Ephesians 3:8 "To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.."
What are we telling others with our lives? I am so aware of being watched in all I do. I don't mind that people watch me, but I do mind that they think more of me that they should. I am no different than anyone else except for the grace that the Lord has given me; His mercy on my life. And this same grace and mercy is available for all who love the Lord. But people do watch me, they watch everyone who comes out and proclaims God as the Lord of their life, Jesus as their Savior. As I said, I don't mind that they watch, but it puts such a responsibility on one. I am human, as you are, and there are times when we act just that way....human. It takes a lot of love and understanding to be around those that minister and don't expect anything different from them then you would yourself. People are people. We all make mistakes, we all say things normal humans say. Now I am not talking about cursing or talking about subjects that would be offensive to the Holy Spirit, but just normal talking but some folks think people in the Lord's service are different. They are different in a manner, as the annointing of the Lord falls to them to do what they are called by Him to do, but they are still just man or woman, God's creations. They have bad days, they get ill, they get tired, they get disappointed in things, in people, yes, and they can't always have that silly grin on their faces. The enemy really does his best work against those called of the Lord to minister to others and it is not always easy to act like things are okay.
What I have discovered is that the Lord does not want us to behave like everyday is a holiday in our lives. It's not and we should never pretend that it is. We have hard days just like everyone else, we Christians do and it is no shame to let people see our frailities. In fact a lot of times I think it helps others to see that bad days happen to all God's children; illness, heartache, disappointments; we are all the same under Heaven; just God's children who are constantly in need of their Savior, Jesus. Without the Lord, where would we be? God's grace pours out to all who call on Him. His grace measures out to us according to our need. I may need more grace tomorrow than I will on Friday, and you may need more on Thursday than you will tomorrow. God always knows just what we need and He gives it to us when we ask.
Father, I still do not know what happened to the topic of "Communicating what is of the Lord". This certainly has taken a different turn. I am in Your hands, I always yield to what the Holy Spirit tells me to type. And here we are, showing our humanness, explaining the vulnerable creature that I am. We are all subject to be watched, looked at with....what can I say....waiting for us to mess up? Some people would. Some people find it hard to watch children of God who love Him so much and always want to talk about their adoration for Him. It makes some uncomfortable. I got over trying to "watch" my words long ago. I am not "politically correct", can't ever remember being so, but definitely am not now. I am Holy Spirit correct. I would rather be criticized for something I said that may or may not offend earthly inhabitants than I would want to offend the Holy Spirit or my Lord God. I have done that in my past and will not do it again. I will not pretend to be someone I am not just because I would fear it is not proper for work or any other place I may be. I am who I am, a daughter of God, and I love Him with all my heart. I wear my love for my Lord as surely as I would be wearing a sign.
Lord, this did not go where I thought it would, but I pray it will bless those for whom You intend it. You are my everything, I am just Your worshiper, Your child who loves You so much. I pray that I can be always who You made me to be; that those who watch me only see You in my, and when I do act more human that they understand, I pray You will give them the grace and mercy to show to me, I pray they will realize that no matter who we are in You, it important thing about us is that You are in us, totally immersing Yourself through us, body, spirit and soul.
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