Saturday, July 23, 2011


Romans 5:17  "For if, by the trespass of one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ."

Remembering the valleys I have walked through, isn't it strange when things are well, the Holy Spirit will bring you back to remember the valleys.  The dark places you walked, the emptiness felt, the lonliness recalled to mind.  I was wondering why that was, why now bring that back to mind.  Dear Father, thank You for telling me.  For showing me why it was brought back to my mind this night.  My Lord showed me that He was bringing those things to my memory, to think on them, so I would truly know that this day, at this time, I am on the mountain of grace.  If we don't remember or think of the valleys we will not recognize the provision of grace that has been poured out on us by our Father.  When we are standing in His presence, my precious Lord wants us to realize that we are on His Holy Mountain, a mountain that we obtained through the precious blood of the Lamb, and because of our Lord Jesus, we have been given the grace that allows us to rise above circumstances, lift our heads and walk on the mountain of grace.

 It is a place that all can go, a place that the Lord is calling us to.  The trials that we face on a daily basis cannot compare to the glory we see on His mountain.  The battles that rage over us in the heavenlies, the pulls of the enemy to dip into worldly things, forsaking our King, sometimes stretching us to the limit.  But for us, and thank You, my Lord, for us that keep our eyes on Jesus, for us that do not surcome to the temptations that are put before us; do you feel that grace when these things come against you, as you turn from temptation and look to the Lord, can't you feel that beautiful grace flowing down, encompassing you with a steady rain of love, the lifting up of your spirit unto that of the Lord, the joy that floods your soul as you realize that the Lord is with you, that He will not let go of a hand that is clasped tightly in His.  Oh, I feel your glory my God.  I feel your grace upon me daily, it doesn't leave me as I look to You for all I need, for all that troubles me.  I look to You alone as my Comforter, my Strength, my Shield, my Joy. 

I have such joy.  My God, my Beloved Father, the grace You have given me that gives me the courage to witness, to shine the Light that fills my soul,  to pray with strangers in the store.  The strength to be strong in the face of disruptive forces that seek to destroy Your children, Your worshipers.  I love to worship You my God, my Lord, how I love to sing praises to You, to shower adoration on You, to sing of Your beauty, Your faithfulness.  You are so worthy, so worthy of all adoration, all praise. 

This 23rd day of July, 2011, You have brought me to Your mountain, showered by Your grace, lifted up by the miracle of Your unconditional love.  My Lord, I long to stay on Your mountain.  I thank You for bringing back to mind the valleys, the trials, so I can know the splendor and lovliness of Your mountain.  For without the valleys, the Mountain would not be attainable.  Without Your grace, there would be no life.  Without Your grace there would be no joy.  Joy, unspeakable joy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pat for these thoughts! Keep them coming my friend and God bless!
