Tuesday, July 12, 2011


1 Corinthians 2:9-10  "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him, but God has revealed it to us by the Spirit."

People limit God.  They put limitations on Him because they can only believe so far, in so much.  They cannot grasp the complete awesome package of what God is.  There is no lacking in our God.  He is not limited as to time, resources, or what He plans for us.  We plan for our lives but we are limited.  We so often don't plan far ahead as we cannot see there and are somewhat afraid to go too far away from where we are, in the present time.  We may plan for a vacation next year, but how often do you hear anyone say, "in eight years I am going to sing or preach before a congregation on the goodness of God".  Most just do not go that far.  They might say they would like to, or want to, but not I AM GOING TO.

Last September 18th, I was in a Christian book store in Dallas and every thing I looked at had the scripture "I know the plans I have for You".  I knew then it was a word from the Lord concerning my life.  The next morning I sat down at Destiny Church and the Lord told me "you are home".  I had no doubt it was His voice, and I was quickly lifted up by the glorious worship there.  In December when I returned to the church, the Lord spoke those same words to me again.  I had no doubt what He meant this time.  He had been preparing my heart during the time inbetween visits there and began drawing my heart toward the Dallas area.  Can you imagine flying in to the airport at Dallas Love field and hearing the Lord tell you each time, "Welcome Home".  My heart would just go estatic at His voice in my ear, just knowing now what He meant.  The Holy Spirit leading me, guiding me, drawing me to this place, to this church, to Dallas. The Lord had plans for me.

Now nine months to the day in September, next Tuesday the 19th of July, I will be physically moving to Dallas.  I am in the will of my Father.  I will be learning more and more of the plans He has for me as He reveals more each day.  He is pouring into my spirit a little at a time of His plans for me.  Leading me in His Word, drawing me into Himself, so close, so wonderful.  There is none like my Lord.  He is directing me in His path, in His footsteps, the footsteps that have already walked where He wants me to go, knowing what will be there and preparing me for that journey.  He has been preparing me these last nine months, drawing me deeper into His Word, giving me His thoughts so I could know that I was hearing right, showering me with blessings so I would know how faithful He is, how faithful He will always be.  I know He will not leave me, or forsake me.  He is the Rock and He has put me firmly on the Rock.  I am seated in Him, never fearful, but confident in Him.

Back to the limiting of God.  Folks just seem to think that the Lord only wants to dole out blessings on them if they are sinless.  No, the Lord will forgive your sins, as you confess them to Him, and rid His thoughts of them.  But He blesses us out of the heart of Jesus, through Jesus from whom we are made righteous.  The Lord loved us before we were redeemed, He loves us still.  We can never do anything to deserve this love, it is ours, always, unconditional.  This love stirs my heart so much, I cannot help but worship my God, for I love Him so much. 

We need to remember that God is Almighty God.  There is no limit to His power, His love or His provision.  He wants us to communicate our needs to Him, tell Him our hearts desire.  Yes, He knows what you want, but He wants to talk with us, visit with us, have you want to spend time with Him as He wants to have time with you.  His blessings are immense for those children who desire to spend time with their Father.  When you spend time in worship to the Lord, His heart is so full of love for you, He wants to bless you so much. Your walk with the Lord can be so beautiful, if you will just love the Lord with all your heart and worship Him in spirit and truth. And yes, He knows the difference.

My wonderful Father, how I love You.  I love to sing You praises.  You have such wonderful plans for me.  I am in no way going to stiffle those plans but not believing big.  You are a big God and I know your plans are just as big.  I want to step out in those plans and have them fullfilled for me in Your way, Your beautiful way.  I will go where You lead me, I will be obedient, I will be faithful to the call You have on my life, I will be Your servant, always Your servant.

This 12th day of July, 2011, I want to worship You all my days, O Lord, I want only to serve You, You my worthy, beautiful Savior, You have plans for me.

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