Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Ecclesiastes 3:1  "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven;"

Winter is past....the cold...the drab gloom of my life, the distance of self, it all has been lifted away.  The weight of the past, the sadness, the emptiness has disappeared.  Just taken away, like it was never there, but I know it was as there are still faint scars of where the pain imbedded itself into me.  But my Lord is so good, His promises are true, and He has never forsaken me.  Winter had to have its season, so I could rejoice in the days that were coming.

Spring time is here.  The new life, the refreshing, the restoration has begun my new season that the Lord has been preparing for me.  That time is now, and the Lord has begun to open the windows of my heart, pull back the shutters of my soul and let the sunshine in.  The radiance of His own Son is shining in my soul, penetrating my heart and causing my spirit to cry out in jubilation to my God, cry songs of praise and extreme worship, beautiful heartfelt new songs of worship to glorify His Name alone.

The new fresh growth of life within me has begun.  The birth of a new season of my life is transforming what was, into what His Will is to be in me.  New songs springing forth from my lips in honor and praise to my Lord, new understanding coming to me as I read His Holy Word, as my God reveals more and more of Himself, as I spend time in His presence, He is showing me more of His Glory, more of His desire, more of His love for me.  Nothing seems to be able to disturb that time now, so precious is that time when I am in the presence of my Lord.  He has taught me how to shut out the world and just step back into Him, into His presence whenever He calls me.  As I have yielded all to Him, you see, He is the only One that matters to me, everything here on earth is nothing compared to my King, my Lord and God.  Nothing compares to Him.  So, I am ready whenever He calls, I am waiting for His voice to call me, to spend time with Him, I am waiting and go right away.  I do not want to ever keep my Lord waiting. My precious Lord has spent enough time waiting on me; I am determined to get it right this time.  I will be ready anytime He calls.

My spring time has come.  It has been a long time, it seems, in coming, but I can see the Lord's plan for the long spell of winter.  He was busy during that cold season, showing me how I could trust His Word, sowing fresh seed into me, planting me into His plans, healing the wounds of the past so there would be nothing festering in me, no bitterness, no envy, no strife.  Just love, peace and joy, the beautiful seeds He was cultivating in me.  And He, my beautiful Lord, was teaching me the value of what I had in Him, teaching me that all the earthly things I thought were so important were just stuff, and yes, it is all stuff.  Of no real value to a lover of the Lord.  And now, He has found me ready to come out of that time and approach the new season with such joy and peace.  I have found great strength that the Lord has given me, great courage to face all my tomorrows as I know He is with me, and He is going no where from me.

This 30th day of August, 2011, almost the beginning of earthly fall season, but spiritually, for me, it is spring.  New growth in my God, new beginnings for me through the plans that the Lord has made for me, new mercies to help me through each day, and love, love of my Lord, and that presence, His very presence with me that is worth more than all the silver and gold in the world; nothing can take the place of the presence of my Lord.  I love You, my God.

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