Zechariah 2:13 "Be stilll before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling."
When I returned from work this afternoon, The Response was being live streamed online. The call to prayer by Governor Perry of Texas. As I began to watch and the cameras panned the audience and I saw that big stadium almost completely filled with God's children worshiping and singing praises to His Name, my spirit leapt inside me, bringing tears to my eyes. I could see the presence of the Lord on the faces of the people there. You just knew that God was in the house. As these people sang and danced before the Lord, giving of themselves, not caring who was watching or what they would be thinking; they danced and sang with one intention only.....to glorify our God. To give Him the glory, the honor and the praise that He is due. Rejoicing before Him, giving their love to Him, calling for the Lord to come down from His Holy Throne and fill the house with His glorious presence. I know the crys of love and worship, the praise and honor given to the Lord, shook the floors of Heaven and touched His heart.
Who organized it is not the real important thing here, who the speakers were are secondary, the worship leader was only important because he too joined in with the crowds of people worshiping the Lord. The primary objective here was to worship God; to pray, seeking His will, asking forgiveness for the way we have lived, for the way that He, our Heavenly Father, has been pushed aside for worldly gain, for selfish ambition, for lustful lives. Forgive us, Lord; forgive Your children and restore our land. That was the goal of this day. To come before Almightly God, fast and pray, asking forgiveness, humbling oneself before the Lord and asking Him to restore our nation, the nation that once prayed and sought our God before decisions were made, where prayer was offered before any government meeting, before any school classes began and church and state coexisted together. Whose idea was it to make church and state separate.....see where it has gotten us. Our Lord will only let the persecution of His Name, His Laws and His children go on for so long.
So today, a beginning, I pray, of what will be the first of many days of prayer, of fasting, of men in governing positions joining with God fearing people like themselves, leaving politics aside and joining together for one common goal. Return this country to its roots, where God was the Head of every government branch, and the fear of God was in the heart of every elected official. Where real men were not afraid of offending someone with the Word of God, or with prayer, or with the message of God displayed on public buildings. Where Merry Christmas is spoken proudly and Nativity scenes were welcomed outside churches and public buildings.
Thank You, Father, for Your love, Your patience with Your children. Forgive us all Lord, for not standing like we should have for all these past years, forgive us for letting our country be sold out from under our feet to the enemy who has chipped away a little at a time at our values, our morals until we are shamefully akin to Sodom and Gomorrah. Accept our humble prayers, Father, forgive us our sins, restore us, my God, restore us to Yourself, restore our nation. I pray You will place Your hand of mercy and grace back upon our country. Lord, give us a chance to go back to what our forefathers built, one nation under God.
I love You, my God. I thank You each and every day for You presence in my life. This 6th day of August, 2011 show me, Father, what my part is, what I can do, as I pray, to help return my country to You, our Father, our Redeemer, our Foundation, our Rock. I worship You, Lord. I worship You.
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