Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Daniel 6:26  "I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.  For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end."

As I was reading about Daniel in the lions den, the Lord showed me that Daniels plight was not so unlike our own.  There will always be people that see the Lord's children prosper under the blessings of God, and rather than yield their life to the Lord, will attempt to come up with ways to hurt God's children or undermind the authority of the Lord over them.  Nothing has actually changed, except that the lion's den is the trials and temptations thrown at us by the enemy.  Whatever can be done to hurt your witness, to turn you from the way that the Lord has set for you will be attempted by satan.  This is what happened to Daniel, the enemy used the administrators and satraps to try and destroy the favor that Daniel had been given by the Lord through the king.

Our defense, as the Lord has told us in His Word, is from Him alone.  We do not have to try and think of what to say, what to do; when the time comes, the Holy Spirit will have the right words rise up from within our spirits to speak out in our defense, these words will come straight from our Lord.  Our goal should be to stay focused on the Lord, to keep our hearts intuned with His and to keep our eyes on Him alone.  Do not look to one side or the other, let not the words coming at you frighten you or bring you down.  If you are innocent, doing nothing wrong in the eyes of our God, He will not let you down.  He will see that no matter what is said, what is done, you will be justified in His sight and the sight of man.  Our Lord truly means it when He says "Fear Not, for I am with you".

How wonderful You are, my Lord.  You have never failed me, You would never walk away from me.  I know You have my best interests in mind for me, You know what is going to strengthen me, You know what I need to continue doing the work You have placed before me.  I trust in You alone to lead me, to guide me, to cover me.  Your love, my Lord, Your love gives me such joy and peace.  Never have I felt so protected, so cared for as I do now.  I have been so blessed by You for so long, but since I followed Your path for me, I feel I am in the hollow of Your side, tucked into You so nothing can harm me, hurt me.  You have me so close, I feel You my Lord.  I feel Your hand on me, I feel Your presence, O Lord, how I love Your presence; as I breathe in the wonderful fragrance of Your love, of You.  I have joy that is life filling.  My life is so full, so blessed, just with You, Lord, I desire nothing else, but You, to give You pleasure, to give You worship and love.

This 17th day of August, 2011, I am loving You, my King, my Lord of Lords.  You, I seek You from morning till night again and again.  Never will I ever let go of You, my Lord, never will I let go, knowing that You will never release me to be harmed, to be destroyed by the enemy.  There may be lion's dens in my future, but I know You will be there with me.  You will always be with me.

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