Sunday, April 24, 2011


Isaiah 33:10  "Now will I arise," says the Lord.  "Now will I be exalted; now will I be lifted up."

What a beautiful Resurrection service I attended this morning.  I am sure so many of us attended these services today and rejoiced in the celebration remembering our Lords death and resurrection. 

Throughout the Bible we read scriptures that tell us of the risen Savior.  That He arose, death could not keep Him, He arose to sit at the right hand of the Father.  The service I attended this morning was amazing.  First of all, the service I was a part of, this church, they give way to the Holy Spirit of God.  It is God's service, His beautiful, precious Spirit is welcome there.  The Holy Spirit is exalted and made welcome.  The Lord's presence is there, so sweet and so precious.  He is there.  You feel Him as You worship Him.  There is no hurry, there is no agenda that rushes the service along.  No, there is nothing more important that welcoming the Holy Spirit into the service and praising Him.  Giving love and honor to the Lord.  Letting the Spirit bring you into the presence of the Lord.

Today the pastor spoke about the presence of the Lord.  Jesus, He is alive.  He has history, He is future, but HE IS NOW.  Right now, Jesus is.  My heart lept at this as I know my Lord is alive.  Driving down the street, doing my job, being at home, going to the store; doesn't matter where I am, He is with me.  He is alive in my heart, He is breathing life to me daily, He is the joy that floods my soul.  Every day, now.  Jesus is with me. There is no day, there is no night, that He does not let me know He is with me.

But the pastor was right when he said that a lot of people do not recognize the fact that our Jesus is now.  I think it is the way they were brought up, in the churches they attended, what they were taught.  I also was taught that Jesus rose from the grave and now sits at the right hand of the Father.  But I was not taught that He left the Holy Spirit to be with me, to live in me, to guide and comfort me.  No one told me that the Holy Spirit would teach me the ways of the Lord, lead me into His presence if only I would yield myself to Him, if I would love Him with all my heart, if I would worship Him.  No one told me when I was growing up, the Holy Spirit was never mentioned nor was Jesus taught to me as a Living God.  A lot of precious time was wasted.  But my Lord, thank You Jesus, does not want me looking back.  Now, the present, is what He wants known.  Now, He is Now.

I was so thankful to hear this in church this morning.  To confirm what my heart knows.  You know, the enemy comes to you and will agree that we serve a risen Savior.  Yes, he knows all this.  But he also will let you know real quick that He is in heaven and we are on earth, that we were left alone.  Another convincing lie of the enemy.  Yes, Jesus is in heaven, but He is alive and lives in us through the Holy Spirit.  He is interceding constantly to the Father on our behalf.  He is loving us without judgment, loving us continually, leading us through our days through the Holy Spirit.  He left us, but told us when He left, He would send the Comforter to be with us, that we would never be alone; He would always be with us.

Our Lord is so gracious to us.  I love You Jesus.  I am so touched by Your love, by Your precious peace You give to me, because You love me.  How can I repay what You have done for me?  I know there is nothing I can do that would ever be equal to what You have done for me.  I also know You do not want me to try.  You simply want me to love You, let You fill my life with Your love and presence and give myself unto You, for Your glory, for Your work.  I am to be a testimony to You.  I am to live my life so others will see You in me.  I am to live my life devoted to the Savior that lives in me, Alive!

Your pour out Your spirit on me, giving me new life each morning.  You breath strength to my tired, weary body, You restore my mind with the promises of Your Word, and You give hope to my soul when the world around me is so lost.  How can anyone say You do not live?  How can anyone just think You were for the past, for the future, and not realize it is You that makes this life we live now possible.  Now, You are Now.  An ever present Lord, the Mighty King of Kings that reigns forever.  Now.  You reign now.

I love You my King.  I worship You with my life.  You have given me the salvation of my past, the hope of my eternal life with You, and You give  me life worth living NOW with my Living Lord.  My Jesus.  Your wonderful, constant, abiding Holy Spirit.  This 24th day of April, 2011, I live because You live in me, Alive, Alive, Alive.  You are my Past, my Future, and You are my NOW.

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