Saturday, April 23, 2011


John 16:20  "I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices.  You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy."

Now the precious Savior of the world has been laid to rest.  The disciples, Mary, the wonderful women that loved and supported our Lord, all were grieving.  The lose of their loved one tore at their hearts.  I know only too well, as do so many, how this feels.  Even with the words of comfort that Jesus left them with, that He would be raised up, nothing gave them comfort.  I don't think they truly believed that He would rise again.  They had never seen this happen, their eyes only knew what they had seen, Jesus crucified and buried.

But then they saw the empty tomb.  They began to see and hear accounts of sights of Jesus.  Word was beginning to spread to the disciples, to the loved ones.  Jesus alive!  How could that be?  Do you think they still had doubts? Still wondering how could it be?

The Word tells us that Jesus rose from the dead after three days.  This is what we celebrate on Easter Sunday. He arose, victorious over the grave.  Dying to give us forgiveness from the Father for all our sins.   Our sins, the reason He came, the reason He died.  Us.  All those who truly love the Lord, go through the crucifixation and resurrection each year at Easter time.  We read the scriptures and relive that time that was so dark, so forbearing to our Lord.  We talk about the beautiful sacrifice He made for us.  We tell of our love for Jesus.  We weep.

I want you to know, Jesus doesn't want us to weep.  He does not want us to look back and think of what we did to cause Him to die.  What we continually do that causes Him grief.  He wants us to rejoice in His life.  In the victory won when He rose again.  He wants us to look upon His life as a victorious, glorious time in history when the Son of God became the son of man, lived among us, conquered temptation, lived without sin and walked to His death to show a love that no man had known before and would never to able to equal.  He only wants us to receive that love.  The Lord knows we can never love like this.  We can love with all our hearts, all our being, give Him our all, and we will never be able to equal the love He has for us.  His love is unconditional.  His love is so deep that it finds us wherever we are, in whatever condition we are in, we cannot hide from His love.  The love of Jesus penetrates the hardest heart, delivers the sickest soul, and manifests itself in the most unlovable.  It is enough love to fill our being and let us know that we will never be alone.  This love carrys with it true victory for our sins, comfort for all our sorrows and healing for our spirits.  This love brings peace that quiets all the disturbing thoughts thrown at us by the enemy.  This love heals the most diseased bodies when submitted to Him.  This love carrys the promise of everlasting life.

As we go through this night, waiting for the sun to rise on Easter Sunday, on Ressurection Sunday, what the Lord wants us to have is Joy. In the morning His wonderful joy.  Joy that will fill the hearts of all that love Him.  Jesus wants us to spread this joy to all around us.  Joy that is given in love to all.  When we think about the Lord, He wants us to do so with joy and laughter.  I saw a painting the other day of Jesus and children dancing around, laughing, full of joy.  It stuck me that this is how He wants us to be, rejoicing, laughing, dancing in the spirit, full of Him, full of His joy.

How beautiful He is.  How wonderful His love.  How amazing His joy.  I love you so much my Lord.  I am thrilled at the thought of going to church in the morning and sharing Your joy with those that love you.  To look into the eyes of God's children and see You there, see Your love and joy looking back at me.  Lord, let me shine with You in me, let me only reflect Your love, Your joy to all that see me.  If someone does not know you, I want them envious of what I have.  So envious, they will be asking me what I have and how can they get it.  I so want to share You with everyone. 

Tonight, my Jesus, I find myself seeking Your presence.  I want to spend time with You this day, as I do each day.  You are who I love.  You are my adored Savior.  Thank you Lord, for saving my soul, for Your sacrifice for me.  This 23rd day of April, 2011, I thank You for loving me, for reaching out to me and for giving me Your joy.  I will rejoice in Your life, Your resurrection, and Your everlasting joy.

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