Wednesday, April 6, 2011


James 3:13 "Who is wise and understanding among you?  Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom."

I don't know just how this came to me, it was this morning as I was thinking over some things that happened yesterday.  I can remember saying something to someone and thinking afterwards, wow, that really is something profound that came from me. And when I thought about it, the Holy Spirit just zinged my spirit and let me know right away where that thought came from.  And if was not from my Father.  It was from my old nemesis, once again showing me how easy it can be for him to enter into our thoughts, well, my thoughts.  It it had been Our thoughts, the Lord's and mine, well, it would have not had any effect, so it was just my thoughts he entered.  And for a moment, he had gained a point.  But, thank You, Father, for the precious Holy Spirit that stays with me, never leaving me, keeping me on the path of Your righteousness.  Forgive me, Lord, for any thought that enters my mind that is not of you.

This reminds me once again, Lord, that I am nothing without You.  Nothing I say that has any merit, nothing I do that touches people in a good way, nothing that comes from me that is loving and encouraging is from me.  It is all of You.  Just You.  Without You, I am nothing in myself.  I only want those things of You, Lord, only You, nothing of me. 

I have a sinful nature, as all do.  But it is my choice, my complete desire to be of my Lord, my glorious God in Heaven, to live and love in Jesus. It is a choice I made years ago and struggled with.  So hard, as I had not discovered the secret to living in Jesus each and everyday.  I had not found the joy of His Holy Presence.  I found it months back last year in worship.  In keeping my mind on my Lord.  Never letting  my eyes stray from His eyes, His beautiful face.  Letting not sin, times I fall, keep me from coming immediately to His throne and asking for forgiveness.  Showing Him my heart, letting Him dwell there, asking that He help me keep it pure and santified for His use, for His glory.  Worshiping my Lord constantly, keeping my spirit in continual prayer, letting the Spirit pray for me, knowing the words my voice would have trouble speaking, knowing just how to pray.  So important, praying in the spirit.  The Holy Spirit knows what to say, how to say it, how to appeal to the Almighty, how to approach Him for certain needs that I don't even know of.  But my desire is to draw near to the  Lord and my spirit knows how to do this.

Humbly, not proud.  Gentle, not assuming.  Boldly before God, not afraid.  See you can be humble and gentle and still be bold.  A boldness before the Lord is just knowing that He is going to receive you, hear your prayer and answer you.  It is knowing that He loves you dearly and He is so happy to have you come to Him with every detail of your life.  It is important to Him. 

It is important that your life reflect that of a life He is living in.  The only way to be humble in spirit is to let Jesus be seen in your life.  In everything you do.  Lord, I only want to live for you.  I know I cannot do a daily walk without You in the lead.  I want to follow.  I do not want to lead, as I will only make mistake after mistake.  Remember, I tried that.  You had to rescue me from that mess.  I don't ever want to go there again.  I love how You lead me Lord.  I love the life I have in You.  There is nothing else I want other that to live in You, to do Your will.

Father, my prayer tonight is that You be the center of my life always.  Let my eyes stay focused on You, no where else.  Let my words be Your words, let my actions be of You, directed by You and let my life so reflect Jesus that no one will ever doubt Who I belong to and Who my Lord is.  Send me those You want me to minister to and Lord, then I ask that You give me the words of Your Truth to give them.  Let it be nothing of me, just all of You.  Let the old man in me stay dead and buried and fill the new creation You have made of me to the brim with just Jesus, just His love, just His words, just His humility, just His spirit. Amen.

My Lord, how I love You.  How I long to be the child You are making me into.  I desire nothing more than to please You each day with my actions.  I want my life to glorify Your Name.  I want to give you the ultimate worship I can by living my life for You.  I want to sing praises to You with my thoughts, my words and my love.  This 6th day of April, 2011, I want to humbly bow before You and tell You of my adoration and love for only You.

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