Saturday, April 2, 2011


John 3:16  "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall  not perish but have eternal life."

So many things have entered my mind today.  The enemy tried to throw some misery my way in the form of income taxes, but it did not work. Yes, I have to pay, and it is sizable, but I have quite a sizable God.  So if the enemy thought it would shake me, once again, he is mistaken about the total, complete trust that I  have in the Lord.  Nothing will break that chain of trust,, that total bond between the Father and myself.  Taxes are nothing to my Lord.  He has brought me through so much, did the enemy think for one moment something like this would undo me.  I don't think so.  Wow, I wasn't going to say anything about this....once again, you will find that I am not the writer here, I only type the words that are given to me.  I feel that someone needed to know how big our God and that He has no limits to His love and provision.

But this thing, like so many other things that come to me, good things or bad things, all taken care of by my Lord as He has complete control over my life.  And all these things the Lord does for me, and for you, because we are worthy of love.  Everything established, the universe, our earth, sun, moon, light, sky, heaven, because we are worthy of love.  When sin began in the Garden, the Lord did not throw us away, He did not, in anger, destroy everything He began.  No, He continued to make a way for His children.  He led the children across the desert, even though there was disobedience, frustration and Godly anger, He still took care of them.  They too, were worthy of love.

When I fail my Lord, and I know I do, even trying as hard as I do to please Him always, I know there are times when I disappoint Him.  I know this because I disappoint myself.  It is important to note here, that if you never disappont yourself, then you are not living in the spirit realm.  If you think you are doing great all the time, you are missing the mark.  We are not perfect and we mess up.  It is important to know when we do this, it is important that we listen to the Holy Spirit, the gentle guiding, Holy Spirit, who will let us know instantly when we wrong.  If you do not hear His voice, feel His urging, then you are definitely not where you should be in the Lord.  Once again, I am getting off track.  But the Holy Spirit will guide and lead you as He loves us, we are worthy of love.

Is there anyone you find worthy enough to give your child for?  That you find worthy of  love?  No, it would be hard for us to contemplate that.  But God found us worthy of love.  He found that there was nothing He would not give to have a relationship with us.  To have us come to Him, giving our life to Him.  See, the Father knows that in itself, for us, is a type of sacrifice.  He gave us a free will, to make choices for ourselves, so He knows giving that up is a type of sacrifice.  Harder for some than for others.  He wants us to make the choice ourselves.  It would have been easy for Him just to say, all will love Me, all will worship Me.  But then it would not be love freely given, like the love He gives to us.  His love, freely given.  Our choice, it has always been our choice.  And we have had years to make this choice.  He is still waiting for so many to choose.  Have you truly chosen yet?  Or are you still holding back some for yourself, for things other than those of the Lord?  And still, He finds you worthy of love.  Do you see it?  Doesn't matter what you are doing about choices right now, He still finds you worthy of love.  He gives it freely, it does not hinder on what you do, He finds you worthy of His love.  We are His children, this is what a father does for his children, whether they are bad or good.  And this is what the Lord does for His children.

I am worthy of love.  What a blessing to my life when I discovered the real meaning of this love.  This love that wooed me to Himself like a hummingbird to nectar.  He just waited, clothed in all His brilliant glory, that sweet presence just waiting for me to decide, love radiating from Him, drawing me closer and closer until I was captured by His love, until I could not leave Him, so in love with Him I am, never wanting to be out of His presence.  At one time, I would not accept the fact that I was worthy of His love, as I could not see myself worthy, but He has shown me how to be His worshiper, how to worship Him with my whole heart, and I do, always, and He washes me afresh with His mercies each day, leaving me spotless and feeling worthy.  He has always felt me worthy, but our human nature, find it hard to love ourselves that way.  The Lord has taught me to take myself as He does, with love, with forgiveness.  We must learn to forgive, ourselves first, it is the hardest.  Once we have done that through His mercy and love, you will find it amazingly easy to forgive anyone else.  It will come so easy.  The Lord is so good.  His ways are not our ways, but we must learn to walk in His ways, they are so easy.

My Lord, this 2nd day of April, 2011, I am so in love with You, so enthroned in Your presence, so accepting that I am now, this day, each day, worthy of love.

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