Saturday, July 9, 2011


John 1:8  "He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light."

The next scripture here says "The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world".  These scriptures were written about John the Baptist and Jesus, the true Light.  People were amazed at John for the words he spoke, so many were wondering who he was.  He proclaimed he was only the messenger, the witness to the Light which was Jesus who was to come.

So often we get in awe of a great evangelist, preacher, musician and lose knowledge that they are only witnesses to the Light, the Light that is to come again.  The Light that is waiting for the Father's Word to go, bring my family home to me.  I have experienced some of this when I minister to people, when I speak the words that the Lord gives me for them.  If you have ministered to people, counseled them, preached to them, lead worship, you know what I mean.  They tend to look at you as someone better than themselves, someone they are in awe of.  When this happens to me, I have to leave the word I was telling them, stop the ministering to assure them that no, I am no different than them, except that I have the Lord in my heart, that the Holy Spirit dwells in me, and I am a forgiven sinner, I am washed by the blood of the Lamb, made clean and whole again by my Lord.  Just as they are, I am loved by our God, so loved.  And then, and only then, when they understand that I am only a witness to the wonderful salvation of my Lord, of His unconditional love and mercy, then do I continue giving them the words from the Lord.

I do nothing that is of me.  Who am I, that I should think I am above anyone else.  I am not, I could never be.  I am nothing other than a woman who loves her God, I am only my God's worshiper.  Everything I do, someone else can do....if they commit to the Lord and love Him with all their heart.  I only testify to His glorious presence when I worship Him.  I only can tell of His redeeming grace, His mercy when daily I need a fresh cleansing.  I can only witness to the fact that He loves me passionately, that He blesses me abundantly, and He loves to draw me to Himself and spend time with me.  All this, everything that is done for me, can be done for you, for anyone that will give themselves totally to the Lord.  Yes, already, I can see the excuses coming..."well, you are by yourself", or "I have a family, children to look after" and "I have responsibilites at home, I can not give myself totally"....Well, think how that must sound to the God who saw to it that you have that family, that you have those responsibilities.  Don't you know that the Lord knows what is on your plate.  Can't you see that is one of the main reasons it is so important that you commit yourself totally to Him?  He wants to be able to take care of this family for you, to give you freedom to enjoy them and not be worried over them all the time.  The Lord wants to hold you close and give you the peace He so freely has for you, to pour His joy all over you.  And then, when He does this, you will be come a witness to the Light also.  You will see the benefits of being one of the Lord's witnesses. 

It is a joy to witness to the Light, to my Lord.  He is my everything, all I have I owe to Him.  There is not a day goes by I do not see His hand in my life, whether holding me close as I need comforting, loving me and soothing my weary body, my tired mind, or simply coming down to fill me with His presence as I worship Him.  I love these times, I love to worship my God.  He is so worthy of all, everything I can offer in song, in words, in pure love from my heart and soul.

I am only a witness.  I cannot lay claim to anything other than the fact that I am a child of the King, I am loved by my God, my Savior died for my sins and rose again to establish a home for me in heavenly places, He left behind with me the Holy Spirit that never leaves me, keeps me in constant communication with my Lord, and comforts me, loves me at all times.  My dear friend. 

The Light is returning to this earth.  Soon, the day will come when Jesus, the Light of the world will return in splendor and glory to claim His Bride.  He will come to rectify the wrongs of this world and to reign over us.  I will proclaim His return, I will pray for His return and my heart will seek His face until that day comes.  I desire that it come soon, now, Lord Jesus, now.  I long to be with You, my Lord, to see You face to face to declare my love as I look into Your eyes, Your beautiful eyes, so gentle and full of love.  I so desire to see You.

This 9th day of July, 2011, as I await the return of the Light, my wonderful Lord, I will continue to be a witness to the Light, I will continue to be His worshiper, His awaiting Bride.

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