2 Corinthians 6:17-18 (Message) "So leave the corruption and compromise, leave it for good", says God. "Don't link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for myself."
I keep noticing, and trust me, if I notice, the Lord notices that so many still think certain things are okay. R rated movies. The violence is one thing, but the language, the adult content, as they put it. I have such a hard time with these things. Even television has so much "adult content", sometimes it is hard to watch a commercial. Commercials that disrespect parents; commercials that make fun of Christianity, that make disrespectful references to our God and King. Commercials, sitcoms, so many are so offensive. I saw the promo's the other day for some sitcom, I couldn't tell you what the name of it was and it was offensive trying to be funny. Compromise? What can it hurt?
The Lord asks, no, He really tells us to come away from such, to separate ourselves from this things that are offensive, that make light of His Kingdom, of His Word, that use His name in vain. Anything that is not of Him is of the world. And He has told us to come away from the things of the world, to come to Him. God is truly jealous of the time we spend on things that pollute our minds, our hearts. He has spent so much time wooing us to Him, giving us the best of this world, the sweet, the good, the perfect things He has made for us, for us to allow ourselves to drink of the vileness of the earth.
Grounds for this separation? You may ask, why, what does it harm. Let me tell you what the Father told me tonight. You may wonder what the grounds for this separation are; you may question the reasoning behind the Fathers' wish.
The first reason would be His unconditional love for us. No matter what we have done in the past, no matter what we do now or in the future will change His love for us. He loves us, He wants the very best for us. He wants to spend time with us and He cannot when we are filled with the vile things of the earth. There are plenty of decent shows to watch, good movies to see and good activities that will give us enjoyment without the R rated contents of them.
The second reason could be that the precious Holy Spirit dwells within us and is subjected to all the things we do, all the things we watch and take into our spirits; the good, the bad and the ugly. Have you thought what you and the Holy Spirit are watching the last time you watched the soaps? How about the last sitcom you watched where it was perfectly okay to bash the Holy Spirit, make fun of our Lord, or use His name in vain. Yes, we do subject our Father's Spirit to so much. See He is there, but He is so sensitive, if offended, He will just leave. Do you really want to spend your days without knowing the Holy Spirit is with you?
The last reason I am going to give you and I believe it is the greatest reason of all. The blood of Jesus; the sacrifice that our precious Savior made so you could be free of the things of the earth, so you could be forgiven of all sin, so you could spend eternity with Him and while here on earth, could know the presence of the Lord, through the Holy Spirit. The blood of the Lamb of God, paid so we could be separate from the things of the world, so we would have the peace that only knowing the Father intimately can bring and so we could have pure joy, not the hesitant laughs of off color jokes and plots.
If you need more grounds for separating yourself from the things of the world, spend some more time in the Word of God; see how the time we spend on unChristian things draws us away from Him. I have been dealing with some of the programs I have watched and I know the Lord is separating me from more and more of them as He shows me the harm it truly does my soul. Not all are bad, but if you will ask the Lord to help you, ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of those things not fitting a child of God, He will. You will find there is still so much left to enjoy, so much good from the Lord.
My Lord, my God, I thank You that You love me so much, You are concerned about what I put into my spirit, into my mind. I thank You that You desire for me a clean heart, a dwelling fit for the Holy Spirit to be in and a love for me that wants to see me blessed by life, not cursed by letting the cunning ways of the enemy just make my senses dulled to the things that are not of You.
I love You, my Lord. I love You so much. I want to spend time with You. I am so blessed that You want me all for yourself. What would I do, my Lord, if I did not have You in my life. You are everything to me. This 4th day of November, 2011, I separate myself from the world and draw totally unto You, my King, my Savior. Just knowing of Your wonderful, pure love for me is just grounds for separation from anything or anyone else that is not of You.
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