Zechariah 14:9 "The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name."
So often, I hear misuse of my Lord's Name. Just the disrespect to my God, the dishonoring of my Lord; it makes me literally sick when I hear how my Lord is treated. I just wonder, what are these people thinking, or not thinking. They are talking about the Holy One, the beautiful Savior of the earth, of all mankind. It hurts me deeply to hear this. They speak as though they are smart and clever when they in reality are truly deceived. The enemy has them so fooled, I have even heard "Christians" say the Name of Jesus is such a unholy manner. Do people not realize, especially Christians, that the Holy Spirit dwells close by and hears all these things. Don't they realize that our Father hears everything and one day you will have those statements played back to you while you are standing so pious in front of our Lord thinking all is fine. Don't they realize that to gain favor of the Lord God, you must worship, honor and adore Jesus, His own Son. You cannot begin to draw near to God without adoration for Jesus, my beautiful Savior.
Wow, don't know where all that came from as I did not think that this is the way this was to go. One day, and I pray Father that it is soon, the Lord will come and reign over the whole earth and there will be no other god but our Lord. Thre will be no other name lifted up and praised but the Name of Jesus. He alone will fill the thoughts and hearts of all people that will be here with Him. There will be no one on the earth when our Lord reigns except those that desire to love Him, and worship Him. Peace will fill every mountain and valley on the earth, all people will dwell in this peace and will know Who is responsible for it. Can you just think what it will be like, to walk in pure love and fellowship with those living on this earth. To hear everyone speak our Lord's Name is such reverence, with such love, no curses falling on our ears, crushing our spirits when we think of our Lord hearing such. I think that is the thing that hurts more than my having to hear these things, is that my Lord hears them. I cannot bear the thought of Him being hurt; don't you think He was hurt enough when he was on earth, when he went to the cross, not just for me and you, who love Him so, but for all mankind. He did not go to the cross just for those loving Him, but for all, so all could have the opportunity to repent of their sins and be born again in His spirit, through His shed blood. Oh, my Lord, You are my everything. I love You so much. I can never thank You enough for loving me as You do and giving so much to redeem me. You are my Beloved Savior, my beautiful Friend, my Bridegroom, whom I am waiting to return for me.
I saw in the clouds this afternoon coming home, a throne rising up, rising up higher and higher. It was thrilling seeing this appear in front of me, and knowing what You were showing me, Lord, You were showing me just a glimpse of what it would be like when You returned to reign. Your throne rising up above everyone, no one missing the rise of the Lord God, the King of Kings, the Beginning and the End, coming to reign on earth, Your earth, my Lord. My sweet Lord, You will return to take Your place, Your rightful place and rule the earth, rule Your chosen people, rule us with justice and love, peace and understanding.
You are my Lord. I will lift up the Name of Jesus, the Name of my Redeemer, My Savior, each day, each moment. You are the very breath that I take, the essence of life to me, and I give You all my love, my Lord, all my love. This 19th day of August, 2011, I am rejoicing, knowing that one day, one day soon, I will see my Lord high and lifted up; I will see You, Lord, adored by all, honored and glorified by all. I love You, my Lord.
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