Thursday, April 7, 2011


Matthew 26:40-41  "Then he returned to His disciples and found them sleeping. "Could you men not watch  with me for one hour?" he asked Peter.  "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

As I read the scriptures tonight, looking for the verse that the Lord would have me use for this, I read through these verses and on through to the end of Matthew.  Then, I read the ends of the other gospels also, the happenings of the last days of my Lord.  I cannot keep from crying as I read the despicable things that were done to my beloved Jesus.  If you can read these scriptures telling of the beatings and mocking He endured, for me, for you, and not weep, then you need to go back to the foot of the cross and ask forgiveness and give yourself completely to the Lord.  I will not apologize for that statement as I don't know how one can think on what was done to our Savior, what He took on Himself so we could be saved from our sin; so we could have eternal life.  I can never look on my lot in life as hard, as I am not being beaten to death for the lives of others.  And if the day should ever come that I am, that I am treated as my Lord was for the saving of others, please my Lord, give me the strength that You found in the Father to do so, for You, Lord, let me do so, that they may be found in You also.

But the scripture tonight, watch and pray.  Can you imagine, close your eyes for a moment and see yourselves in the garden.  Jesus wants to step away by himself to pray and seek the Father, and all He asks is that we watch, just for a little while, not long, but just sort of stand with Him. But we were asleep when He returned.  Can you sense His disappointment in us.  I believe that is the same disappointment He must feel when He puts someone or something on our hearts and we do nothing.  He is not just dropping thoughts in our heads for no reason, He puts them there because He knows that person needs prayer, right now.  And situations you just think of out of the blue, did you not think the Lord would not put concerns in your mind, on your heart?  They are there because He knows the situation is urgent and He is calling His children to pray.  Know that you are not the only one He is calling at that time, for that prayer, He knows there is strength in unity and He is calling His children, right then, right now.  It doesn't matter if you are at work, or if you are busy, give into your spirit, pray in the spirit.  You may not even always know what is needed, just that there is an urgency to pray at that moment.  Pray in the spirit, pray without ceasing until you feel a release from the Lord.  Sometimes you will find out later what was happening, sometimes not, but that won't matter. What matters is the obedience.

Should you put these thoughts and urging to pray aside, ignore those thoughts placed in your heart and mind by the Lord, well you can look at yourself as one of the sleeping disciples.  And if you truly love the Lord, you will feel that disappointment by Him.  If you truly love Him, you will not feel that but once, for the next time, you will instantly be in prayer.

God calls all His children to pray.  It is the next thing to worshiping the Lord.  Prayer.  I am not talking about prayer for your needs, but prayer for those that need.  Prayer for others. Intercessory prayer.  The unselfish act of giving into anothers life, their needs, to lift them up to the Lord in special prayer.  To give your time, your love and devotion to the Father, to be there for the sake of His children in need.  Doesn't matter what the need, if asked by the Lord to be an intercessor, to know that His will for you is to spend time in prayer, submitting yourself to devotion to Him by loving others enough to pray for their needs; doesn't matter what time night or day.  Have you ever awoken at night and felt such a need to pray, not knowing why, but you begin to pray.  Intercession.  There is a need, and your heart is ready.  Your mind is fixed on the Lord and your heart is always ready to pray.

Should you pass someone on the street and your spirit receives a little jolt, pray.  Pray for that person. Do not look on them and wonder if they deserve prayer or not; just pray.  It is not our business to judge whether or not we should pray, we just do as we are called.  To pray.  God knows people's hearts, He alone knows their situations and what is needed. To pray.  That is our calling.

My Father, let me not be one that would fall asleep when asked to watch and pray.  Let me ready, in season and out of season, at the quickening of my spirit by You, Lord, give me the grace to pray as You want me to.  Give me the words that will reach Your heart on behalf of my brothers and sisters.  Let my prayer be the breaking of the chains that bind them to where You will reach down and release them from their iniquity and where they can be changed by Your love.  Let me pray Lord, for those who are sick, those whose spirits are so ill that the body cannot mend, those who have not the strength to pray for themselves, let me pray.  Let my words to You Father, reach Your throne room and tender Your heart, releasing healing power and mercies to them.  Let me pray Lord, for the renewal of minds and hearts, for comfort of the hurting, the lonely.  Let me so love Your children, Father, that I will pray for Your touch on their lives. 

I am so grateful Lord, for all the times when I was low in spirit, broken, alone and dying in sin, and You touched the heart of another, in intercession for me.  You led some beautiful soul to pray, to stand in for me when I lost the will to pray, did not think I was worthy of lifting my voice to You, You put me on someone's heart to pray.  Thank you my Lord for loving me so much.

I will pray, my Lord, as You lead me, when You lead me.  I love you my Lord.  I am honored to be called to pray by You, to be chosen to be a prayer warrior, to worship you with my life in prayer.  This 7th day of April, 2011, my God, I will pray.  I will pray.

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