Luke 8:11b "The seed is the Word of God."
I received a new Bible I had ordered in the mail today. It is the New Spirit Filled Life Bible. As I was looking through it, there are sections called Kingdom Dynamics. I was reading one that caught my eye on abortion when the Lord said into my spirit "Spiritual Abortion". I tell you it really caught my attention as I had never heard the term before. Then He began to tell me what He meant.
The Lord told me that when we receive a word from Him, either directly or given through the Holy Spirit, it is a seed of the Word of God. It is meant to be given birth through us to members of the body of Christ or to someone for correction, or an encouragement from the Lord. Sometimes it is something we are to say or sing during a service. A word of knowledge from Him; a new song born out of what He is doing in our spirit. He told me that when we fail to deliver this word, this song He is telling us to let loose from our spirits we are commiting abortion, a spiritual abortion. We are literally killing that seed He has planted in us that was to have been given for the growing of the body or someone He needed that word given to. For fear of man or of what the enemy told us was being out of order, for the fear maybe of rejection, of ridicule, we were silent, and kept that seed to ourselves. Without the releasing of that seed to where it could have been watered and nutured by the Lord, we basically killed it. Aborted. Destroyed.
As I was thinking earlier this evening, trying to tell myself surely this was not a word that would be received well, you know, abortion is a serious word, not to be taken lightly, and perhaps it was something best not spoken of here, the Lord once again spoke to me. He said "You are doing it now, you are considering abortion, spiritual abortion". I was horrified, for it was true. I was trying to find a way not to give the word the Lord had given me. It is the Lord that gave me the word and I know He knows who needed to read this and get this message from Him. I am only the instrument He is using. Forgive me, Lord, as I never want to abort Your message. I want to be a clear, flowing vessel for You to use. It is not for me to decide what should be given, all Your words are wonderful and I know even though it is a hard thing to say, You have the reason, You have the target it should go to, and You will see that person gets Your message. I am only to give it. I stopped not releasing the Holy Spirit in me in church months back as the Lord showed me His hurt and rejection when I would not do what I was asked to say, or sing, in church. So I let Him flow through me as He wills. Father, this is no different, forgive me, flow through me Your messages here also, Lord.
The Lord will not let me leave this tonight. I need to give another part of this message, it is for someone that will read this. Abortion is a sin. There are many that have made this decision early on in their lives for one reason or another. And that sin is weighing them down still today. Sin is sin. If you told a lie, and asked forgiveness from the Father, you would accept His forgiveness and love and move on in Him. The Father wants you to know, if this is about you, something done in your youth, or under situations that were different then; please, hear these words from the Lord. "Child, come out from under that bondage that satan has you in. I love you and you are forgiven your sin. As I would forgive anything you have done for My Son has set you free, He has paid the price for all you sins, this one included. I no longer remember the things of the past that you have repented for, and I want you to lay those things aside also. Let not the enemy use this to keep you from Me, come to Me and I will comfort you, I will love you, you are mine, my beloved child. Be free in Jesus today. Come to Me."
I thank you my Father for your beautiful presence, your glorious light, your precious forgiveness, and your mercy and grace. You are wonderful, Lord, You are light, love and life to me, to so many. There is none like You, Lord. I release this seed into the world tonight my Lord, as You have given it to me to bring to birth, I know You will let it fall on fertile ground and bring another to water and nurture it. It is in Your wonderful plan for Your children. All in You.
I love You so much, my God. You are life to me, my all in all. This 14th day of April, 2011, I am clinging to You, my Lord, clinging to You as I love You so much and want never to be apart from You.
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