Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Jeremiah 31:13  "Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well.  I will turn their mourning into gladness, I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow."

This morning I was looking at a popular ladies magazine.  You know, the ones that line the checkout counter at the store.  They have articles about health, recipes, so forth.  Well on the front of this one was an article entitled How to Get Happy.  Silly women, you don't just get happy, you either are or you are not.  You can not manufacture happy.  It is an inward expression from your heart.  Happy comes from the heart, not from the head.  It is what is in your heart that determines true happiness.  It is not a head thought thing, that is only superficial happiness, it goes away real quickly.  It is a make believe happy, to fool yourself into thinking you are happy.

Let me share what the Lord has shown me about happiness.  First I want to tell you how very sorry I feel for the writers of that article in the magazine.  I feel even sorrier for the ladies that read the article and try to use those ideas to make themselves happy.  It was ideas such as be good to yourself, go shopping, take warm bubble baths.  Now bubble baths are lovely and soothing, but not happy makers. 

The Lord has the perfect plan for our happiness.  There are a few steps to achieving happiness but it is so worth the trip.  First you need to ask the Lord for complete forgiveness of your sins.  He is waiting to give you forgiveness for all sin, past, present and anything in the future that you may do that is not of Him.  He loves us so.  Then, you must, for your sake, give yourself to the Lord.  Completely, without reservation, holding nothing back.  Give everything to Him.  Your control, your will, just lean onto Him, He can handle anything you give Him.  He will never let you down.  He will show you just how you can trust Him.  He will do things in your life that will build your faith, giving you no doubt that He is there and doing everything for your good.  Now what have we got left.  If you will look inside yourself now, you will find what I did.  Total peace.  Total joy.  Happiness.  There is no stress or worry to rob your thoughts, your heart will not be carrying a load of problems.  You will have just handed those up to the Father each day as they are thrown at you by the enemy.  See, the Lord never leaves you. He is right there waiting for that load of sorrow as soon as it comes on you.  He wants nothing to rob your joy, your happiness.  You will find that heartfelt, loving worship to the Lord will keep refreshing that happiness on a daily basis.  Praise and worship to our Lord, our Jesus, for all He has done, for all He does for us each day.

See the Holy Spirit....feel the Lord's Spirit inside you, showing you constantly anything that is not of the Lord, so you can give it to the Father, repentive heart just giving all of it to the Lord.  Keep yourself holy before God, keep your heart cleansed.  I assure you there will be happy there. 

This happy feeling you will discover, is the kind that wakes up with you in the morning and sings inside you all day long.  It stays, no matter how the day goes, nothing can remove this kind of happiness from you.  It is not manufactured by the mind, no one has to write an article in a magazine to tell you how to be happy.  If you forget these instructions written here, pick up the Word of God.  It is there to instruct you always.  I get so joyful and happy at the words of my Lord, I cry from the swelling of my heart in joy.  These words so wonderful and blessed bring restoration to me, peace, they remind me in each word of the Lord's great love for me.

Happy.  Real happiness is a God given blessing.  He is the only way to have true happiness in your life.  Only my precious Lord can give this to you, to me.  I have accepted His love and He has given me true happiness.  I do not plan to do anything that will rob me of this.

My Lord, how I love you.  You have given me so much, You continue to bless me each day.  My heart is so full of love and adoration for You, I never want to be out of Your presence.  I thank You for giving me life, eternal life through You.  This 26th day of April, 2011, there is happiness in my heart that no one can take from me, as it was put there by You, my Beloved.

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