Colossians 1:10 "And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God."
In this scripture, to live a life means literally to walk and bearing fruit means growing. That I might walk worthy of my God, that my life will reflect that which others will see Jesus in me, this is my desire, Father. This is what I long to do. I long to live my life in such a way that is pleasing to You, that gives You pleasure when You look upon me, that causes You to smile as You say, "that's my child, Pat; that's my worshiper who loves me so". I want to bring joy to Your heart as You bring joy to mine each day.
Every task You give to me, every assignment set to me, I want to grow through it. I want to be able to finish the day and look back and see the people you placed in my path that day and know that I shared Your love with them, that I gave grace to them through You, and that what You said to them through me blessed them. I know some days I look back over what went on and I feel that I failed, that I did not fulfill the plan you had for that assignment. For certain, I know the enemy tells me that I failed. There are times that I get busy, hurried and they will leave and I know, right then, that I did not fulfill Your plan. Forgive me, Father. Lord I pray for knowledge, that I will increase in knowledge in You and of You. I pray that my mouth will open and that Your words will flow out of me without hesitation, without awkwardness, so that they, as well as I, will know these are the words of Almighty God, not of Pat.
Lord I ask for patience, knowing that I need to wait on You, for Your direction. I don't want to step out without You, Father. I know how that would end and I do not want to cause anyone to not hear what You have for them, I don't want to take a step without Your being there with me.
I need wisdom, Lord, wisdom to discern intentions of others. I never want to be misled by anything someone else says or does, I want only to go with what lines up to Your Word. Let Your Word abide in my mind, my heart and my spirit. I don't need a lot, Father, but I do need Your Word. Your Word is the very breathe I take, as I read the scriptures, my spirit will literally leap within me, bringing tears to my eyes as I see a special message for me there, or a direction You are wanting me to go.
What excitement I feel as I read this Word, the very spoken Word of God. Your love pouring out of the Word, I feel that love, Lord, as I read; even through the correction, even through the times You turned away from Your people, I still feel the love; I feel the anger, the pain, the hurt.....
My God, how I love You. I cannot undo the hurt, the pain I have caused You in the past and I know You don't remember this as I have been forgiven. I just know that now, loving You so much, wanting to live each moment only for You, wanting to please You with my every action, with my every word, wanting to give to You as You have given to me.
This 7th day of August, 2011, I am rejoicing in You, I am giving You thanks for all things from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, every moment of the day inbetween. I am loving You my Lord, my God, I am worshiping You with my every breath, I am looking to please You with my worship. I pray I bring joy and gladness to Your heart, Father, be blessed, be blessed, be blessed.
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