John 3:29a "The bride belongs to the Bridegroom".
The Father gave the Son, the Son gave the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit draws us to the Father and the Son, They form a complete encirclement around the "bride". The bride is completely encompassed by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. When the bride gives herself totally to the care of the Lord, taking no thought of herself, but worshiping and praising the Lord, giving herself to pleasing Him alone, then she has no worries, as everything concerning her is taken by the Lord. Her worries, her days and nights, her tomorrows, all taken and set in motion by the Father. The Son, our Lord Jesus, enfolds her into His arms caring gently for her as she goes through each day. The Holy Spirit guides, teaches and softly woos her to the Lord, giving her instruction to worship, how to worship and coaxes new songs from her heart for the Lord. The Holy Spirit draws her into worship and then leaves her worshiping the Lord God Almighty, knowing that she will be safely drawn into His presence as her heart is pure, her voice is strong, her song delightful to the Lord.
It seems like in so many thoughts of my Lord, I am left in awe at His goodness, His mercy to me. His love is so overwhelming at times when He comes to me, His presence filling the room or even the car I am in. I believe He is with me even as I sleep, surrounding my bed with His warm love and His protection over me. I know He restores me as I rest for I can go to bed so tired and wake up so refreshed. I have not slept this well in years. I am totally amazed at how good I sleep. Thank You, my Father for taking care of me. I find myself over and over telling my Lord that I love Him so much.
The Lord.... Father, Son and Holy Spirit care for the bride. They nouture her, protect her, guide her and give her utterance. When the bride looks to the Lord alone for everything she needs, the Lord takes her to Himself and does all for her. There is nothing that the Lord will not do for the one who loves Him so much and gives her life to Him. The miracles that take place, the blessings that fall on her, the love that so surrounds her; all as a result of her devotion to Him. The devotion that nothing can stop, no wavering as the days might seem difficult, the bride just keeps looking to the Lord to carry her through each day as it comes. Complete trust, unwavering faith, devotion make her the "apple" of the Lord's eye, if you will. She is His love, His priority and He loves to spoil her and bless her with all the good things of His kingdom.
I am the bride. I know my Lord is coming for me, Come Lord Jesus, come. One of my favorite scriptures, one that makes my spirit quicken each time I read it, each time I speak it, "The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" I say it now with an urgency in my voice, in my heart as I long to be with my Lord. He is my love and I know I am loved by Him, deeply. I rejoice in my future with my Bridegroom. The wedding will be the talk of all eternity.
This 24th day of August, 2011, the Holy Spirit is preparing me, each day, readying me to be the bride of my Lord. Are you ready, do you feel that quickening in your spirit when you think of the Bridegroom coming, coming to receive His bride. Get ready, He will not wait, we have had adequate time, don't waste what is left of the time before He comes. Prepare your heart, prepare the way for the Lord, prepare the way for the Bridegroom. The Father is calling, the Holy Spirit is drawing us and the Son of God, the Bridegroom is coming to receive His bride, to encompass the bride to Themselves.
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