, such beautiful love that I know I will never find here on earth through humans. Humans are not capable of such unconditional love as You are my Lord. You have given me new life, a life in You. And You, my God, are so Holy.
I will love You forever my Lord. I will worship You with all my heart and soul, my spirit will sing to You in the night as I rest, my lips will praise You throughout each day. I will tell of Your grace and mercy to all You send to me, to all I come in contact with, there will be no doubt to Whom I belong. No one will have to ask if I am a child of God as it will be evident from my contenance; the joy on my face and the peace in my soul. My life will reflect Your goodness and I will be Your Light for others to see. Your Holiness, my Lord, for others to know.
Holy, Holy, Holy is my God Almighty, Holy is the King I love, Holy is the Lord that I live for. Your Holiness draws me to my knees and down on my face before You my God. I live for Your Holy Presence to surround me, I am lost in Your love, Your beauty. When will You come for me, my Lord, when will Your Holiness come down from Your throne and receive Your Bride. I long for Your coming, Lord, I long for Your coming.
My Lord, I am but one who loves You so much. I honor You my Lord. My life has been changed from death to life because of the Cross, because of Your love for me. I can never leave You, my Lord, I never want to go from You. Keep me close to You, dear Lord, close to Your Holiness where I can smell the fragrance of Your love, where I can feel the touch of Your breath as You draw me close to You, where I can stay in Your Presence. Draw me, Lord, close to You.
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