Isaiah 42:5 "This is what God the Lord says...he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it..."
How wonderful You are my Lord, so beautiful and good to me. To all Your children. What a blessing this morning's service was. I am still so full of joy and, well, hard to describe Lord, but You know what is in my heart. I was so tired this morning, and thought of staying home, but, sweet, sweet, Holy Spirit, thank You, thank You, sweet Spirit, You drew me up and out. When the praises began to my Lord, I began to be revived, just being in His house with His children and then as we praised, pastor prayed, and then Your young annointed man stepped up to pray. And he prayed down Your Spirit, Your Presence filled the sanctuary. As Your Presence sweetened the air in the room, people came up for a touch from You, for healing of body and spirits. As worship went up to thank You each time Your touch was felt by Your child, more Annointing fell, more Power came down, Your Glory swept across the room.
Just standing on the second row, time after time I could feel the wind of Your Presence pass by and I knew that anything in my body that was not right was being healed at that moment. I did not have to move, You came to me and to everyone in that room that was giving their all to You. Everyone that was loving You and worshiping You, lifting up the Holy Name of Jesus was touched. Three people were beautifully healed of injuries, sickness....right there, miracle after miracle. You showed up and did what only You can do, my God, You healed Your people. Your Promises felt and recognized as truth, today in our midst, not years ago, but today Your Word, Your Promises still the same. You never change, You never forget Your covenant with Your people.
Just Your Presence is need no words in the Presence, just that flow of heartfelt worshp and love going to Your throne room. And You look at the hearts, You feel the love, You see the purity of the worship lifting up to You; You never disappoint, Lord, never. You come when the invitation is given to You with such love and adoration. You come when You see Your children hungrey and thirsty and when they acknowledge that no one can satisfy them but You. You come when their worship is from the depths of their souls, when the spirits collide with those of the enemy and stay strong enough to burst through that cloud that the enemy wants to put over us. You come, knowing that we will not stop calling You until You come to us. You come because You love us with such passion, You cannot stay away when You see how we need You, how we love You.
Thank You, Lord. I have such a peace, such a joy radiating in my soul, in my spirit that will not leave. My weariness is lifted, replaced with a strength that only You could supply. I love You, Lord. I am so blessed. Healing can be found by anyone needing a touch.....they only have to find Your Presence....and my Lord God, in love, in worship, in prayer....Your Presence can be found. Whenever hearts are giving their all to You, Your Presence will be found.
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