Wednesday, November 9, 2011


1 Timothy 1:14  "The grace of the Lord was poured out on me abundantly along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus."

I remember when the Lord first drew me back to Him, back to savation's redemption, after a number of years of drifting, living a life I am not proud of....but you know, He has used that to His glory also, and He tells me it's forgotten.  Thank You, my Lord.  But when the Lord drew me back to Him at that time I returned to singing in church.  It had been a while, and for years of using my voice to  sing for the world, I was once again singing for the Lord.  Just about every song I sang was about grace.  I was overwhelmed with the grace of my God.  I still am.  It is the one most amazing gifts I have received from my Lord.  I think it is probably one of the three most wonderful gifts from God.  The first I believe is love.  Without His love, His unconditional love for us, nothing else would have happened.  After His love, comes salvation.  Salvation came with the beauty of His Son, my Savior, Jesus, who came to die for me.  Here began the gift of grace.  His grace, His unshakable grace extended to us every time we do anything that is not of Him.  Every time we step one way off the path, it is grace, His grace that draws us back.  I will never understand this amazing grace, this pure love that flows outward towards me no matter what I do.

When I think about the cross....when I see pictures or videos of the remembrance of the beatings, the scorning, the mocking my Savior was given, it tears at my heart a little more each time.  If I see that beautiful face, those gentle eyes and see that crown of thorns upon His head, tears well up in my eyes and my breathing halts as I see what love and grace did for me.  My God, how can I ever let You know how very much I love You.  My heart is so full, please look there to see how much I love You, how thankful I am that You never gave up on me and that Your grace was extended to me, time and time and time again.

I remember those songs of grace, still so many of my favorite today, "grace, grace, God's grace"; "that grace has been extended to me", and the beautiful "amazing grace, how sweet the sound".  Words of songs Lord, that have been life to me.  They were Your hand extended as I was finding my way back to You.  Songs I could sing to You to tell You how much I loved You, how much I was blessed by the grace You gave me.  That unshakable grace, grace that no matter what I do, is still extended to me.  Your grace is not dependant on what or who I am, Your beautiful grace is because of Who You are.  It has everything to do with You.  I thank You Lord.  I worship You.  You are my God.  You are everything to me, my whole life. 

One more day is almost done, another day in which I have been given so much love, so much grace.  It flows down to me from Your throne, constantly pouring over me like a warm summer rain, refreshing me and restoring me, drawing me to Your side, keeping me in Your will; beautiful love, amazing grace.  This 9th day of November, 2011, I am so still before You, my God.  So still, so quiet, so amazed, so in awe....of Your unshakable grace, Your unconditional love....for me.  My God, I love You so.

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