Saturday, August 27, 2011


"John 1:23  "John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert. Make straight the way for the Lord."

How's your life been.  I don't want to make you think that mine has been one smooth, easy ride for it has not.  And I know neither has yours.  But that is the way my life was, should be the way your's was, not now.  Not now that we know who we are in the Lord, now that we realize how beautiful life can be as we give ourselves over to the Lord, for His instruction through the Holy Spirit, giving the Holy Spirit free reign to test us, purify us and keep us on the right path, the straight path.

I am afraid I have seen so many tetter back and forth, go up and down in their faith, falling away time after time.  I can say this as I was also guilty of this.  I can also say, never again.  I will never do this again to myself, never again do this to my Lord, my beautiful Savior.  When things happen, why is it that people tend to go back to their self destructive habits instead of calling on the Father they know loves them.  They want to regress back to who they think they were before they began walking with the Lord.  As a friend, a wonderful psalmist of the Lord, has said, Be Who You Are.  A sinner is not who you are, a failure is not who you are, unrighteous is not who you are.  You Are a child of the Most High God, you are the beloved of Jesus, our Redeemer, and you are the close friend of the Holy Spirit.  You are a winner, not a failure, you are loved, not hated, you have potential, you are beautiful, you are who God made you to be, not who the world thinks you are, or who you fall into the role of.  Be who God made you to be.  Stop going back to the life that was buried when you accepted the Lord as your Savior, stop thinking you are not good enough.  Our Lord makes no mistakes.  He placed you on the path that is right for you, you need to stay on that path.  You need to stay off that roller coaster that use to be your life and stay on the sure-footed, rock-solid, well-lit path the Lord has made for you.

Your heart should stay in worship and praise of the Lord at all times.  You should be giving away His love, His mercy, His grace to all.  You will not run out, as the Lord refills us on a daily basis.  We were made to give away all that He gives us so He can keep giving to us.  If you hoard all He gives you, you will never get any more.  Show His love and grace, His forgiveness and mercy to all you know, all you will meet.  Freely given, give it away as freely.

Your spirit man should be focused on seeking the Lord, seeking after His instruction, learning the things that are so important for us to know. The Word of God is your Instruction Manual, the only one you will ever need.  No where in that book does it give license to go up and down in your relationship with the Lord.  It gives hope, it gives exciting truth of our Lord who left Glory to come to earth as a man to walk as we do, to live as we do, and to know heartache, pain and suffering as we have.  But you will never hear of our Lord Jesus' life as a up and down roller coaster ride.  He was steadfast, never wavering in His love for His Father, never failing to do exactly what the Father gave Him to do, never complained, never fell into sin because His life was not perfect.  When He felt tired, discouraged, weak, He drew upon the strength of His Father, He showed patience, love and mercy to all.  He was Love.  He was Peace.  He was Mercy.  He was the example for us to follow.

One day Jesus will return.  What will He find when He does.  Will He find your life looking like an amusement park, ups and downs and you not know where you belong, who you belong to, who you are?  Or will He find that you are walking the path set for you by the Father, will He find you telling others about the wonderful love and forgiveness waiting for them, will He find you preparing the way for Him to come claim His bride?  Will He find you desiring Him, worshiping and adoring Him alone. 

The time is coming.  Make the choice now, walk in His Light, walk the straight path, make ready the way for the Lord.  He so desires that you come to Him, that you stay on the path set for you.  No more up and down in your relationship with Him, but steadfast and sure of who you are in Him.

Father, I love You so. I thank You for putting me on the path of life, on the path of righteousness that You set for me.  I thank You for pulling me off the roller coaster ride I was on and planting me on Solid Ground, Your Ground.  My heart is Yours, Lord, always am I seeking after You and Your righteousness.  You are my life, my solid life.

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