Philippians 3:14 "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Home now from my last day in my office. So many customers hugged me, blessed me and gave me their good wishes for happiness in my new home and work. So nice, some gave me gifts. One a small plastic and yarn cross that was given to her by her aunt/godmother when she was in her darkest hours and it meant so much to her; she wanted me to have it to remember her with. How precious is my Father to give me so much favor with these dear folks. But now...
Now I get this packing finished up, and I follow my Lord. I am now walking in the path He planned for me so long ago, that He gave to me last September with a still, quiet voice before a worship service; when I sat down in this church and He whispered "You're home". Some have looked at me strange when I've told them this is the reason I am moving, because my Lord told me to go, but then others have rejoiced in what the Lord is doing in me.
I press toward the goal to which He has called me. I don't know everything that will lay ahead of me, but He does, my Father knows everything minute of everyday that will be in my future, so I do not worry, I have no fears as I know He will not let go of me for a minute. Our Lord does not call us to something that He does not equip us to do. He has taken the last nine months and led me day by day into the place where He has wants me to be. He has taught me the importance of worship, He has shown me how to worship Him, the way that pleases Him, the way that draws Him near to me. He has given me words to write here, He has let me see how the words He gives me ministers to others; not always, but at times to let me know He doesn't have me just writing, but He has me ministering. You know, I can put on paper so many things that the Lord puts in my heart a lot easier than I can speak them. But He is working on that part of me also. He is putting words in my spirit for me to give to others, prayers to pray for the ministering of others, for healing, for comfort, for provision. He has been preparing me for His plan and it is unfolding quickly now.
To say I am excited would be an understatement as I am overwhelmed with gladness, with joy. My smile, almost a silly grin now, could not be wiped off my face with anything. The enemy's attempts to harm me, to delay, to distract, to worry me, have all gone astray. He has not been able to undermind the Lord's call on my life. My eyes are placed firmly on my Savior's face, my heart and spirit attuned to the Father's voice, and my faith, my trust has been established by the never failing love and faithfulness of my God.
So I am pressing on. You see, I like to win, there is a big part of me that likes to win. I have been content a lot of times to let someone else win, cause I just like to play the game, whether cards, monopoly, checkers, I would just enjoy playing the game. But this is no game. This is my life, this is the life that my Father planned for me to walk in, to walk in holding His hand. I intend to win this prize. I have my eye on the most beautiful prize ever known to man, I have my heart set on being the Bride of Christ and nothing, nothing on earth will keep me from winning this prize. If I should perish while enroute to the end of the journey, still I win. I will not let the enemy or any of his friends keep me from my Lord's side. I will spend eternity with my Beloved Jesus.
I love you so much, my Lord. There is none like You anywhere on this earth, I could not imagine a life without You. There is no place I want to be other than in Your presence, sitting at Your feet, worshiping You. You are so wonderful, I have never known such love as You give to me. I have never know such peace as there is found in Your presence. This 15th day of July, 2011, I am worshiping You, mind, heart, spirit, from the depths of my soul I am worshiping You, and I am pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which I have been called by my God.
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