Friday, April 15, 2011


Psalm 69: 35  "For God will save Zion and build the cities of Judah, that they may dwell there and possess it."

The Lord showed me this verse like this: "For God will save Zion (His people) and rebuild the cities (our hearts) of Judah (worship on earth). That they may dwell there (in His presence) and possess it (His peace and blessings).

What a revelation this was to me.  The Lord will save us from our religions, our mind-sets that have been instilled in us from an early age.  These mind-sets are so hard for some to overcome.  Raising hands to praise the Lord, worshiping with songs from your hearts, so hard for some to do.  To get by what years in structured religious services have taught them.  The Lord wants to unteach you these things.  He desires pure heartfelt worship from His children.  He will save us from these mind-sets.

Father wants to rebuild the cities - our hearts -  into what His heart desires from us.  Worship.  The Lord wants us to worship Him uninhibited and free.  There is such freedom when you begin to sing from your heart unto the Lord.  Just let the Holy Spirit lead you into worship.  The Holy Spirit knows just what the Father wants to hear.  Go with what you feel the Spirit is leading you into.

It is here, when you begin to truly let yourself go into true worship of the Father, lifting up the Holy Name of Jesus in worship, songs of love and thanksgiving unto the Lord, that you will have the presence of the Lord fill the space all around you, the room will become sweet with His fragrance and you will be filled with His Glory.  You will dwell in His presence, you will live as you never did before.  You will be in a place so holy you will not ever want to leave.

This is the place, in His presence, that you will begin to fill such love pouring into you.  You will begin to see the changes that the Lord wants to make in your life.  You will see healings take place, provisions made; you will see scripture come to life as you read it.  You will have understanding of things that were mysteries before.  The Lord will literary open your eyes to His Word, He will open your ears to His voice, and He will change your life forever. 

All through worship.  The Lord will restore worship to this earth.  We were made to worship the Lord.  It is why we are here.  The Lord doesn't need anything we have, everything is His, on earth, sky, in the Heavens, it is all His.  He wants us to worship.  He wants us to glorify Him and thank Him for what He is, who He is, because He is.  Worshiping, loving, honoring, praising the Lord.  That is what pleases our God.  Knowing that we are so in love with Him that we want to worship Him at all times, from our hearts, to Him.  Worship.

The Lord want so to bless His children.  He wants to give us every good thing that He has waiting for us.  There is so much waiting for us.  Few rules apply to receive these blessings.  Love the Lord.  How could you not love our Lord who has given so much to us.  Then, we must love our neighbors like ourselves.  This is not hard, just love them through the Lord.  Love them with His love. It is given freely to you, pass it to your neighbors, just love them.  These must be present as it is God's will that you love.  It will purify your heart, this love.  Then you worship.  Just fill your mouths with praise and worship to the Lord, let it pour out of your heart to Him.  Words that fill your heart that show your gratitude for what the Lord has done for you.  Love on the Lord with songs of adoration, worshiping morning and night and all the time in between.  Just worship.

If you have never worshiped the Lord before, just raise your hands where you stand.  Begin to sing softly, thank You Lord, I love You Lord, You are everything to me.  Just sing it over and over and as you begin to fill the love flowing from your heart, lift your voice louder and just worship.  The Lord has been waiting to hear your voice praising Him, loving Him.  He will give you all His attention when He hears your worship.  There is nothing He won't do for you as He hears your heart pour out your love to Him in song.

Restore worship, Lord.  Restore the hearts of Your children to yourself as they begin to worship You.  And Lord, restore to them all the blessings of Your heavens, restore health to their bodies and spirits, restore their peace that they can only find in You, and restore joy to their hearts.  Your joy.  Restore them my Lord.  Restore them as they offer their heartfelt worship to only You.

This 15th day of April, 2011, I thank You for restoration of worship in our land, our hearts.  I love you my God.  You are everything to me.   Lord, as I lift my voice to worship You, let Your presence fall on me.

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