Thursday, July 14, 2011


Isaiah 54:7  "For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back."

Looking back at my life, I know there were times that I felt abandoned by God.  I also know that I don't blame Him for abandoning me.  But like the scripture says, it was brief.  I am certain it was briefer than I felt that it was.  To our Lord, brief is probably a thought, a split second, but to us brief could be however long the enemy can make us think we are alone.  It all depends on our faith.  It depends on what is important to us.  It depends on our hearts. 

Our faith will assure us of the Father's love.  It will bring instantly to mind His Word, His words that tell us His love is unconditional, forever, that He will never leave us alone.  If our Father looked away, for an instant abandoned us, it was because in our sin He could not look on us.  But with a repentive heart, and through the sacrifice of His Son, our Redeemer Jesus, He draws us back to Him with a compassion so deep, so intimate, so precious.  Can you feel the precious heart of our God, does your spirit just jump inside of you when you think of the love, the compassionate love that the Father has for you.  Joy cannot be contained in my soul when I think of my Father, Pappa, and His consuming love for me.

What is important to you?  Is your first thought in the morning of the God that has poured new mercies on you as you awoke, of the God that has thrown all the mistakes you made the day before so far that He never thinks of them again, of the Father that lovingly has held you through the night and restored your spirit, restored your body with His rest?  Or are you waking up with thoughts of hating to get up, dreading to go to work, wishing you were somewhere else.....what a waste these thoughts are.  What a disappointment the Father must feel when He plans a day for us with Him only to have His children not even give Him a thought when they awake.  His plans, not your choice for your day.  It is your choice you know.

Your heart, is it open for what the Lord wants to do for you.  Is it ready to receive the blessings that the Father so wants to give you.  He has plans for us all, and when we willingly and lovingly seek Him and His will for our lives, He pours out of the storehouses of heaven into your life.  He has poured out into mine.  I know a lot of people think money is what will be poured out but it is not all it is.  Of course, the Lord provides for our physical needs, but what I desire is what He pours into my spirit, into my heart.  The renewing of my mind, casting out those thoughts that the enemy tries to put on me, recalling to my mind all His promises, showing Himself so real to me, His perfect love that casts out all my fears.  Oh, my Father, how I long to know Your heart so much more, how I long to spend all my time in Your Presence, your sweet fragrant presence.  I am so in love with You.  I am desperate for Your presence, I want to lose myself in You.

Your deep compassion for me, for all Your children, shows me what You think of me.  It shows me how important I am, we all are to You.  Your beloved children.  You created this earth for us to inhabit, to dwell here, to live lifes that You designed for us.  You wanted to put us in a garden where You would be welcome to come and dwell with us.  I want you to come to the garden you prepared for me, Pappa, dwell with me here.  This 14th day of July, 2011, come dwell with me, Pappa, Your compassion consumes my heart, my spirit, my soul, my life.

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