John 5:8 "Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk"."
As I was reading the word, I read this scripture about the man who had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years. The Lord spoke to me and said "my people are spiritually lame". I usually write later in the day but was compeled to sit and write as the Lord began to tell me what He meant.
Our thoughts are crippled by the world. Basically our thoughts are beaten and made numb, thereby crippling us, by what we allow to enter our minds, through our eyes and our ears. I rarely ever watch commercials when I watch TV as I find they are demoralizing, mean, and just plain dumb. Is it too much to expect that the companies we spend so much money purchasing their products treat us as adults, as intelligent humans? I find so many are violent. You don't need violence to sell milk. But so many either are full of violence, sexual undertones or out in the open tones, or both together. I cannot tell you how many times I see something like that and say to myself, I am so not going there or not buying that. When you go to the trouble to screen a show or movie for your family, or just for yourself to watch and then the commercials come on and pour this garbage into your mind. And people love commercials....I get asked all the time if I saw this or that commercial. Do we realize what is taking place through these 30 second spots?
So many just sit and watch them; not realizing what is coming into their minds....the violence, the rudeness, the way the kids talk to their parents or teachers in a commercial. Take note, watch what you are watching. Do not let yourself be desensitized. Our Holy Spirit is there with you, watching, hearing...where did you think He goes at these times...He is being subjected to what you are watching and hearing.
If you are reading, what are you reading? I use to absorb books three and four a week, all the top authors, loved mysteries, figured I could skip over the pages that had those off-color things in them, but I was still pouring these things into my mind. Your eyes still see all that is on the page before you turn it. Your mind may not comprehend it openly but subconsciously it goes into your mind. Through the eyes, into the mind, to lay dormant until a situation comes along and you find yourself reacting like something in the book you read, using words you were not sure where they came from.
All this, Father says, causes you to be spiritually lame. Crippled when it comes to your heart staying pure and holy before Him. Your body sick and you cannot figure what is wrong with you. Do you not realize that when your spirit is filled with things not of the Lord, it can become ill and your body follows? For your body to be well, the spirit must be well. Our Lord wants us to fill our minds, what we read, what we hear with things of Him. His Word, music that is pleasing to Him also, music that we can sing with or that will draw us into worshiping Him. We were made to please our God. Our Father wants to bless us so much, He is waiting to shower us with blessings from His throne room, but we cannot walk to receive them. We are lame. We need to be able to walk in the Light of the Lord, walk in the way He sets before us, but if we are filled with things of the world, we will not be able to recieve from our Lord the deep things He has for us. It will be just surface blessings, those just thrown down to the birds, the animals that need to be fed and taken care of; all we would be able to reach for ourselves are the crumbs from His table.
Today, this moment, the Lord wants us to take note of what we allow into our minds through our ears and eyes. Stop filling our minds with garbage that is making us so crippled in mind and spirit. Stop laughing at the hurting and shaming of others, the one-up on each other that so many of these spots produce. Screen these things just as you would the shows and movies. You can mute the violence, get up and go in the other room while these play. Chose carefully what you read. This is such a message from my Lord. I also need to be so careful what goes into my mind as it will play back when I am trying to worship or pray. Interrupting the flow from myself and the Father with garbage....the enemy will use whatever is there, whatever you make available for him to use.
My Lord, forgive me. Please help me be diligent about what goes into my mind, into my spirit. I only want those things that are pure, those things which are holy and only of You to be a part of who I am, I want to be one with You. My desire, Lord, to be one with You. Today, the 16th day of July, 2011, Father, I want to hear those words from You, as You cleanse me from any unrighteousness in mind or spirit, "Get up, Pick up your mat and walk". I love You so much, Pappa.
Thank you and so true