Monday, April 11, 2011


Jeremiah17:7-8  (Message)  "But blessed is the man who trusts me, God; the woman who sticks with God.  They're like trees replanted in Eden, putting down roots near the rivers...never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf, serene and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit every season."

I trust You, my God.  Even when it seems like You are silent, I trust You.  You never fail to let me know You are thinking of me, working for me, moving on my behalf.  You send that little word, almost daily, to me that reinforces what You have told me, the plans You are making for me.  You know the enemy is trying constantly to discourage me, placing doubt and unbelief in my ears.  You also know I am rejecting those thoughts, but You know too, that this constant barage of the enemy can wear on ones' spirit, so You send those loving words to me.  I have received some from a sermon, words in a song, a word someone said, not even at me, but you zinged that word to my heart.  And most importantly, the words from Your Word.  There inlays the answer.  Your Word.  Encouragement in in Your Word.  You knew that we would be battled daily by satan, so you put every plot, dirty deed, examples of all his doings into Your Word.  From beginning to end, it is all there.

You showed me Judas and how easy it was for satan to enter him.  He never truly gave all his love and commitment to Jesus.  He never sold out completely to our Lord so he was an easy target for the enemy to get to.  This shows us that we cannot be lukewarm towards our Lord.  We must love the Lord with our whole heart or we may as well not love at all.  The Father would rather have us hot or cold than lukewarm, in the middle, riding the fence, as one might say.  It is all, or it may as well be nothing.  And no use pretending, as the Lord knows your heart.

I love you my Lord.  Completely.  No doubt.  Absolutely.  You supply what I need, at all times.  Today when I was beginning to feel like I had a weight on my back, the enemy putting in little jabs, how he loves to jab; You sent a word.  You supply all my needs.  Tomorrow as I take care of business matters, You will see that if is taken care of in You, in the way that is pleasing to You.  We will take care of this in the morning, get all business over with, all thing of the world out of the way, and then it is our time.  It won't matter then, if I am cleaning house, or perhaps cooking, You will be on my mind, and in my heart.  We will be enjoying beautiful music together, I will sing to You and You will sing into my spirit.  How I look forward to our day, my Lord.  As You put all thing in order in my life....I love it, especially that You put You at the top.  I give to You the control of my life, and You order my steps; You are always at the beginning of my path and You are at the end of it.  Your light is all over so there is no way I can get off the path You have made for me.  I know You will supply everything that is needed to follow You and I know that You will also supply the words of encouragement along the way. 

Forgive me Lord, if my mind ventures to question what Your plans are.  I know that You will reveal them to me as I need to know.  I know that knowing all at one time would be overwhelming.  I rejoice in the fact that You love me and have such wonderful plans to use me, to use me in Your kingdom.  My heart is so full of love for You and for the life You have made for me, that You continue to plan and bring me into.  Father, You are so awesome.  You have such beauty, my mind cannot comprehend all Your beauty, I cannot even picture the beautiful I feel You are.  When I try to picture Your beauty my spirit eyes just see brightness, so bright that I can see nothing else, but brightness.  How I long to see Your face, to see Your beauty.  Draw me to You my Lord, draw me to You this night, I pray.  Let me be with You in Your throne room tonight, to sit at Your feet and worship You.

This 11th day of April, whether substance or word, Lord, You supply what I need.

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